Present day


Chi, had his cold dead eyes stare a man down, looking at him, slightly smilingly, "So? What's the cop want with me?"

Chi's voice causes a shiver down the cop's back.

"Zenchi, We want to know what happened that night your mother was murdered." One cop said.

"I told you, she was killed in cold blood." Chi utters softly "There's nothing else to tell you, I don't even know that women who did it."

"But we found a new lead, and as her only child, I thought you would, c—-"

"Hold it right there, no, I don't, I'm not the only child, I have over 10 half-siblings if you want them to care they can, I don't," Chi interjected the cop.

Chi turns around, sighed, "That's all you need to associate me with, besides your human cops, you wouldn't understand are world one bit."

Chi walked away to his house, "Who is it?"

"Chi, Your very rude today, did I miss something?" Izzy questioned in response.

"Izzy, I didn't expect you to come today, I was gonna make dinner if you wanted some to—"

Izzy smiled slightly, kissed Chi, cutting him off.

Izzy backs away and says, "You did remember our anniversary, after all these years."

Chi sighed, "Of course I did, you do this every time, when no one watching, it's not like anyone pay attention anyways."

"To shay, my man, to shay." Izzy replies "Duh." Chi said "You're getting cheesy over the years, compared to the old you...Who's that? Walking towards us?"

A young woman, in a black sweater and a pair of slacks, comes up towards them.

"Excuse me, I am Miss Zi, sent by the child protection Agency, I am a therapist, who is supposed to help children who have suffered such a disturbing event that took place in your childhood." She spoke with a snobbish tone.

"Yeah, I supposed like let you in, cause I'd rather not as therefore your gonna do one of three things. Bluntly speaking, Your either A, try to pry to me life in A very, polite way, talking to me like I'm a damaged child, and is absolutely stupid, or B, your gonna tell my old man, that I require this, and try to convince him, which will be pointless, or C, your gonna try and guilt trip dear Izzy over here, with him being a child, when it comes to such stuff as this and I won't stand for it! So I'm gonna say this as I say to the cops, Get out before I kick you out!" Chi explained "And don't even bother trying to speak anymore it's the shtik, as they all do, and don't even bother saying something stupid like, 'I'm nothing like those other ones' or something stupid as that."

Chi walked into his house, turns and says "I'll see yah later, I got work."

When he says that, Izzy smiled slightly, "Don't get killed!"

"Duh, I'm not that stupid!" Chi shouted in response.