19[My empress, that’s you’re sister]

It was that following morning and Cielo was sitting in his garden swinging, waiting for her arrival(Mostly A Cha's But you know, potato, potato)

"Oh, so my dear brother does live in this palace? Huh, I thought they were joking when they said you were empress—-"

"How dare you not greet the empress! And what's worse is your rude to my dear brother in law! Maid! Fifteen whacks!" Shouted A Cha.

"A Cha, it's fine. No need for such harsh punishment, She is my dear sister after all. Besides she's your wife, I'll let it slide this one time, any other would be well..off with your head." Cielo warned.

"Empress, stop telling people you have their heads chopped off." Aki scolded.

"Aki, Your no fun! Boo! Aren't you supposed to be with Kai right now." Cielo replied

"Besides he's your husband, not mine, mines a bit....Stupid."

She froze and then thought 'Did he just call his majesty stupid?'

"It's a normal thing, Young madame. Don't mind it at all." Aki replied.

"Auntie! Auntie, Uncle! Uncle's evil chick!" Shouted Chen.

"Chen Chen, that's my sister." Cielo replied "Unfortunately."

"Eh!!!!!!!!!! What is the name of hell!" Chen Shouted "No way!!!! I won't believe it!!"

"That's my nephew? He's so..." She Spoke.

"His majesty, The emperor arrives!" Shouted a servant.

"Speak of the damn devil," Cielo muttered.

"My empress, my dear brother, my sister in law," Yuki replied.

"Uncle? Is she really auntie's sister? I've been told that she's one of the prettiest there are in the empire? She's ugly! Nasty." Chen replied.

"The Imperial nephew was born with a six vision, so he sees what your heart like. So when he means nasty he means your hearts black as the night sky." Aki explained.

"What? What's that's supposed to mean? That's quite rude coming out of a servant's mouth, especially this one." She replied.

Chen walked up to her, looked up with a cold gaze and smiled then spoke: "You dare speak that way to Aki again, I don't care if your My uncle's wife, there will be no mercy."

"Chen Chen, you want some candy?" Cielo offered.

"Sure, Auntie," Chen replied.

She sighed, thought 'My nephew already hates me...all cause of his fault.'

"Empress, there news for you from home, the madame has told me to say "My dear stepdaughter there is a banquet in our home to celebrate, your father's return from the war, please come." That's all she said." The servant spoke.

"Tell her no, I won't waste my time with this so-called "Father" Nope," Cielo replied.

"My empress? I don't get it why?" Yuki questioned.

"None of your concern, so why don't you all catch up. I'm going to...go get food in the kitchen." Cielo Spoke.

"Why would the empress waste time get food himself when he has servants?" Spoke Suchi.

"None of your business, anyways your not supposed to be here unless I let you," Cielo replied.

"Dear empress, I was let in by those servants outside nothing more nothing less." Suchi Spoke.

"So that's why? Hmm, my servants are betrayers ay?" Cielo questions.

They looked at him and thought threw their eyes 'We didn't she forced in We tried she threatened our heads!'

"So what is it you want? Dear imperial noble consort?" Questions Cielo.

"I wanted to visit you that's all," Suchi replied.

"Eh? Don't bother and get out." Cielo replied.

"Me? The awfully rude considering you've never been favored in your—-"

Cielo's eyes glowed and his eyes became cold and lifeless in an instant.