Let's solve it, the hard way!

After the mess, Jay got out of the compound, sensing the sun rais on his face, he put his hand up so he can see, as he is still sleepy.

"Yawn! Bitches! If it's not for me trying to lay low, I would have taught you a lesson so you can mess with people again!".

Jay said with an upset expression.

he went to the bus station and waited for 15 minutes until the bus arrived.

'i hope this work is better than the previous job, the previous boss was an asshole who would pay 5$ per hour. That is bullshit! I have to make more money so I can start the plan! how the hell would I take on the world without money?!'

Jay thought while massaging his temples as he has a headache thinking about money.

'ok, here it is!'

Jay got out of the bus and walked a couple of meters before he reaches an under-construction building.

"Hello! my name is Jay, mister Kasper told me that you need a worker here."

Jay said with a loud voice.

He can here people working inside, so he is sure there are people inside.

And sure enough, one of the workers got to meet him, he looked at him and was impressed, because Jay is very young!

He is only 16 years old, what is he doing in this kind of work line?!

"Hey kid, did you come to the wrong place? as you see, this is a construction site."

"Hello mister, yes I am sure; do you know Mr. Casper?"

"Casper? you mean Kaster?"

"eh? Oh oh yes, sorry I was watching Casper the ghost and ... anyway, I am sorry, yes he is Kaster."

"haha ok, come here, I will introduce you to the boss, and you talk to him, but I am warning you, this kind of work is very hard. even us the grownups want to quit it at any corner."

"well, when you have no options then that what you get, uncle. But anyway, I am very grateful for your reminder. thank you." - Jay said with a smile

And that uncle was impressed because this kid seems to have a story, a bad one.

But he did not pay much attention to this, it's not the first time a young man like this worked in a construction site. Actually, some people are younger than Jay working in construction sites.

"here he is! Boss, this kid said that Kaster told him about a job here.

Kid, this is our Boss, I will leave you both now. good luck, kid!"

"Thanks, uncle."

Jay said gratefully

"Hello Boss, my name Jay, Mr. Kaster told m-"

"I know I know, he told me about you, he told me good things about you.

Ok, I will be kind to you, I will make you work 9hrs a day, I will give you 7$ per hour. this is the best I can provide you, you are still young and will not be of much use in the heavy work anyway."

the boss said

he was smiling but a kind smile, it's a fake smile that you can see it everywhere, he does not care who work, where and how, he cares about the job being done and get his own money.

"Boss, don't worry, I am young but tough, try me for today, and you will see. and if you are satisfied, then I want 15$ per hour and will work 6hrs a day, more than 6hrs is overtime."

"Kid, are you crazy? This is too much even for the best on the site, what can you offer that will make me offer you that crazy offer?! I say that Kaster had a terrible eye after getting old!"

"Boss, don't be hasty, I am very precise, quick, and can do many things."

"Boy, go work, and we will talk after you finish your first day. But I am warning you if I am not satisfied with your work, then I won't welcome you here. Oh, and if you die for some reason, I don't give a damn about that!"

Boss said with an annoyed expression

'where the hell did this kid come from! this idiot Kaster, I will give him a good beating when I see him!'

"Yes, Boss!"

Jay said with a smile.

Jay went to see the site, after 3hrs he came back to the boss.

"Boss, the way you distributed the materials on land is very chaotic and will take more time to fetch. Why don't do this .... and this ... and this ..., that will make the fetching better. And also the workers are working in the wrong order, this, this, and this should be worked on at the same time, and then we can integrate them. We don't need to wait for any piece to be completed to make the next one. and ...."

Jay held the map of the construction site and told the boss 13 mistakes he saw the working process.

Boss was impressed, and after paying proper attention, what Jay said made sense.

3hrs later Jay was the new guy on the site, of course there where jealous workers, the new guy took over the process, but, Jay can live with that.

"Hey Kid, I did not think you would be that promising, you even took over the site. Good job. We will be in your care. Also, be careful of the people here, not all are happy about this."

the uncle said when he was about to leave work.

"Uncle, it's ok, their reaction is very normal."

"haha, you are a fascinating young man."

"Thanks for your hard work, uncle. see you tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow, Jay."

Jay changed his clothes and headed home to change his clothes and then head for his second job.

'the job I just took is good enough to cover my expenses, I need the second job to build more connections. but I did not see a reliable connection to build for 2 months, is this really worth my time?'

When Jay got out of the bus and reached the compound, he saw a police car there.

He furrowed his brows, 'if this shitty car is here for the same issue this morning, then I swear I will whip out this family!! my nerves are being tested more that it should be!'

He walked to the compound gate and just when he was about to enter, Kujo popped out from the side, and screamed "DAD! HERE IS THE KID!".

then an old aged policeman got out of the car and walked to Jay

"Kid, are you Jay?"

the old policeman asked with an authoritative tone

"yes, did I commit a crime?"

Jay was about to explode, but he calmed himself, for now at least.

"heh, not paying the rent and framing my son as a thief, if this is not a crime, then what do you think?"

"What is your name, cop?"

Jay asked with a half-smile, but god knows what does it mean.

"answer when I ask!"

the cop said again with an authoritative tone

Jay raised his hands and said:

"put the cuffs, and let's go to where you work. You are a cop, you can speak with evidence if you don't have it, then what you are doing now is using your power in the wrong place. You have two options, sir cop, either you show me evidence, or we go together to the police station. but I don't recommend that, because you might get fired."

Jay said that with a sarcastic tone, he was angry since morning because, for 3 months, this is the first time he gets pissed from ordinary people like those.

Their son was doing a lot of bad things, but they turn a blind eye for that.

This is pissing him off, and his patience is very lacking at this moment.

"YOU!! do you know who are you speaking with?!!

I am a cop, and as a civilian, you should respect the law!!"

"I respect the law, of course, but you are not worthy of my respect."

Jay lashed out without mercy, and he was calm as water on the surface. But deep inside, a fire is raging.

'why am I angry?! It's not even that bad. I should calm down, am not in a position to be angry or even need to.'.

"GOOD! VERY GOOD! you are coming with me to the station, this is disrespectful for the badge I am holding, this is blatant disrespect."

the cop put the cuffs on Jay's hands

and led him to the police car, he tried to push him to show his authority, but to his surprise, this young man was hard as a rock, not budging at all.

Jay went with the flow after calming himself, and as he thought about it, he was laughing at himself, if even a funny situation like that could anger him, then how could he take revenge over the world?!

So after thinking, he put his fire down, and as a clear sky, he now can think clearly, and to his surprise, this situation is actually excellent!!

The car reached the police station, Jay got out of the vehicle and entered the station.

It was silent, there was only one cop in his vision, the reception cop.

The reception cop was a woman in her twenties, she was pretty with short black hair and black eyes, with a slender figure. Many people would fantasize about a girl like her in their dreams.

"Hello Rogen, what did this kid do?"

the reception cop lady asked the cop who was holding Jay.

She was surprised because she noticed that Rogan was angry. What did the kid do to make this old man angry?

'oh, so his name is Rogen. nice to meet you, faggot.'

Jay thought with half-smile.

"Hello Moka, this kid is in deep trouble! I have evidence that can put him in jail for days and weeks!!"

Rogen said with a mocking smile.

"Oh? can you handle this yourself or you need help?"

Moka furrowed her brows at what she heard. This kid seems to be in big trouble.

"Hello miss, good evening. Can you please get your boss? Because I want to file a complaint about this Rogen. he is a mean cop that has no respect for the law, using his position to oppress weak people like me."

Jay said with an innocent expression,

'let's see, I will fuck you up. Rogen? fuck you and your family!'


Rogen lost his mind but was intercepted by someone else

"Interesting, Boy!".

a tall, old with white beard policeman, said while waling out and walked in their direction.


Rogen and Moka Stand up Saluted.

this was the Chief.

Rogen started to regret his decision, if something is wrong today, then things won't end with both parties going home.

"What is your name, kid?"


"you said that Rogen is using his power in the wrong way, can you prove it? because if you can't, you will be in trouble of accusing a cop wrongly and trying to cover the truth."

"yes sir, you can see this."

Jay took his mobile device and hit the play button.

in the video:

"Hey Jay, my mom asked me to receive this month's rent from you."

this is Juko's voice!!

Rogen was horrified.

He tried to stop it, but after seeing the Chief again, he lost all hopes.

Jay pressed the next button, and the following video played.