Are you ready for the big world?

Roman, Angel's father, told them where did he search and when. It turns out that nobody helped, thinking that this is a small issue the police can easily solve.

They also asked the convenience store she went to, it turned out she did buy the groceries. So she was lost while returning home.

Jay was fighting with anger inside to stay calm, so he took his leave saying:

"Don't worry, I will try my hardest, the good neighbors here will help us."

"Yes, Roman, don't worry. Angel will return with a big smile"

Many of the neighbors tried to console them and brighten up their mood, but inside, they were hopeless.

This is not a new event to happen, many young children were abducted for Slave and Organs Trafficking.

98% of the time that happened, the abducted was not found.

"Why did you let her get out this late?! You should know how dangerous it is at night in the outskirts!"

The landlord came running and huffing tired. She asked with an angry face. After all, it was a little girl, she was shameless, but she is not evil to the point of sneering at little girls' misfortune.

"Sigh! we have only ourselves to blame! I hope nothing bad happens!"

Roman said with a long sigh and solemnly.

"My daughter!! My only daughter! Roman, you must find her! I-i don't want to lose her! Sh-she won't be taken and so-sold to th-"

"RASHA! Don't think of the worst! Don't worry, she is a good kid. God will help! Ok?! Get yourself together. Come, let's go and search more! Maybe someone saw her in the area!"

Roman said with a deep determined voice.


Jay was running from one alley to another, checking for any indication of recent activity.

'This is bad! we don't have time to cover all parts of the area. the problem is there are no cameras in this area!!'

'yes!! it should be the people sent by the police captain! he should know more about this.'

just when Jay was thinking of how to approach the issue, his phone rang.

it was a message:

'your sweety little angel is fine, here is a cute picture of her attached. but the next images will make you angry, maybe? btw, don't show my picture to anyone. I will send her in a car after 20 minutes.'

it was a message from the same number as before, they did not even bother to send the message from a private number.

It was the lady from the bar.

Jay had a blank expression for a while after he viewed the attached picture. The picture showed 2 girls. A young girl with a grin making a victory sign with her fingers. The other is a 20-something lady with a normal smile.

Jay heaved a sigh of relief. 'It seems like I am indebted to this lady.'


A new message arrived, with attachments. But this time, Jay took 5 minutes to look through the videos and the picture, and the more he watched, the more he bulged eyes and clenched his jaw.

The documents showed numerous young and middle-aged women, placed in a cage and were stripped of their clothes. They looked like to be in a showroom for sale.


'Another Message'

'These women will be sold as sex materials for a new establishment that is under construction in this area. I know you did not begin your work with us, but I need you to solve this problem. don't let them succeed building such an inhumane place like this here. I will pay you later for that.'

this was the message content

Jay needed someone to vent his anger on after he saw the images of the women.

He replied with a message: 'I was going to do that without you asking. keep your money!'

When the lady red the first message, she was smiling proudly as she thought of her choice. but then she rolled her eyes on the second message. She prayed he is not

But before anything, Jay needed to calm the hearts of the parents. They must be dying from Worry.

so he called Roman,

"jay! did you find anything!"

Roman asked hastily

"yes, uncle. I requested the help of a friend of mine. she found her lost in another neighboring area while chasing a cat. she is safe and sound. she will send her in 30 minutes in a car."

"a-are you speaking the truth, jay?!"

"True, uncle. I told you everything will be fine. Please tell Aunt to calm down, all is good as you see"

"Hahaha, good! good! thank you, Jay! I don't know what would I without you, young man. Rasha, did you hear? she is safe and sound! hahaha"

Roman gave a hearty laugh after hearing the news.

"No need, uncle. she is like my little sister. I will bring her home. please rest assured."

"No! No! we need to give our thanks to this benefactor! we should not be disrespectful!"

"Its ok, uncle. my friend did that repaying my favor. so its nothing."


"Uncle, don't worry. just accompany Aunt and cool down. Also, tell the neighbors to stop searching."

"sigh! ok, I am waiting for your news."



Jay fell silent in his thoughts. He did not wait for long, before a 'vroom' sound and a car stopped in front of him. it was a black Mercedes.

He stood up, walked to the car. in that time, the passenger door opened, and a man in a black suit appeared.

"Good evening, you are mister Jay, right?"

the guy said with a polite smile.

"yes, I am-"

before Jay even finishes his words, he heard a delighted scream:

"BROTHER JAY! you won't believe what happened! bad guys tried to take me but then a big guy came and beat them up! they were beaten like chickens! he punched them, and then he gave them a kick! it was cool!"

little angel opened the door and ran to Jay with a flushed face.

it was like she lived her yearned dream.

Jay and the guy were speechless for a couple of seconds.

Jay laughed heartily, he was very happy inside. he did not want anything bad to happen to this girl. he truly treated her like a little sister. she was a big reason that he did not fall into depression.

Jay patted her hair, with a troubled look he said:

"you little girl, I told you not to make trouble for your parents, and then you go missing? sigh, no more. Say "thank you" to this uncle here, and go to your parents, your mother was crying the whole time. and remember, you went chasing a nice cat to the neighbor area and did not know how to return. and then the lady found you and brought you here. I told them this lie not to make them worry too much. and learn not to repeat this mistake and head out alone late at night."

Jay was very happy that she is safe and sound.

"mmm, but you will get me a little cat later!"

Angel said with a wide smile.

".... ok."

Jay looked speechlessly at this girl. whoever marries this girl in the future, his end will be fast.

"Thanks, uncle" - Angel said and ran to her house.

seeing the little girl entering the complex, Jay turned to the man and said.

"I am truly grateful for what the lady did. thank you for delivering her. if there comes a time when I can help you with anything, please do tell."

Jay said with half a bow.

When a free man bow, that means he is very grateful. That was a move only real men can make.

"Mr.Jay, please no need for that. this is the lady's orders."

the man hurridly helped Jay and said politely.

he liked this guy the lady chose. he was humble.

"But, I need a favor from you, Mr.Jay."

"no need for 'Mr', you can call me Jay directly."

"Then I won't stand on ceremony. I don't know what did the lady see in you to chose you to be in that critical role. I can see that you are a polite young man, but you are still very fresh blood. I know the lady does not make rash decisions, that's why I will not question your ability. I simply wish that you do everything you could, to help the lady in her predicament. I know you don't know what you gonna do as a job, but you should know, what you gonna do, can either make her a queen or make her fall in the abyss. so if you see that you can't be part of something consequential, then please back off now before you hurt the lady and ruin your future because of ignorance. you will be in a society full of powerful, wealthy and ferocious personals. Politics and law are bent to be their tools."

The guy said with a very solemn face.

He wants to make sure, that this young man will not screw everything just because of money. but he also knows that the lady has an eye for characters.

"Can I have the luxury of knowing your name, uncle?"

The guy was a middle-aged man with a black beard. he was tall and well built, well trained in politics and war.

"haha, look at me, I forgot to introduce myself. my name is Craig, the personal assistant of the lady."

Craig said with an embarrassed smile. he lost his etiquette in a spur of a moment.

"Uncle Craig, please be assured. I am indeed young blood, but I am not fresh like you think. I know that, the world am stepping in, is cruel and hard. I can see that you are a master in martial arts, in Muay Thai if my guess is right. So you are trained to kill, not to play around."

Craig was listening seriously, but his eyes widened in disbelief at the end. How the hell did this kid know what type of martial artist he was?!.

He could tell just by observation, this young man is not simple at all. His observation skills are not commonly seen even between martial artists.

"Haha don't be surprised, Uncle. I trained in Muay Thai for a time besides other martial arts. Anyway, thank you very much for reminding me. Don't worry, I said I will take on the job, so I will do. we may work together later so I am really thrilled to know that I will be with a caring soul like you."

"sigh, good that you know your stuff. Thanks for the explanation. I won't take your time much longer, I know you have something to do tonight. take this with you, it might become helpful tonight."

Craig was grateful that this young man was capable. sometimes, you don't need to experience the fire to know it will hurt you.

He took out a heavy Magnum gun and handed it to Jay.

"Oh, a nice toy! thank you, uncle."

Jay took the gun with a happily surprised face.

He weighed it in his hand, then pointed it out to see how it feels. Then he opened the

"haha, its nothing. and call me Craig. No need for formalities. I am sorry I do not have a silent weapon or a suppressor with me. this is my lover, called 'Hell Revolver', it has a longer barrel than the usual. The bullets are smaller than the normal magnum bullets though, which make cylinder house 16 bullets."

Craig said with a wide proud smile, he was very proud of this piece of art.

"I actually prepared a couple of men to help you. let me introduce the-"

Craig pointed at the 2 burly men behind him. but was interrupted by Jay.

"Uncle, I am very grateful for everything. let me this tonight alone. let that be a test for me, so you can see that I am not useless young blood. hahaha"

Jay said confidently with a laugh. But in his eyes, there was a bloody look, this night was bound to be bloody. He was angry, he could not wait to play.

"Are you sure about that?"

Craig was surprised because, under the laugh, there were bloodthirsty eyes. he was not sure if handing this gun to this young man was a good thing anymore. And what's with these eyes? they should not belong to a young man under 18!

"Yes! don't worry" Jay said smiling

"Good! I will wait for your good news. See you later, Jay"

Craig said and turned to enter his car.

"let's go." - Craig said to the driver.

after driving for a minute. the car stopped.

"You two, tail him. don't let anything happen to him."

"Yes, Sir!"

the two said at the same time.

The two changed cars and returned to help Jay undercovered.

Jay was back in his room, and he could hear the joyful and blissful laughs in the air. the little girl is back safely. the parents were crying, but not sadly, this was the joy of being family.

he fell silent for a minute with an unfocused gaze, touch of a smile

and moist eyes.


he stood up, went to the bathroom, washed his face. looked at himself in the mirror.

'Now, let's kill the motherfuckers.'