White Stars and The missing Angel!

Jay stayed seated at the same table for 10 minutes thinking of the offer.

it's not like he is scared, its just that this is a new unplanned course of events.

sigh! 'thinking now will not make a difference, we will see where the waves will take us.'

he took his phone and dialed a number.

beeb! beeb!


"hey boss"

"Jay, I was just talking about you to a friend!"

"wow, am I famous now?"

"haha, what is it, kid? do you need anything?"

"well, a new life is waiting for me. so I called to inform you that I can't continue the work in the construction site."

"what? why? did something happen?"

"yes something did happen, but I believe its a good thing."

"how come?"

"I took a new job in the center of Glory ci-"

"WHAT?! hey kid! stop messing with me! really what happened?"

".... am telling the truth"

"...... WTF!"

"I swear that I am telling the truth, if I am not, then let the thunder strike me, followed by an Egyptian pyramid, then-."

"OK! ko! I believe you! well, good luck, kid. you are a smart kid I must tell you that. but be careful, the center of the city is not all gold like people think. but I think you can handle yourself. do you need any help?"

"am good thank you, and thanks a lot for the reminder. take care, Boss. and try not to cry."

"Pfft! cry? today was the first meeting, fee assured that you are not worth it yet."

"hahaha, goodbye, Boss"

"Goodbye, kid"


sigh! 'let's go home, I am tired'

Jay stood up and went to the entrance. just when he wanted to exit, he stopped.

'do I need to tell Gama that I am getting out of the city. ah forget it, he took 2,000$ this asshole.'

He exited the bar, said goodbye to the bodyguards and went straight home.


when he reached the area of his vision caught the silhouettes of 3 persons. they were hiding behind trees in the dark, but his vision is not normal anyway. 'don't tell me that this is how they want to get me out of the city? why are they not trying? am I that weak in their eye?'

Jay was displeased by how they underestimate him.

he calculated their positions and found the blind spot that they can't cover unless they change their positions. he proceeded calmly and naturally to the blind spot.

the three hidden gangsters did not see anything out of normal so they kept their eyes on him.

they were looking at him like a tiger looking at his prey.

"Get ready! he is here, he will be in a spot out of the public eye if he keeps going that way."

"wow! I did not know he is that idiotic! but that will make our job easier."

"hahaha, good, wait a couple of moments, we will catch him when he reaches behind that tall tree, nobody will notice. and we should shut him up as soon as we catch him to prevent trouble".

"good with me"

"me too"

Jay finally reached the blind zone, then with quick silent steps went to hide inside the bushes close to the dark zone beside the trees.

'sigh! why am I doing that? I just need to knock them off and all will be good. oh, wait! are they here to scare me or to beat me? if they are here to scare me then I will just only scare them, but if they are here for a beating, then they should take it.'

Jay thought of this meaningless mouse-cat play and decided to go for a direct move.

he got out of the bushes.

turned his head to the trees and spoke

"hey brothers, I just need to ask one simple question. that decides your fate for tonight."

Jay spoke in a low but deep voice. but he made sure that they could hear him.

the three were shocked and their eyes widened, not because of fear, but they are professional in silent operations. so how could this kid discover them that easily?!

so they could not say anything, they stopped moving and lowered their breathing rate.

"wow! lowering your breathing rate is a good thing for a silent time like this, but am here to finish this show"

"what do you want to do with me? I won't call the police so don't worry, anyway why would you worry, the police captain was the one who ordered you to come here right?"

Jay said sarcastically

"kid, who are you?"

the leader of the three knew that their tries are futile with this young man, but that means that the one in front of them is not normal at all. they were professional silent operation personals. but they were naked in front of this kid's eyes.

"did you kill innocents before?"

Jay asked this question with a flash glint in his eyes.

"We are not criminals!" - the only female of the three said with a determined face.

"Oh? You are not little gangsters, so I don't think Juko sent you. it seems that my expectations were very low."

Jay said surprised with a smile.

"Kid, our Leader wants to meet you".

the leader of the three said with a deep voice. he did not try to be intimidating. it will not work anyway.

"Which one do you belong to?" - Jay asked

"White Stars" - the leader said.

"proof?" - Jay

"No Proof!" - the leader said

"mmm good, tell your leader to be in the green Leaf Cafe, Tomorrow at 13:00. "

the three did not try to say anything and backed off to the end of the dark shadows.

'do you need to make it that dramatic? just return by the bus or something'

Jay shook his head at their dramatic exit.


that was the message notification of Jay's phone.

he raised his phone, it was a message from an anonymous.

it says: 'you took the offer, we have a present for you. wait for an hour.'

Jay knew that the hot lady was the one who sent the message.

'i hope there is chocolate in it'

He walked up to his room.

It was silent at 20:23. Unlikable silence.

He threw himself on the bed.

'I should tell little angel and her parents about her opportunity to move'

'it will be hard for them to let their young daughter move far away, we should approach this from a different angle I think'

but then a strong bam on the door woke him up from his thoughts.

"JAY! please help us, son, Angel is lost!"


Hay hastily stood up and opened the door to find Rasha crying and her husband trying to calm her.

"Aunt, uncle what happened?"

Jay ask worriedly

"sigh! this girl went out 2 hours ago to buy things to make something for you to eat. but she still not back even after 20 minutes, so I went to search for her. but I did not find her. so I went to the police station. they trying to find her now. but Rasha is imagining the worse here without any reason."

Angel's father, Roman, said with a sad and worried face.

"what? Angel was indicted?"

"idiot, no one said she was abducted. maybe she is just lost somewhere. we will find her, don't worry, Rasha"

"yes we will help to find her of course"

"am sure she will be fine!"

the neighbors said one after another when they heard the story

Jay went to Rasha and patted her shoulder.

"Aunt, don't worry, she will be fine. I will go now and search for her. you need to be strong, there will be no results if we sit here and cry. so please, be stronger than that."

Jay said gently, this Aunt of his is very gentle. she is weak when it comes to Angel.

so he tried to calm her to reach a solution.

"ok now, can you tell us, where did you search and who helped in the search"

Jay said calmly, he tried to be calm for Rasha and Roman. but inside he was angry to the fullest.