7[Aki’s day dealing with women]

Aki kept walking along till he was stopped by Noble consort Tina.

"Aki, You've severed the empress for many years now. Do you know anything about the empress that even his majesty doesn't know?" She asked.

"No, I don't. Now please let me do what I was ordered." Aki replied.

Aki's eyes were cold, he sighed.

"You expect me to betray my master like all those other fools. It's a pity your so young and yet so..useless." Aki spoke.

"Useless? I'm a noble consort and you, a mere servant dare call me that. You have some nerve." She spoke.

Yuki turns his head and sees what happens.

[Aki's stronger then he looks, I trained him my self]

"Aki, please don't hurt her. I don't want to trouble the empress." Yuki spoke.

"If that's what you wish then so be it." Aki replied "But I'm warning you if any try to hurt him. I don't care if Yuki wants me to spare you. I wouldn't give a second thought to killing you, not even a split second."

"Aki? Hey, come on. Those minsters can't wait forever." Yuki replied.

"Coming to your majesty," Aki replied.

"Hey Aki, what's up?" Kai Asked.

"Hmm, nothing just scaring women the usual," Aki replied.

"Eh? Never mind we should hurry before his majesty scolds us." Kai replied.

"As you wish," Aki replied.