The goddess

"Why is the key in your possession?"

He heard a deep feminine voice.

Jay, who was strolling outside, stopped. He was petrified.

He can perceive the signals of cameras in the cable. And he can see that he is the only person in the building now. The voice was beautiful and feminine, but that was not the right moment to think about the description of the sound.

So who the fuck was this?!

The most bizarre was the voice itself; it was not close nor far, not loud but not low. It was ancient but modern. The only time Jay was horrified to his bones was this time because he felt this voice is literally out of this reality.

Jay gulped; He can see no one is in front, left or right to him. The only direction he can't see now is behind him. Slowly, Jay turned around with a solemn face. When he saw what he saw, his eyes widened, and his mouth was agape.

The most shocking thing he saw until now, and maybe in his life - a white hair, white robes, white dress, and long boots.

A goddess! At least, this was the first thing Jay thought about seeing her.

She has long snow-white hair to her waist, with a long dress trailing behind hair.

Her left shoulder is covered while the other is exposed. She is gorgeous, seductive, and authoritative. She is Glowing, but her glow did not get out of her body boundaries, it's like she entrapped the light to herself. She was aloof; her look was piercing and could see to the heart.

The second bizarre thing, she was not real. Jay could see through her body.

"I asked, why a weakling like you has that key?"

Seeing Jay shocked and entranced for more than 10 minutes, the goddess asked again.

Jay disregarded the question and closed his eyes to calm himself down. He knew that this world is not as simple as people think; at least, he could not see anything ordinary in it. So he found his way to clarity once again.

At that time, the goddess was surprised; she watched him calm himself; she could see his heart calming down.

Ten minutes later, Jay opened his eyes; but this time, the only thing in his eyes was confusion. No fear.

"Are you a mutant?"

Jay said with a regular voice.

The goddess was amazed by his eyes; not because of beauty, but confidence. 'Where does his confidence come from?' - The goddess wondered inwardly. But her emotions were inside; her face was expressionless all the time.

The goddess fell silent for a minute.

"I will ask you a question; your fate depends on your answer."

She disregarded his question like she never heard it, and said in a chilling voice.

Jay furrowed his brows. 'My fate?! she wants to kill me if I answer wrongly? Who the fuck is this bitch!'

"You want to kill me if-"

Jay asked with a sharp glint in his eyes, but he was interrupted but the goddess

"I won't kill you. Your fate is yours, but even if it yours, that does not mean it will be something good."

The goddess said in a natural voice; she could see the boy's thoughts through his eyes. And she was amazed again; this is the first time a punny like that talked to her like equals or even question her. Others would bow and try their hardest not to look at her. Jay, on the contrary, was looking at her with eyes that knew no fear, no inferiority, and with confidence.

And her eyes showed that she did not mind that; on the contrary, she appreciated his self-esteem.

"Before that, what is the Key you mentioned?"

Jay asked the question he was intrigued about the most.

The goddess could see the genuine confusion in his eyes. He honestly did not know about the key.

"Answer my question; if your answer satisfies me, then I will consider telling you."


Jay fell silent

"The question: would you give up your dreams for others?"

"who are those 'others'?"


"Then, I don't know."

Jay shook his head. The question was simple, but the concept behind it was not.

"Is that your answer to the question?"

The goddess did not appear surprised. It was a hard question; if a 16-years old boy can answer it, that would be too bizarre.



The goddess furrowed her brows, is this boy playing with her?

"you asked a vague question, so you get a vague answer. It is the law; you get what you give."

Jay continued: "There are no others; everything for us revolves around us. I am the center of my world. My definitions are not the same as yours. I can't define `Others` easily. When that other is someone I want to protect, then I will try my hardest. my will is the factor; if I do not will it, then I won't even give a damn."

Jay fell silent after that for a minute. The goddess did not speak as she saw unspoken words in his eyes.

And Jay continues.

"As for my dreams, then that is hard. When I give up my dreams, I give up those 'others.' When I work to my dreams, then I will save the 'others.'"

"What is your dream?"

"You said you would ask one question, so I cooperated."


The goddess was speechless. But this young man is truly interesting.

"Now, what is the Kay?"

Seeing the speechless goddess, Jay felt happy for winning over her.

"I won't tell you. Knowing will only hasten the end."

The goddess said lightly with a soft sigh.

"but you said-"

"I know what I said. I said I would consider; I never said I would tell you. Anyway, you will learn of it when the time comes."

After speaking those words, the goddess started to fade.

"wait! answer my questions."

Jay said in hast before she disappears. But she did not even try to hear him.

She left.

"wtf! was that a dream or reality? No, it was a reality! but who is she!"


in another world, on a high mountain, a girl was sitting in meditation opened her eyes.

'What a weird creature. He was calm; I should have smacked him for his smugness. Who is he to talk to me like that? Huff! I will teach him a lesson later.'

She was the goddess!

'but I should tell my father. this is huge news!'

She pondered for a bit and then stood up and went down the mountain.

"Sister Daiyu, did you finish practice?"

When the goddess reached the foot of the mountain, she was greeted by a muscular man with a large frame. He greeted her with a kind smile.

He was one of the millions who tried to court this goddess.

It appears that the goddess's name is Daiyu.


But Daiyo did not give him the reaction he wanted. She only nodded her head and continued on her way.

The man was not surprised; it seems it's not bad to get the nod.

So he continued way; after walking for a while, his smile transformed to a wide grin.

'Daiyu, I will have you as my own. We will see who will win, you or me. I will kill everyone courting you; no one should have thought of you this way. and that fuckface Bojing, I will flay him alive!'

thought with a crazy glint in his eyes.

Daiyu reached her father's courtyard and went in.


Daiyu greeted respectfully.

Setting in the room was a middle-aged man with a long black beard. His skin was smooth and white. He is more handsome than most of the women on earth.

"little yu, I see the excitement in your eyes."

The father said, with a gentle smile after he raised his head to look at his daughter.

"did you meet your future husband?"

the father asked again with a playful smile.

"DAD! No! I will never ever ever ever marry. But forget it. Dad! I found it. I found the 'Boundry Key'".

Daiyu said with a puffed cheek at the beginning, but when she talked about the key, her eyes were glowing with excitement.


The father's eyes widened in astonishment. This is a massive piece of new.

"spit everything out!"

"mmm, i .... 'accidentally' stole the ... cough! the space stone to-"

"You lass! You never learn! I told you that you should not take the space stone! If a strong entity learned of it, we would have a big load of troubles! Anyway, continue. how did you find it?"

"I went to the boundary in the blue lands."

"Blue lands? that wasteland?"

"Yes, father. I went to explore, but then I heard the sounds of fighting and war between humans. It was one against seven. The loner was below twenty years of age. he killed them all brutally; there was no intact corpse."


"he risked his life to save abducted women was about to be enslaved."


"when was about to leave the boundary, I appeared in front of him!"

"why? You are not stupid. You know that we are not allowed to interact with entities from the wasteland. These lands supposed to be abandoned. and it will be over in another five or six hundred years."

"I know, dad. I already sensed the key in him. you know it not forbidden to interact with the key holder."

"mmm, true; and?"

the father noded.

"what do you expect a young boy's reaction seeing me?"

"mmm, he is from blue lands; those people still believe in gods. so he should have prostrated on the grounds and prayed."

"well, I thought so too. But the boy did not. he scolded me."

Daiyu pouted her mouth.

".... what?"

"he ... scolded me."

"who is that idiot!! I will curse him to-"

"Dad. You know you can't, so take it easy. s, it went like this."

Daiyu recited the encounter.

"you are saying that this kid could calm down in 10 minutes just closing his eyes?!"

"yes, father."

"and the key is in his body?"


"How?! It's a sacred object. how can a human have it in his body?"

"I don't know as well. but I am sure of it."

"sigh! but it seems that he does not even know about the key."


"then we will tell him. This young man should come here. if he is the one in the prophecy, then we should get him first at any cost!!"

"dad, do you honestly believe I that prophecy?"

Daiyu asked in doubt.

"sigh! I also did not believe it, but when the strongest entity in this universe personally believes it, then its enough to talk about the sage behind the prophecy."

Daiyu fell silent.iThis was a big secret in the world.

"anyway, we need to finish this asap. We should return to our lands."

"Father, do you want to go yourself?"

"No! you will! You will go every day at the same time to that boundary. This young man is not simple; his mental fortitude is not something we can underestimate. He will go back there for answers. Be sure to get him interested in this. But don't tell everything in one go. He should become familiar with you."

"Dad! you are using me again!"

"lass, who is using you? I will cut his head. you need to talk to him."

".... ok."

Daiyu pouted with a reluctant nod.

She did not want to do that disgraceful act, but she knows, this is something bigger than anything.


Jay, who was still having a hard time believing what just happened, left the Abandoned Ghost Factory.

'This is something out of this world. It's not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing!'

'Sigh! Wtf is happening?! what key? What fate? Nice. Now I won't be able to sleep.'