28[Man, people are so annoying! Especially when they try to kill you.]

I was done doing the whole lovey-dovey thing with him, he calmed down and we watched some sort of show. When my phone called.

"Hey, Whatcha want?"

"I want you to come to Town square two hours from now, no cops, none of your guys, no gun either." 7 spoke.

"What do you want 7? I didn't nothing to you, not yet at least."

"Well, you've been causing trouble for my clients, so you gotta be out of the picture. Plus I hate how you are with my little brother." 7 replied.

"My brother? My brother's been dead, for a long time," I reply.

'After "that" happened, I never dared to care for another.'

"Dead? As in your real one or sworn which one has been dead? Tell me? Dear, Cielo." 7 spoke, "Or rather Aru if you prefer that one, I presume."

"Shut up! You know I'll hang up now!" I shouted.

That was really annoying, indeed it was.

I hanged up the phone, he snuck up from behind.

"Is there something that's bothering you?" He asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all." I reply "I gotta go to the town square, call Kuro if I ain't back in two hours. I gotta grab this too."

I grabbed my little handgun, "You're not going anywhere."

"I gotta he got, someone who I need, also my friend," I reply.