I never like this world to begin with!

Poor Chi always suffered an unfortunate life, He was forever traumatized that after what happened the specific day, he saw the dark side of the world, at the age of seven, he saw a young beautiful women, killing his mother, in cold blood, drew her sword from her back, and walked away without a single bit of regret.

The only words she spoke were, "She had to die, kid, no matter how much of a hero you thought she was, She did so many terrible things, I hope you never turn out like her, a monster who killed millions all for a man who was gonna kill her the next day, let me warn you, your father is not any better, here's the info kid if you really want."

After she said that she walked away, not caring for the child standing near the cold, dead body. Chi gazed at her body, "I'm glad she did it, I'm too young to die."

Chi grabbed the information in the file.

Nina Alkaline


Mother of Zenchi

Kill count-10000


Mission tooken by-Unknown

Chi dropped it, "Huh? I guess I should go live with dad."

Chi walked into his bedroom, then grabbed his suitcase, "Well, how am I supposed to tell him she's dead? I guess I should say it bluntly."

Chi walked down the train station, where he saw a child crying, "What's wrong?"

"My mommy left me, she said I was a bastard child!" He cried.

"My mommy left me to...she was killed, by women, I'm going to live with my dad. You come with me, we tell him, you have no parents no more, then you live in a place I have a home, for you." Chi explained to the little child.

"Izawaya, or Something Easy for me." He spoke.

"Izzy, I'll call you that, don't trust anyone I don't trust, I have seen the dark side of the world, also I love you," Chi said.

"Okay," Izzy replies.

Chi and Izzy went on the train and walked to the house.

Chi knocked on the door, "Honey I think someone's at the door."

"Old man, Moms dead, can I live with ya? Also, I met this kid who got abandoned at the train, can I have him live near us, he's my new boyfriend." Chi explained, "Kay?"

The old man in front of chi was astonished, a mere child, that was his own ended up like this.

"So you're saying thy your mother died, you walked to the train station, found a kid and you two came here by yourselves. Not even bothering to call me." The old man said.

"Yep, The phones were cut, mom hadn't paid the bill in three years. So I had no way to talk to ya, also here's some stuff, that women, said that she was trying to kill you, and your no better." Chi explained "Got that? Now I'm gonna get Izzy here a place, don't go thinking calling the cops, I got stuff here, that can get you thrown in jail here. So clear enough."

Chi walked a couple of miles down, seeing an apartment building, "Here's the place, don't go messing around with the people here, except if they mess with you, fight back."

Izzy smiled, "I don't get it but okay."

Chi pulled Izzy into the building, seeing an old woman, standing there, "Milly, Here's the new person living here, which floor?"

Milly spoke, "The fifth floor, punk."

Milly's voice was old and raspy, sounded like nails on a chalkboard somedays, other days, it's like a knife getting sharpened, that scratchy sound can cause someone in anger, to the point where they would hurt someone.

"Kay," Chi replied.

Chi walked over to the elevator, if you looked a little to the left, you would see a tall, skinny, man, With thick glasses, like old man glasses, Wearing slacks with a polo shirt. He had crooked teeth that were very sharp, looked like an elf, cause of how pointy his ears were. No, he wasn't his name was Alfred Pa, he lives in room number 16 and a half. Chi dragged Izzy out of the elevator.

"Never talk to Al, better yet don't even look into his eyes if you don't want to be dead." Chi Warned, "Never look anyone in the eyes who live on the 16 and half-13 side of the floor, then you'll be fine."

Chi walked closer down the hallway, "Here's your room, bye. See yah later."