18[Empress there’s snow]

It was the next morning and it was cold, for Cielo it was the norm.

"Empress there's snow, play per se?" Aki Asked.

"Nope, sleeping in..to cold outside," Cielo replied.

Cielo stayed asleep till he heard a noise outside.

Cielo had gotten dressed in his black fur coat, walked out to see a dead maid on the floor.

"Hey, someone gets my lazy husband tell him there's a dead body found outside of my palace." Cielo Spoke "Anyways, Ah...Kai, profile on the maid please."

"Yes, Empress. Maids name is Yu, age 18, severed in Ming Ming palace for a couple of months, been then transferred to Ki palace home of noble lady Yi, who was according to the servants..: very angry most of the time, hence the marks on her back, they say she was the personal maid who always got punished for the noble lady Yi when she offended anyone. Her time of death is between 1-2 am, I'd says she was killed then moved so anyone who found her would think you did it." Kai replied.

"I see, now cause of death?" Cielo Asked.

"My empress, what has happened?" Yuki Asked.

"Anyways like I was saying, her neck." Kai pointed "Was stabbed with a sharp piece of glass or metal, something you can hold in your hand. Also, it seems before she got this mark on her head so possible push and caused her head to hit a..part of a table per se like a corner, explains the blood trail."

"Blood trail, Auntie what are you talking—-"

"Chen Chen, don't look close to your eyes." Cielo Spoke.

"Auntie, this is scary. There's a dead body right there. You haven't killed anyone at all." Chen Spoke.

"My dear empress, what do we have here?" Yuki questions.

"A dead body, found in front of the empress's palace, though it's not even a maid of hers's it's the...a Consort summer former maids." Kai explained "For that is another question? Maybe she knew where the consort had allies was about to tell his majesty then...she was silenced cause of her betrayal."

"That sounds about right Anyways till we know let's say it's a cold case." Cielo muttered "It'd be annoying if she were to catch wind of it, better yet I think she's supposed to live here from now due to the marriage with A Cha."