27[Man! Life couldn’t get anymore annoying right?]

I was being me, finally got the okay from the doctor, fun right?

Yeah, I thought so, till he said that I couldn't go to school, at all, he said: "You never know, I'd rather not have you hurt again."

I say that's bullshit right? Whatever!

"Well I'm going anyways, There are things I gotta do and see," I muttered under my breath.

"Hmm, where do you think you're going?" He asked.

He blocked the door, as I was rather annoyed, he's rather cautious, unlike that fool.

"Move out of my way," I spoke with a cold tone.

My voice echoed, giving him the shivers, as I could see, with my eyes.

"I will not, move, I..care for you and wish you don't die.. as everybody else did!" He shouted.

I walked closer to him, leaned my lips in and kissed him softly, giving him comfort to that everything is alright.

"You're an absolute idiot, didn't I promise to always be with you. How could I the dear empress break my promise with the dear emperor the son of heaven? I would die for deceiving you." I spoke in a really soft tone.

He looked at me, while his eyes wept with tears streaming down his eyes, I sighed "There's something's in life you have to trust the one you love otherwise, there will never truly the one you love."