This is mine now

Jay strolled outside the Ghost Factory for 20 minutes before he went back to the building.

He wanted to see that goddess again, so he could understand what is happening.

'you can't just come here, throw a bomb and then fade away! this is bullshit!'

Hay said in irritation.

This was not any ordinary experience. Jay suspected that the goddess might be a mutant like himself. Mutants were the confidential secret of this world.

If commoners were to know that ordinary humans can be transformed into monsters with unique abilities, a massive war would arise.

But, Jay felt like she was not a mutant; at least, she is not that simple.

Maybe she is a super mutant. But she said 'your world' in her speech. That tells that she might be out of this world.

'... Out of this world? Is that for real?'

Jay was entranced by this conjuncture. Jay felt his world turn upside down. When he reached this thought, he felt knocking his head on the floor and die.

'WAIT! w-what if .... she ... really was a ... goddess?'

Jay widened his eyes, the more he thought of this. His heartbeat was fast.

Suddenly car sounds interrupted his thoughts.


Two black sedan cars and a van parked out of the building.

Two bodyguards stepped out a black sedan car; And went to open the doors of the other vehicle.

Three men stepped out of the car.

If Jay were here, he would be surprised. They were the three men who were hitting on the lady in the bar. The lady was a customer of Jay, and these three tried to court her, but they were 'invited' out by Jay instead.

"Charles, do you think these dirty things brought better girls? the girls the last month were not that good!"

"well, let's get in and check out."

"don't you find it weird? why did not these dirty things come out to receive us?"

the third one furrowed in displeasure but felt something odd.

"mmmm true. Did something happen? I don't think they would be disrespectful like that without reason."

"don't worry too much; those farts will never raise their heads when talking to us, let alone disrespect. But I really find it weird. Mmmm you, go check it out. it's better to be careful."

Charles pointed at one of the bodyguards and said.

"Yes, Master."

The bodyguard went into the building, he walked carefully. He felt chills just from the environment, if something were to surprise him here, he might get a heart attack.

after 20 breaths of time, the bodyguard reached the cage room slowly and cautiously and saw a very shocking scene.

Corpses, broken glasses, and a young man pointing a revolver gun at his head.


The young man was Jay, of course. He put his finger on his mouth and hushed.


out of the building, the group was still waiting after 5 minutes since the bodyguard went into the building.

"something wrong. No sound. Call him."

Charles strongly felt something was wrong, and his furrow deepened.

"Yes, Master."

The other bodyguard felt relieved that Charles did not send him in. The ghostly atmosphere was as scary as hell. He called his colleague.

Toot! Toot! Toot!

Nobody answered.

"Master, he is not answering."

Charles was in a dilemma, does he need to send the other bodyguard in? He does not know what is inside. So sending anyone inside was out of the question.

"Why not charge in with guns and kill everything in our way?"

one of the three started to get impatient.

"no, we are in the dark. let's wait 10 minutes more".

That is the only thing Charles can do for now.

in the cage room.

Jay was getting impatient, he waited for them, but they preferred to stay out in the cold. 'It's not like this place is warm anyway.'

He knew enough information from the bodyguard about the newcomers.

Jay was still sitting in the same posture the bodyguard found him in. His gun still pointing at the head of the bodyguard.

The bodyguard was feeling threatened, but he knew that if he did not do something, things would get ugly eventually.

The bodyguard could tell that Jay was young, but in the streets, young people with guns did not mean children. Guns could kill even if a toddler used it.


Jay felt bored, so he started talking.

"Hey, bodyguard. do you want to play a game?"

Jay's tone was playful;

"What game?"

The bodyguard asked cautiously.

"a nice game. You will love it, really. I will ask you one question, and you should answer honestly. you have five chances to lie, but you will lose one limb."

Jay smiled.

"Are you not afraid of death?"

the bodyguard asked with a grim face.

"death? Why should I? I am not the one dying, am I?"

"You are playing with the devil here!"

"haha, no, no. You are wrong. YOU are in the hands of this devil here. And this devil has been waiting for your friends for fucking ten minutes but oh god! they don't even have the guts to come here to check on you."

Jay had an angry face.

"What is it you want? Money? I will talk to my master to give you as much as you want. I will even recommend you to the Red Thorns."

the bodyguard tried to convince Jay to let go of this and join them.

"Oh? What is the Red Thorns? Is it that strong?"

Jay feigned interest in this.

"Of course! it's the second biggest gang in the middle circle."

The bodyguard felt hope seeing Jay surprised, who would not want power and money? After Jay drops his guard, he wanted to smash this kid's head on the ground.

"Wow! that seems really good. and?"

"The Red Thorns is selling sex slaves now! You will be able to enjoy yourself all day long as one of the gang! you will-"

Listening to these words, Jay could not hide his disgust at this any longer. He pulled the trigger.


The bodyguard collapsed, dead.

Jay stood up and went to the exit slowly.


out of the building, when the group heard the gun sound, they went alarmed.

"wtf! Take cover! we might be under attack!"

Charles took cover behind the car, its not probably a good idea, but that is the only object that can protect him here.

He did not bring many bodyguards because he did not expect to face resistance or the other gangs in the middle circle to know about his activities here. He had only the two bodyguards and two ordinary men in the van.

"is that the Blue Dragons? are those bitches tracking us here?"

"no! It's not them! this is one gunshot, they would be surrounding us by now if it's them."

"then who is trying to mess with us here?"

"maybe its some kind of 'hero'"

the three were speaking in low voices.

But then, Bang!

The bodyguard who tried to take a peek through the car glass collapsed dead.

"SHIT! Both are dead! We need to escape! we don't even know who is that and how many are there!"

Charles told the two gnashings his teeth!

If he knew this would happen, he would have brought an army!

"Oh? Nice to meet you again. this city is tiny, after all."

the three heard a surprised voice behind them.

they were frozen in place because they did not sense anyone approaching them from the back.

they are taking cover behind the car, they focused on the front of the vehicle instead of the back.

They turned around with grim faces. This is not a good situation at all!

But when they saw the person behind them, they were shocked!

He was the guy in the bar!

Jay was aiming his revolver at them. He was looking at them in an angle that put all of them in one view. Even the people in the van.

"You?! who are you?! did the Blue Dragons send you?"

Charles asked, he tried to look calm but inside, he was apprehensive.

"Blue Dragons? I assume this is another gang, right? Anyway, no. I am not."

"Then why are you chasing us?"

"Chasing? Haha, this is a very wrong way to see the present situation. I did not chase anyone. I loved to be a hero from my childhood, so I tried to act like one."

Jay said with a smile.

"Do you think you can get out of here alive? you will eventually die!"

the one to the right of Charles growled.


Jay nodded with the same smile.

Then he looked at Charles and said

"I assume you are the leader because those idiots should not be."

"You motherfu-"

One of the three got angry at these words, and impulsively tried to lash out, but he got stopped.

"Shut Up!"

Charles glared at both of them.

Then he looked at Jay. He could see that the one in front of him can't be treated according to his age or appearance. He tried to be careful, he might provoke something disastrous.

"Yes, I am the leader of the Red Thorns Association."

"Association? Heh, you really know how to call yourselves. anyway, from today onward, this association of yours is mine, any objection?"

The three stared at him blankly.

Even Charles felt like he is looking at a fool.

How can someone take a colossal gang this easily?

"Are you kidding here?"

"Kuma, wait."

Charles said to Kuma, who is one of the three.

Kuma shut his mouth, but he was fuming inside.

"What makes you think you can take the Red Thorns like that?"

Charles asked Jay with a natural face.

"don't try to put this face in front of me. I know what type of people are you. You tried to hit on a girl previously, and tonight you came to buy dozens of them. You are scum. I hate scum. If you are of no use to me, you would be dead long ago. I said its mine, so you should obey. KNEEL!"

Jay found it fun at first how these evil creatures tried to put a graceful face in front of him. He talked with a severe tone that could cut iron.

Blop! Blop! Blop!

The three of them kneeled together. They don't know what happened, but they felt their brains buzzing, and then the body obeyed the command like god was commanding not a human.

"Any objections?"

Jay asked again with an irrefutable tone.

"No, Master! We obey!"

Charles said with a quivering tone.

"Good boys. I know you wanted info about me earlier to kill me. It's funny how fate plays sometimes. anyway, I only need one servant."

Bang! Bang!

Jay killed the two kneeling beside Charles.

they died just like this.

Charles was trembling in fright! This is not a human! This is a devil!

"You will do what I command, nothing else. You can't disobey anyway. Now, tell me about the Red Thorns."