We meet again

"I see that you were waiting for me."

Jay heard the etherial cold voice of the Goddess.

He was not shocked or surprised as he was for the first time. His mentality can take this type of event.

"Yes. Nice to see you again. Last time I did not introduce myself properly, so let me. My name is Jay."


"that's it"

"is that what you call "proper introduction"? Anyway, it's good that you came here again. It's better this way."

"do you have questions other than the key?"

"of course. Who are you? Are you from another world?"

"I will tell you my name later if things progressed well. As for the second question, Yes. I am from another world."

"So, you are not a mutant?"

When Jay heard her answer, he was a little bit shaken. He has doubts, but answers still shook him.

"Mutants? So you have mutants in your world? It seems your people are battling the heavens again."


Jay was surprised again. This word has a lot of meanings.

"Anyway, let me tell you something. You have been chosen, but that does not mean that it's decided, and you are something great, so I will..."

Before even she finished her words, she was interrupted.

"Hold on for a second! Chosen? Who chose me? And for what?"

"You don't need to know for now. But you need to know that this is bigger than me, you or this world of yours. Your mission is.."

"Wait, wait! I don't need to know? So I should follow orders while I am blind?!"

Jay started to get impatient and angry. Being led by the nose is one of the things he hates in this bloody life.

"No. But I don't know, and holders before you had no clue either."

The Goddess seemed to see the anger In his eyes, so she decided to speak in a better way. This young man is not to be tricked, or he will leave.

"So why are you here? You are not giving me any useful information. And you come here to tell me about a mission?!"

Jay forrowed his brows impatiently.

"Don't behave like a little girl and listen to the end, you idiot!"

For the first time, the girl lost it and snapped at him.


Then she noticed Jay's blank face looking at her reaction and coughed awkwardly.

"Anyway, I will teach you about things you need to know one step at a time. But it all will depend on you as your world is dying, and you can't cultivate. The world I live in is a world of cultivation, to break the boundaries and ascend the ranks of human nature. It's even hard on us, so I think your chances of cultivation is about..... One in tens of billions."

The Goddess talked with embarrassment at first, and then later, she took the role of a teacher.

Jay took about a minute to wake up from the stunning reaction of the "Goddess" and to register her words.

She is just too stunning. She is the most beautiful creature Jay has ever seen. And with her reaction, she seemed to be young and lively. For the first time, he was totally speechless at this Goddess.

"Ok, then please answer these questions of mine. Why do I need to "cultivate"? And what do you mean this world is dying?"

Seeing Jay's better way of speaking, she was satisfied.

"let's start with your first question. Your whole universe is dying because the universe you are in is just a small world in the Cosmic Universe. It's said that the Cosmic Universe has no end, and a lot of worlds reside in it; your world is one of the dying worlds because it's unstable from the beginning. We call it the backwater because it has no energy for cultivation, it's just full of the five elements and in its rough shape at that. As for why do you need to cultivate? Who does not dream of becoming stronger and reign high above others?"

Jay took a longer time to process the information. But he was not shocked, it's not his business anyway.

"how much time will this world live?"

"Hard to predict precisely, but it's about 500-1000 years."

"oh, then I have time; everything has beginning and end."

Jay was relieved hearing that. He thought it would be shorter than that, but this is ok.

"But let me say that I really can't find a reason to be stronger, why should I cultivate other than this? I live in this word, and my strength is more than enough."

Jay asked patiently.

"If you want to stay at your word, then maybe yes, but don't you have the ambition of a great expert of roaming the cosmos?"

"Roaming the cosmos? Let me tell this; I don't have such a big ambition. I want to end my business and take a rest. That's all."

"But you have been given the biggest secret in this world. And it just appears once in a million years!"

The Goddess spoke in an enticing tone. She was shocked as well; Jay took all of this information in a relaxed manner; he did not even try to ask about how to cross worlds.

"I did not ask for it. And you can't force me to do anything. I do what I find suitable, and I don't even know what the heck is this 'Key'!"


The Goddess was speechless at his logic. But thinking about it carefully, she found what he said logical. If he doesn't even know what it does, how can he use it?

"Ok, i will tell you what we know. Nobody knows what the Key really does for his holder. But one thing for sure, that the holder of the Key, has the ability to break boundaries between cosmos. In other words, if you are strong enough, then you can travel to other worlds."

"Strong enough? how can I be strong enough if I can't even cultivate in this world then?"

"Ah! This is what we will be thinking about in the future. But I want you to try your best to work into being strong enough for that."

"I told you, I don't find any reason to travel the cosmos or stuff like that. I just want to do my business here and go take a rest from this life."

Jay talked in an uninterested manner. All of this did not entice him because, in his heart, he is a loner even in this world. The only thing that is keeping him alive is to take revenge after he does so, then he will be really a loner without a goal.

It is an exciting thought to travel between worlds, maybe it's even shocking, but to him, it's not needed.

"Then, what is your goal?"

The Goddess saw that this young man is not even interested in something that will make the powerful creatures in the cosmos fight for, so she thought of another way to entice him.

But the longer she heard his words, the more confused she became. Because it's evident that he is not even interested in life, he wants to die? What life is that can make a young man wants to die?

Jay looked at her for half a minute before he answered.

"My goal? Easy one. I want to kill each and everyone that harmed my sister and me. Then restructure this world, so this never happens again. Simple, right?"

Jay talked with a slight smile.

But he was very relaxed, like the things he is talking about unimportant matters.

That is what he showed, but inside, a big fire raging.

The Goddess, on the other hand, can feel the raging fire inside him. Have no ambitions? Who the hell said that? Even if it's a dead world, it's still a world with billions, its still an advanced on some way or another.

And he wants to restructure it?

The Goddess now came to herself that he is not unambitios; it's just he is really not interested.

Someone who is working to dominate a world with such an attitude in his teens is inconceivable.

If Jay, with this temperament and attitude of his, becomes a cultivator, then he will be something huge even without holding the Key.

The Goddess showed a cold expression on the outside, but inside, she felt that she is infected by attitude.

But then she thought about it and felt something off. If Jay has a sister, then he would not have a wish of dying after all of this ends. Unless ... she is dead.

"Where is your sister?"

"In another world, as you say."

Jay said with a smile.

This topic ruined his mood, so he wanted to get out of here. Even if that will make this the last meeting with this Goddess.

Traveling the Cosmos ...

it's not his business, it's not what he wishes to do.

"Anyway, Goddess. This might be the last meeting between us. I am leaving this part of the city, I don't know if I will come here again, but let's leave it to fate."

Jay said this and turned his head away to leave.

He is detirmined, it's time to focus on his job here.

He has little time anyway.

Seeing him walking away, the Goddess was lost.

She felt the sadness, loneliness, and detirmination.

She was hesitant to say what she wanted to say, as she felt that her words are not really reliable.

If it's regular time, she would not speak unnecessary words, but Jay's fate includes everyone's future. He is not another existence in the universe; he is a pillar that will hold the sky, or the sky will smash their heads. It's not about her or her father, the cosmos needs him.

The Key does not choose the holder without reason, whenever the Key appears, the world will be in many perrils. That's why there is a Key in the first place.

"If ... I tell you that when you become strong enough, you will be able to .... revive your sister, would you do it?"

With a hesitant voice, she said.

The leaving Jay stopped for five seconds, then turned around and looked in the eyes of the Goddess,

"Are you using this for your goal?"

his voice is chilling cold. Killing intent was soaring to the heavens.

It's ok to use him, it's ok to lie to him. It's ok as long he is good with it.

But to use his little sister to lead him by the nose?!!

He felt like destroying the world and dismember her to a thousand pieces if that is the case.

Even though she is from another world, and this is just her projection, she felt the change and the killing intent, and she was more shocked.

She felt that she should not have said something like this, but this is her only chance, she can't find any other way to make him committed or even interested.

"I am speaking the truth. But it's very hard. And you must be powerful. Unimaginably powerful. The Underworld is another world, even though its rules are different from other worlds, but it's still a world. and as a holder of the Key, theoritically, you can cross over."

Even though she was a little bit scared of the killing intent, even her father, who killed millions, did not have such an intense killing intent like this, she tried to keep a straight face.

After a long time of silence ...

"Good job, goddess! Good job!"

And left in anger and pain.

He always dreamed of living with his sister again, happily.

To buy her the things she always wanted from the magazines they were reading in the lab.

He wanted to see her smile again, even just once.

Will i succeed? If I do not try, then what will happen? If he succeeds, then he will revive her. If he fails, he dies.

'Not bad.'

Jay opened his eyes and looked at Goddess.

"Now what?"

"... Now you live your life, for now, I will contact you when I have the answer to your cultivation issue."

"Good. But be quick, I have just one year to live. That's it. My heart is weak, it will be working for about a year or less. I will come here again in 3 months. Will I see you here?"


The Goddess was shocked, silly, staring at him, talking about his issue in such a bland way.

A year?!

After calming herself down, she looked in the eyes of this young man, for the first time, she felt very tiny.

He is talking about world domination while he has a date with death in a year.

Just now, she confirmed, why would the Key chose this young man.

If he can't have the Key, nobody can.

"I will be here in three months."

"Good. Goodbye."

Jay turned around while waving his hand.

As Jay left, The Goddess also left; But she was lost; even her confidence in herself was shaken.

Jay left the factory and called Uncle Craig; Its time to go.

"Hey, Jay, what's up? did you finish your things?"

"Good evening, Unlcle. Yes, I am ready. What's the plan?"

"Where are you? I will come to take you."

"I will send you my location now. Thanks, uncle Craig."

"Nah, kid, coming right away. we need to speed up."

"Ok. Bye."

And here, a new chapter begins.