Save the Day and kill the villains

Just when the leader was aiming at the door:

Boom! Smash! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Five consecutive heavy gunshots and a broken glass sound broke the dead silence.

It was from the flank!

Jay could see the inside through cameras and could see the waiting trap. It was laughable and naive to think he would fall for that.

So, he went out of the window and entered from the next window.

He saw two behind the door and two in front of the cage. And one flanking at the side.

He aimed at the two in front of the cage, which the leader was one of them.

He shot the hand the leader was holding the gun with, then the one next to him in the head.

Then he shot the two behind the door in their heads.

And the last was the flanking guy who did not even know when did the three die.

"Augh! Aught! You fucker! I will kill you! I WILL KILL YOU! do you think you are superman?! the people who want these bitches will skin you alive!"

The leader was screaming and wailing. his hand was almost chopped off from the small bullet. He held his left hand with his right one.

"Oh, really? I hope they come because that will be more fun than this."

"HAHAHA, FUN!? you will die!!"

"ok, ok. I will die, all of us will. But, I will not kill you now, I will make you beg for mercy. You gonna forget who you are. you will live hell, my friend."

Jay waved his hand and smiled a sweet childish smile.

"Do you know who are you playing with?"

the leader spoke with gnashing teeth.

"yes, I know. the police chief, the mayor and a bunch of assholes out of the outskirts."

"a bunch of assholes?! hahaha so you are an idiot! They are from the middle ring! do you think you can trifle with them?"

"from the middle ring?"

Jay was surprised, but that was all.

"Yes! You are dead! now help me go to the hospital, and I will not speak of what happened here!"

The leader was happy seeing that surprised look. He felt hope again.

"Hospital? Why? I don't think they can help dead people. unless they have a miracle or something."

Jay said with an innocent face. As if he has no idea what the other man talking about.

"Do you want to-"


Jay spoke with a chilling tone and cold eyes.

The leader shivered to see these eyes. These are the devil's eyes. Suddenly he lost all hope.

"You scum! You want to live? You kidnap women, and young girls enslave, and you want to live? do you think this world is out of justice to let you have your way?"

"but don't worry, you will die. The chief will probably follow you. And then that scum mayor. As I said before, I will send you as couples. Oh right! You were seven, so one of you will be alone for eternity. Sigh! At last, I could not help. well, I did what I could."

Jay aimed the gun at the leader's right leg and Boom!

"Augh! Augh! YOU! I WILL-"


His left leg was also shot.

Boom! Boom!

The leader's limbs were all shot and unusable. And from a close distance, his legs and arms were barely intact.


The leader was screaming and wailing and cursing at Jay.

But Jay took a big chunk of glass from the ground and stuffed it in his mouth.

That was tortured to death.

Jay turned his head to look at the women and girls.

He saw them half named, some of them had their chest exposed. Some of them are fully naked. They were kidnaped and humiliated. Jay became angry more and more. The most he hated was the look in their eyes, the fear in their eyes was saddening. Jay saw the young shivering and tears in their eyes. Looking at him like he was a monster. They can see how he is Torturing the leader. They wanted to kill him, but this was too inhumane.

"Don't worry. I came to help you."

Hay said in a low voice not to scare them more.

"I know what you went through. It's good that nothing that could threaten your life happened to you."

Hearing that, the women and girls started to loosen up.

"Sir, PLEASE! Help her! She bit her teeth! she gonna die!"

The kind woman said

Jay went to see the girl, and sure enough, she passed out of pain and blood loss. He bit his finger and dropped a blood drop in her mouth.

His blood has a good effect on healing people. It will help her improve much faster and stable her condition for now.

"Don't worry, her life is not a threat. She needs a hospital, though."

Jay said to assure them.

Jay said after he took off his jacket and put it on the girl to warm her.

He went to the broken window and yelled.

"Can you help me, please? I need urgent help here."

He noticed those two bodyguards earlier, he knew who they were.

He felt its ok to request help from them.

But that gave the two bodyguards in the car a heart attack, they heard the gunshots before, they knew its the sound of their boss's gun, so they were not afraid. But they were discovered like that? And it seems he knew about them much earlier.

The two bodyguards looked at each other for seconds and then stepped out of the car. There is no point in hiding themselves now.

"How can we help you, Mr.Jay?"

the two spoke politely.

"can you go and buy some clothes for women? We need about 18 outfits. Ordinary clothes will do. please hurry up."

the bodyguards knew that there are kidnaped women in the factory.

"No need, sir, we already brought clothes with us."


Jay was surprised, but then he thought about the matter. The lady knew about the girls, so they must have thought that the girls need clothes.

"Great! bring them up!"


They carried a big chest that was in the back of their car and went upstairs to were jay was.

"Sirs, can you please take this girl to the hospital? she needs immediate care."

Jay requested from the bodyguards when they showed up. The girl neede a hospital.

"of course, Mr. Jay."

"Thank you!"

Jay thanked.

"Can I please go with you?!"

The kind woman said to Jay

Jay and the bodyguards thought that this is more convenient to have a woman to help in this situation. So they said yes.

The women and girls finished choosing suitable clothes. And finally, they felt the warmth.

After they finished changing their clothes, they started crying after thinking of past events. But, it's not a sad cry, it was the cry of joy.

They are finally out of their hell.

"As for you all, I hope this incident will not be traumatic for the rest of your life. Live normally, I will take care of the rest."

Jay said to the rest of the women and girls with an assuring smile.

Many of the women and girls were still crying. They looked at Jay with utmost gratitude. This young man saved their lives.

Most of the young girls were looking at him with sparkling eyes and fascination. He was prince charming who killed everyone to free them. Jay could see the look in their eyes. All he could do is sigh as he can't help them with that.

"Good son, what is your name? How can we help you? how can we repay you?"

One of the older women asked him.

"Aunt, there is no need. All you must do now is to return to your families and loved ones. I hope you live happily. If you see someone who needs help, then please help him. that is my repayment."

Jay said with a natural smile. Jay doesn't need a repayment. He did this so he can sleep at night. He could not turn a blind eye for these pity women.

"Thank you, son! I will remember that and tell my kids to be like you. Oh no! I think we must not speak of this matter! or we will bring harm to this boy. what is your name, son?"

The woman said, but she was worried about his safety.

"My name is Jay."

"Ok, Jay. You can call me aunt Xun. If you come to the Purple Cloud area, come to our house, I will make you a big feast. Thank you, little Jay. You saved all of us today."

Aunt Xun said with a gentle smile filled with happiness.

"haha if I happen to visit that area then surely I will pay your family a visit. thank you, aunt Megan."

Jay laughed to lighten the mood.

"Ok. Now you need to go. For tonight, it's better to reserve rooms in a hotel, it's very late. I will finish business with this scum. here is some money so you can return safely to your home."

Jay took money from his pocket.

"No! No! There is no need for that! we will handle it."

But aunt Megan refused that with a hard face. He did more than enough for them.

"Aunt Megan, please take it. I can't send you off; this much is not big anyway."

"Sigh! little Jay, I hope my son becomes a fine man like you."

"haha with a kind mother like you, am sure he will be better than me."

Many of the girls wanted to talk to him and thank him, but they were embarrassed. He saw them half-naked, and some of them were entirely naked, so they wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

The women and girls took their leave.

Jay was alone with the leader who could not speak, and his tears were flowing.

"And here we are alone. In the next life if you get that chance, try to be more humane."

Jay aimed the gun at his head, and after leaving these last words; Bang!

The leader was dead.

'the buyers were supposed to come here tonight. so I think I need to wait for a bit more to close this case.'

Jay thought after he killed the villain.

Jay wanted to get some fresh air, so he strolled out.

"Why is the key in your possession?"

He heard a deep feminine voice.