Without dreams, we are Fireflies

After Jay pressed the play button on the second file, a conversation where the landlord accused Jay of trying not to pay the rent by lying played for the audience, this was a voice recording.

"Hey kid, don't spit lies in the morning! I did not take a dollar from you this month!! And now you tell me you gave it to me?!

Are you planning not to pay and lie like this?"

The landlord said with high pitched voice, clearly upset.

"I never said I paid it to you! Your son, Juko, came to my house and asked for the rent in your stead. If you doubt me, then you can ask your son. But don't tell me that I am lying, I won't lie for rent. Yawn! And now excuse me, I have work today, so I need to prepare for it."


"Oh, so if we go easy on you, you will lash out like this? Everybody here hears that nonsense. Mom, call the police! This type of person should be jailed! I will make sure that you don't get out of there before you pay the rent and compensation for the mental damage you game to my mother!! if everyone is going to do what you are doing then we should quit this job!!"

The voice recording and played the complete conversation.

Rogen was horrified because that might destroy him. This is, clearly, a family issue, and he used his power just to oppress the other party and put him in jail only to cover for his son wrongdoings.

It's not that big issue if the chief was alone, but this female cop was here. If a word of that leaked out, then his reputation will be dragged down. Of course not that he did something wrong by using his power and influence, but because he could not even do that successfully and was played in the hands of a 16 years old kid! Who will work with him in the future?!

"S-sir that is wrong! It's impossible; this video is fabricated!! My son is not a thief! This kid might be in a gang like my son said!! I say we must investigate further!"

Rogen said with agitation.

"Ah Rogen, you disappoint me, no need."

The chief shook his head in disappointment; if he cannot even know what is happening with these recordings, then he should not be a cop, let alone a chief.

"S-sir please give me another chance! You know who I am, I am an honest cop! I did what I did because I misunderstood the situation, but I will fix it! Please, sir!"

Rogen bowed deeply to the chief.

"it's a trivial thing anyway. Your name is Jay, right? Let's end this here. Rogen admitted his mistakes and will not find troubles with you again. you can go home now."

The chief said with a deep tone, he was aloof and did not even pay the case any attention.

It seems like this happens a lot.

"end this here? Haha, are you kidding? so if I were guilty you would also free me like that?"

Jay was a little bit surprised, it's ok to lie, to steal, and to cheat. But in front of people like this?!

This is very new to him.

"mmm? I said it ends here. are you indignant?"

The chief said in disdain.

"no, thanks for letting me out easily even though I am innocent."

Jay said with a smile with a little bow.

But everyone can say that he was sarcastic to the bone.


The chief's brows shot up, he can see the apparent disrespect in this young man's eyes.

But he can't do anything.

"I can't lie and say that I want to see you again. have a good day, sirs."

Jay said, maintaining his smile.

the frown on the chief's face deepened.

"get me his profile in 10 minutes. Rogen, come to my office."

the chief said while turning back to his office.

"yes, sir." - Moka, the female cop said with a salute.

"y-yes, sir." - Rogen said.

after Rogen and the chief entered the office:

"Are you an idiot? How many times did I tell to be secretive about these things? Get this kid out of this area in the fastest way possible. Do that secretly without anyone noticing. Your son is in a gang, right? Make him do the job! we don't need these flies to pester us in this area."

The chief said with a deep frown.

"don't worry, sir!! I will make him miserable!"

Rogen said with a cold glint in his eyes.

"I sent you to meet the Mayer this morning, what is the latest news?"

"I met him, and we closed the issue. The municipality will provide the Building permits we requested. Things will go as we planned, sir. you can tell Mr.Shuba that he will proceed with his activities very soon."

Rogen said hastily.

"good job. We took a lot of money from him, it would be bad if we did not fulfill his wishes. And his activities are beneficial to the area, a lot of rich people will come here then. Everyone loves to play, especially this type of forbidden play. hahaha"

"go and take care of that kid. I don't want any mistakes. You have lost enough face. and don't forget to destroy his phone, I could not do that because of "

"in two days he will be out of this city, sir!!"

Rogen said with a sneer.

Knock knock!

The chief: "come in!"

Moka: "sir, this is the profile you requested."

The chief: "thank you, you can leave it on the desk. Oh and another thing, what happened today, please don't speak about it. It's not a good thing to show a bad face of a cop of ours. and I believe Rogen is not a bad cop, he is a good one who worked his life through thick and thin to reach his respected place."

Moka: "don't worry, sir. our internal issues are only ours."

The chief: "mm good. Thank you. You can return to your work!".

Moka left the chief's office and signed in relief.

Moka: 'aah what a mess, this world is fucked up! even the bad guys and respected and protected like that.'

they did not know that each word they said is already known for Jay.

when Jay got out of the police station, he went to one of the alleys, closed his eyes, and concentrated his mind.

He hacked the monitoring system of the police station. He can see and hear what the cameras were recording. The only less easy thing was cameras in the chief's office. It was shut off. So he had to work a couple of seconds more to get it back on.

'wow! They are funnier than I thought. You want to get rid of me? Get me out of the city? It seems that I will have a good time with them. haha!'

Jay with a cold glint in eyes

'and what is that new project in this area? forbidden play?'

Jay had a doubt in his hear. But could tell that this forbidden play is not a good thing at all.

He should be more careful if more rich and powerful personals come to this area.

he got out of the alley and went to his home.

when he reached the complex, I saw a young girl waiting in front of the entrance.


the young girl, Angel rushed to him and a big smile and continued

"thank god you are ok!"

"hey, little Angel."

Jay said with a gentle smile

this girl is good and kind; whenever he sees her, he remembers his gentle sister.

"and of course I am ok! nobody in this world can make your brother not ok mmmmmwwwwahahahahahaha!"

Jay said with a feigned a long evil laugh, he wanted to lighten the mode with this.

"I know brother Jay is strong! But this Kujo is hateful! He made trouble for you! I just want to punch him in the face!"

Angel said while waving her fist angrily.

"hahaha! little girl, you should be more ladylike, who would marry a girl waving her fists punching people!"

Jay said with a hearty laugh.

"Humph! I don't want to marry! I want to be a successful doctor and buy my family good things! Like the biggest TV in the world, and a big pool. And the new iPhone! I will buy them all! And I will buy you an iPhone too! hahaha "

Angel said with huffing, but then started laughing with sparkling eyes while thinking of her dreams.

"oh really? Then I will wait for that iPhone! I need the XS Max btw! I will break my phone soon so that you could get me the iPhone as soon as possible."

Jay said joking

"but now lets head up; you need to be warm."

"hehe ok, but you need to carry me."

Angel said while laughing.

Jay carried the girl on his back like always and went upstairs.

"you are becoming heavier, little girl. it seems your family will go bankrupt because of your belly."

Jay said with black lines on his forehead while carrying the little girl upstairs.

The orange color of the setting sun was dominating the sky, colliding with Jay's face between the gaps of the walls of the stairs. Jay stopped for a moment to see the sunset through the stairs room, and that was a peaceful moment he longed for with his sister.

he is here, seeing that sunset, but the only person he wanted to be with him, is far away.

His hair was flattering with the light wind, Angel's golden hair was also flying like fairies. It was a peaceful and meaningful picture to draw.

"Brother! why did we stop here?"

Angel asked with an innocent face.

Jay seemed in a trance.

after a minute of silence.

"little angel, you need to work hard. Work hard toward your dreams. Nobody will help you, you have only yourself. .... you need to study hard. You need to go to a reputable university. Be the best in your class. Take care of your parents. They are great parents. They are the only people that will love you unconditionally for their lives. This is a bliss; to have a loving family is a bliss that not everyone can live it, its a luxury. They are working hard so you can live in a good room, sleep in a comfortable bed, under a warm blanket, and go to a good school. Every time they shout at you, scold you, is because they want you to be the best. You know? It's not easy at all to be strict toward the one you love. It is exhausting. So make sure that you get the best scolding in the world, hahaha. Because at some point, these scoldings will be the best memories for you. It will be the reason that pushes you forward. Be sure to be the best you can, fight everything and everyone for your dreams. We, humans, without dreams, are just like fireflies. flying without aim."

Jay said to Angel with a melancholic voice. His expression is sad but determined. Mixed emotions surfaced with each word. But every word was from the heart.

"brother ..."

Angel could tell that he is sad and is remembering things of the past. She knew that he is alone and is an orphan, she felt sad for him. She wanted to say something but she could not.

"oh and you should go on a diet; I think in a couple of months I would not be able to carry you like that hahaha."

Jay said laughing

"and here we are! oh god, you really need to go on a diet."

Jay put Angel down in front of their door. He stretched his back.

"brother ... I will always be your little angel. you don't need to be sad."

Angel said with a little voice.

Jay was surprised at her words at first. But then he smiled at her, patted her head and said:

"of course you are."

he brushed her golden hair a couple of times and then turned back to his room.

'aah, that girl will kill me! if I carry her every time I see her, my back will break!'

'anyway let's go to the next job. Being a construction site worker in the day, and a bartender in the night. This is a very nice combination. I think I should try to be a taxi driver, sometimes.'

Jay amused.