I want you for a week.

Jay took a shower, changed his clothes, and tidied himself up for the job.

As a bartender, you should be good looking, your clothes are suitable for your shape and measurements. Because customers come here to vent their emotions on something. So it's better to be hospitable in soul and body than be repulsive just because of clothes.

He hates to change clothes in public places, Of course, there is a strong reason for that.

So he wears the bartender suit, but he folded the sleeves. With his black half-long hair, well-built body, tall frame, and sharp black eyes, he was calm and handsome.

He went to his bed, he bent his knees and took off a tile. Under that tile was a black bottle, inside the black bottle were pills of irregular shape. Few were spherical, some were cubic, and some had no definite form.

He took a cubic pill, swallowed it, then closed his eyes.

His face distorted a little.

He is in pain.

After a couple of minutes, he closed the black bottle, returned the tile to its place, and he was ready to go.

He got out of the building.

Someone was waiting for him beside the building. He pointed at Jay and said: "This is the one, when he comes back, teach him the lesson of his life. Just don't kill him, leave him with his last breath."

Jay was oblivious to what is waiting for him tonight. He took the bus and reached this bar.

3 King's Sky.

This is one of the 3 middle-class bars in the outskirt of Glory city. Many middle-class residents in the area come here for an adventure. On rare occasions, even high-class personals might come here for adventures. And the reason for this was Jay himself.

He was labeled as the "Young Doctor" by the people who come for his services.

It has been said that a 15minutes session with him will take the depression out of your life.

In 2 months, he helped 13 ladies.

Of course, all of them are females.

Most of the males hate him for these sessions, so it's weird if they want a meeting with him.

Jay went to the entrance.

"Hey bulls, how you doin?"

Jay said to the 2 bodyguards at the entrance.

"Jay, save your breath man, Gama is waiting for you. He tried to reach you on the phone, but you did not pick up. Anyway go and kick his ass; he is annoying!"

One of the bodyguards said with a troubled face.

"mmm, don't worry; he is always neurotic. good luck, brothers."

Jay said with half a smile. This smile is given when he is forced to smile.

Jay walked in the bar, just when he was in the bar, he heard Gama shouting:

"Here you are, kid! Why are you not answering the phone! I called 16 times! You have a lot of customers today. You need to do your best. our bar depends on your services."

Gama said with an annoyed face at first, then it becomes a greedy smile at the end.

This boss was named Gama, he was a fat guy in his 50s, he looked strong though.

Anyone who sees him would think he has a long way to live. His face is bearded with a black beard which is the reason that gives people the impression that he is still young.

He was lazy, but he is not sexually active, that's why you can't see him with girls like the other people.

He just loves Money, Whine, and Money.

"Customers? What type of customers? I told you I am not doing those fucking sessions again! go pick someone else for this job."

Jay said with an annoyed face and his palm on his face.

"It seems I need to change my job again! sigh!"

Jay said with a long sigh at the end.

"wait! Wait! Haha, son, you know how much I love you! You just need to see the customer and decide then! She is a top beauty that you can't miss in a lifetime. and I think she is a high-"

"shut up already. I said I am not doing it!! It's boring, all of their problems are pissing me off! How come I should pat a girl head just because her dog ran out with his life out of her house!! and another one just needs someone to talk to her to make her lover jealous!! Man! This is more than I can take. you go and sit with her."

Jay was upset, annoyed, and had a headache just thinking of those rascals he met before.

So he turned around to get out of the bar.

The boss was terrified of the idea of his golden hen to leave him. This was 60% of the income and the reason that this place is the third middle-class bar on the outskirts of Glory City.

"wai- Jay! Wait wait! This customer game us more than 3 thousand dollars! I will give you all of the money! you must meet her!"

"WHAT!? 3 Thousands of Fucking Dollars!!!"

Jay stopped, shocked, and nearly staggered. This is shitty loads of money!

"yes, yes, yes! So we need you, our hero! And as I said I will give you all the money, I don't need it; but we must maintain our reputation! We have many competitors who want to smack our faces! sooo, what do you think?!"

Gama asked with a serious face, then it became I-Know-It-All Smile.

Jay was annoyed with that smile, he smacked the head of Gama.

"hey, kid it's not nice to hit your elders!"

"oh, don't worry, I can smack elders who use me."

"kid, you know that we want money and to shut the mouths of those competitors. so just try this one, you might like it!"

"sigh! Ok, but just one customer a day. I will not do other than that!"

"of course! Of course! just one!"

"where is the customer?"

"oh, she is ther-! WTF these guys are hitting on her! this will ruin our reputation."

Gama pointed his finger at the corner of the bar. But just then he saw 3 guys hitting on the customer.

"Jay hurry and-"

Gama wanted to tell Jay to solve this issue somehow, but then he saw Jay, walking calmly at a moderate speed while maintaining his head in moderate angle, neither haughty nor humble, just between them with a straight back while his hands were behind his back.

Of course, the boss can't throw those three out of the bar, and he can't also let them hit on the customer. So he needed a better solution. And that was Jay.

"Hello customers, my name is Jay."

Jay greeted and declared confidently with half a humble face.

"We don't need to know your na-"

One of the three could see that this is a worker here so he could speak what he wants.

Customers are gods in the market rules.

"Sir, this lady here is with me, so I apologize as she won't accompany you. but the bar is open, so I am sure you can find a partner here."

Jay interrupted with a kind smile, but his voice was not negotiable.

"Boy, get the fuck out of here before I break your bones!"

The man who got interrupted said with cold glint but with a calm voice.

He is more than talk it seems.

"oh? Break my bones? Why, sir? I was speaking kindly, so I am sure there is no need for troubles."

Jay said with a kind smile.

This whole time, the lady was watching the show with amusement.

These guys are not a problem for her, she can get rid of them quickly.

But this new kid is very amusing. She can see the disregard in his eyes.

There was haughtiness in his eyes that could beat even gods.

She was questioning where he would get his sheer confidence and haughtiness.

Its good to be confident, but haughtiness comes from power, accomplishments or a strong backup at beck and call.

Her interest got piqued. So she watched the show intently.

"Kid, don't test my patience! your night won't be good."

the man spoke with a deep voice, he was trying to keep his cool in front of the lady.

"Sir, Get Out!"

Jay said with the same kind smile. While inviting them out with his hands.

The lady and the three guys froze in place after what they heard.

why the kind smile, fucker?!

"Fuck! I don't care about his place! brothers, lets beat him up till he-"

The guy who was speaking became angry, and a crazed face surfaced. This was a blatant provocation and disrespect.

And on top of all, it was in front of this lady!!

but he got interrupted again, but this time, he felt his heart stop.

"Sir, please, Get Out! we won't entertain you further."

He could feel the killing intent in words, even though Jay maintained his kind smile.

If he did not get out of here now, he might not live tomorrow!

All of the four could feel it, but expressions vary.

The lady was not afraid, but she was shocked. This is not something healthy.

She could tell that the young man in front of her had enough of this show.

His temper seems bad.

Then she thought with her eyebrows shot upward: 'maybe! maybe ... he can do it?'

"l-let's go. We had enough of this! this bar is bound to be destroyed."

One of the three guys said with hard to notice quivering voice. he made his best to keep his cool

"Thanks for your understanding, our beloved customers. don't worry, you can use Tinder, and I promise you, you won't be disappointed."

Jay said with a kind smile.


the three guys headed for the exit.

One of them said to the others with a low voice,

"find me everything about this fucker! I want to know everything about him. check if he has a military background. his temperament is not normal."

seeing the three leaving, Jay turned his head to the leady

"Hello miss, I am sorry about the funny show. they told me that I have a customer, so I came here."

Jay said, politely with a smile. His attitude is very different now. There is a little bit of seriousness in his voice.

"Oh, so you are the 'Young Doctor'"

The lady was amazed, she knew that he was 'Young,' but this one is very young!

He is mostly under 20.

"well, cough! That's what they call me. But forget about it. I am a normal guy.

so, for the lady who paid 3,000$ for my services, I am baffled if my services deserve that much."

After taking a seat on the table against the lady, he said with embarrassment.

This 'Young Doctor' shit is very embarrassing.

"haha, it's ok. but who said that I paid 3,000$?"

The lady was amused to see him this shy. It's very contrasting to the domineering one previously.

But then she was surprised hearing the sum of money she paid. Because she did not pay that much.

"what? You did not pay 3,000$? Then? what-"

"I paid 5,000$ for this session, so you better do your best."

the lady said with a proud smile.

But that made Jay stare blankly at her for two reasons.

The first one is the sum of money. Because that is more than what Jay could make in 7 months!!

The second reason was the lady herself. She was gorgeous.

And her smile added more charm to her.

She has a red medium long hair, dark at the top but bright red at the ends, deep black eyes, glossy lips, her face was square, her eyelash was thick.

The simple black dress complimented her look to the extreme.

all of that can be taken, but the smile was a killing move.

"say, Jay. Honestly, I didn't come here for the 'session.' A friend of mine recommended you to me, so I came. I want you for a week. Don't get me wrong, I want you to accompany me to any place I go for a week. It's like a bodyguard, but it's not, let's say, LoveGuard. I will pay you 5,000$ each day. And when you finish, as long as I am satisfied with your services, I will reward you 100,000$. What do you think?".

The lady said without batting an eye.

but that brought another big shock to Jay, 'WTF!!'

"wait! Wait! miss, you are giving me a heart attack here."

Jay said, waving his hand while putting a hand on his temples.

He felt that it was too good to be true.

"haha take your time."

"are you serious?"


"will we kill someone?"

"hahaha no."

"steel a bank?"


"sell drugs?"

"WT-! NO"

the lady was about to smack him after seeing him asking all of these questions innocently

"I told you! you just need to accompany me for a week."

"Miss, let's speak frankly. You want to give all this money to me just because your 'friend' recommended me to you? I am not that idiot. so please be frank and spill everything out."

Jay waved his hand again to stop her and spoke in a severe tone.

"i-i can't tell you. we should sign a contract first."

"You want me to sign a contract without even knowing who are you or what I am supposed to do?"


"..." - Jay was speechless at the blatant answer

"All I can tell you is that this job will never make you commit a crime or any act against the law.

but I can't tell more than that because it is something that could harm my family."

The lady spoke in a severe tone. She was calm and collected.

"give me one reason for me to enter the unknown for money?"

"... I will help your little angle to go to the best academy in the center of Glory city."

the lady said while staring intently at him.

"Miss, it seems that you did your homework."

Jay stared back at her eyes. But his stare was chilling, which made the lady tremble for a second.

"don't worry, I am not against you. As I said, I will help little angel. Your little angel is very talented btw. her IQ is height enough to be one of the best scientists in this world if she can get the best education."

the lady said with a smile after calming herself.

"wow! it seems you were serious in your homework."

Jay was amused.

"then, can you at least introduce yourself, lady?"

"I can't, for now. but I will tell you everything when we return to my household."

"household? seems luxurious".

"it is, you will love it."

"I am having a hard time with your blatant replies. "

"Don't worry, you will get used to it."


"can we say that we got a deal?"

"it's not like you gave me another choice."

"then its a deal! we will leave in three days, be here in three days at the same time".

"..." - Jay was speechless that wanted to spank her butt.

"ok, see you later." - the lady put her black glasses on and left.

'.... black glasses at night? I got the feeling that I put myself in a deep pit. but it's ok, I was supposed to go to the center in 3 months anyway.'

'But that fucker took my 2,000$!!!'