6[Empress stuck in bed, bored I might add]

The royal physician was called as the emperor came as well.

"Your majesty, I'm afraid the empress can not walk for some time. Other than that the empress will be fine." The doctor replied.

"You may leave," Yuki replied.

"Aki? Can I have food now?" Cielo Asked.

"Empress, You've just woken up. Please at least look around and notice the fact that you have no use of your legs for now at least." Aki replied.

"My empress are you alright? I can't believe a consort dares to try to hurt you." Yuki replied.

"I'm fine." Cielo replied "It was expected to happen. Figures hey if I Kill the empress and blame it on the imperial noble consort, have some witnesses, oh yeah have to kill Aki as well, then I'm The new empress, what she didn't realize is two things. I'm very hard to kill, two Aki's trained by me himself, he's way stronger then he looks."

"Your majesty, I have been informed that "he's" in the capital and most likely planned this ordeal. What would you like me to do with him?" Aki Asked.

"Nothing as of late, for now, deal with that stupid consort, have her detained if not admit mistake cold palace should do," Cielo replied.

(What a pain, he's here, and I hope him and Yuki should never cross paths)

"My empress, I have to go please be well when I'm back." Yuki Spoke.

"I will," Cielo replied.

Yuki left.

"Aki, have Er and Shi deal with him, while I take a nap. If anything happens to wake me, also make sure that consort fess ups." Cielo replied.

"Her highness, Empress dowager has arrived!" Announced a servant.

"Greetings to her highness," Cielo spoke.

{When has this boy ever respected me? The rumor must be true, he's lost his memories.}

"Well it seems you are well empress, the harem seems to be well." She spoke.

"I thank your highness, for the compliment," Cielo replied.

"Your highness, the physician has informed me that it's best the empress rests for two times a day. Now the empress would love to chat but I'm afraid it's time if your highness like to talk to the empress another day then he would be delighted." Aki replied.

"I see, I'm leaving but before that...Nana leaves the soup on the table." She spoke.

"Yes, Your highness," Nana replied.

Nana left the soup on the table as they left and Cielo slept.

"Empress, His majesty is here please wake up," Aki spoke.

"Aki? He's here. Help with hair then." Cielo spoke.

"Yes, empress," Aki replied.

Yuki came in to see Aki helping with Cielo's hair.

"Aki, is that soup cold now?" Cielo Asked.

"Yes, I'll warm it up if you'd like," Aki replied.

"Yes, I wanna see if she'd dare do it," Cielo replied.

"Dare? Dare what my empress?" Yuki Asked.

"Nothing, nothing wrong." Cielo replied "Aki's warming up the soup. I'm curious to see what it tastes like."

"Hmm? My empress, You mean royal mother made you soup. I'm surprised royal mother never had much of a close relationship with you." Yuki replied.

"It doesn't matter, I figured to have some of this then eat real food later," Cielo replied.

"Empress, the soup is ready," Aki replied.

Aki handed Cielo the soup, Cielo smelled it and then sighed.

"Aki, this soup doesn't smell. I was so disappointed. I thought this would make me more entertained but guess not, learned never to get my hopes super high." Cielo replied.

"Empress, You really shouldn't get your hopes that high." Aki replied, "Would you still like the soup or not?"

"Yes, I might as well," Cielo replied.

Cielo ate the soup, he felt dizzy.

"Empress It seems it had sleeping powder in it, it seems you'll be asleep for a mere twenty minutes. Would you like anything about me?" Aki Asked.

"Make sure those damn women don't take advantage of Yuki would yeah," Cielo replied.

"Yes, Empress. As your order." Aki replied.

Cielo was knocked out, as Yuki was confused about what happened.

"Knocked out, Your majesty." Aki replied, "The empress has ordered me to watch you and make sure nothing bad happens to you."

"Well if my empress wishes it I can't deny it," Yuki replied.

Yuki left the room, all ladies stood as they saw Aki with them, gritted their teeth in annoyance.

"Greetings ladies," Aki replied.

"Good day Aki, Your not with the empress. Has anything happened to him?" Noble lady Wen Asked.

"Nope, none of your business noble lady Wen," Yuki replied.

"I see." She replied.

[His majesty harem is super annoying, poor empress.]