Glory City

Five minutes later, a black Mercedes picked Jay up.

Uncle Craig sitting beside Jay, and the rest were bodyguards.

Glory City is a huge city, even among the big cities. It has a population of about four hundred million.

The layout of the city is circular. The outer layer is the poorest, and the most central of the city is the richest.

Even buildings, become taller the far you go to the center. And of course, the prices and living costs are more and more.

So, in general, the people who live in the center of the city are the wealthiest and most potent, like Politicians, Industry's most prominent heads, celebrities, and more kind of categorized or even people who got powerful and wealthy by shady means.

The lifestyle of each of the three layers is different. While the outer ring inhabitants are fighting to eat and their families, the center ring's people were living a comfortable life.

This contrast gave birth to a hatred that stems from unfair life.

Even though many righteous people of the center try to help the poor and give them opportunities to a better life, hatred and envy nonetheless existed.

In the car, Jay was looking out the window. He knew what he saw, as he lived in the outer ring for a while. It's like his early was any better, you might call this a heaven.

At least people could see their families, friends, and loved ones.

Uncle Craig saw Jay looking; he tried to brighten up the mood a little because he knew that living as an orphan in a place like this is very sad.

Jay's life is not ordinary, as his reports say, so he knows that this kid had his fair share of experience.

Sadness or happiness, a human must experience both.

"You will like the mansion, the place of your stay for the next week. Haha, I am sure you will love it."

Jay retracted his eyes and turned to Craig and smiled.

" I am looking forward to it already, haha."

"... Is it tiring?"

After the silence, Craig asked.


"Living here, I mean."

" it's okay. I guess."

Jay responded.

"as long as you go to the center, you will do good. You are smart and capable; you will find your way there. And I will help you as I can"

Craig looked at Jay with a sincere smile.

Jay felt warm at this Uncle's words. His sincere words are more than enough to show his kindness.

"Thanks, Uncle."

No point saying more words.

"did you read what lady sent you?"

"Yup, I did."

"Good, those were intel about the most important figures of the city. This city is huge; you will see all kinds of people. When we reach the mansion, you will meet the lady once again. She will tell you everything."


After four hours, they finally entered the center zone.

And finally, Jay saw the wealthy face of Glory city.

But of course, there was no shock as everyone saw pictures or videos of it. In the age of digital information, something like this is very trivial.

But the difference is as vast as the difference between heaven and earth.

Clean and well-leveled streets, tall and big buildings, trees on the sidewalk, parks every 2-3 streets, and a lot more.

Streets were full of clean, well-dressed people.

Thirty minutes later, the car stopped in front of a large metal gate.

The gate was about 30 meters wide and 10 meters of height. Craig opened the car window and looked at the camera at the top right of the gate, seconds later, the gate opened with a Beep! Sound.

Jay saw the mansion, which was a huge place, but, he couldn't see a building, as it's all green scenery with fountains, trees and flowers.

It's very strange though, because out of the mansion is a city, so why the mansion is full of greeneries? Well, money can do a lot of things.

The car continued its journey, and after 3 minutes, Jay saw the real mansion, a really big mansion.

At the center, were a huge circular fountain that has 9 statues of a lion standing and roaring to the heaven like they are protecting the fountain, or even the mansion.

Around the fountain was a road, that lead to the door of the mansion, full of windows, balconies, and beautiful tiles at the top.

The art is clearly depicting the ancient mansions as there were towers erected to the sky and small bricks were used to give more details to this masterpiece.

The picture was just magnificent, at least, Jay did not see anything like this with his own eyes in real life.

The car stopped, and a servant came to open the door respectfully after welcoming them to the mansion, and led the group to inside the mansion.

The first thing Jay saw when he was in the mansion is big hall. Then wide stairs parting to lead to left and right of the second floor.

"Mr. Jay, the lady requested your presence."

the servant informed Jay politely.

"Please lead the way."

Jay said.

Jay and Craig followed the servant to a meeting hall at the first floor, where the lady was setting on the main seat.

"Hello, Jay. We meet again here finally."

The lady stood up and smiled at jay. Expectations were evident in her look and eyes.

"Hello, lady. I see that you have a very big and beautiful mansion. And I hope you can inform me of your name now."

Jay smiled back.

"Sorry for that, I know it was wrong of me to contact you without at least telling you my name. But I really could not. My name is Lenora. And I welcome you to the Bridget family mansion. I hope we can cooperate well in the next week."

"Very beautiful name, Miss Lenora. But let me ask the question that I really desire to be answered. Why am I here? Why me? What do you know about me?"

"well, those are three questions. But I will try to answer them as honest as I can be at the moment."

Lenora smiled at Jay.

"Haha, please be."

Jay laughed at himself, he said one question and then ask three. But it's not really his problem, as he is completely blind now. He does not know anything about this new job of his.

He originally accepted because it's like picking something on the way. Center glory was his next target, and this job made things easier and more convenient for him.

But now, he found himself lacking information about even what he will do.

"Let me answer your second and third questions first. We really do not know very much about you, a friend of mine was your 'client' at your 'clinic', when she knew about my issues, she actually suggested that I go for you for a 'treatment'. But when I tried to investigate you, I found many unusual things around you. As of now, all I know is that you are alone in this world, the government is blocking all of your information, and on top all of that, the government is afraid of you to some extent."

Lenora answered seriously. No flirty eyes like before in the bar, no kidding, this is a serious issue.

"… Miss Lenora, thanks for your honesty. But what would you do if I am a criminal, not a good guy that will help you?"

Jay smiled at first, but then his voice turned serious.

"Well, it's not like our family can't handle a criminal or two."

Lenora said.

"You can handle something that even the government fear?"

Jay asked with interest.

"There are many reasons for a government to fear, but not all of them are about strength. And our predicament required me to take risks even so."

Lenora answered with wry smile.

"I will not ask more about that anymore. Ok, let's return to the first question. Why am I here?"

Jay said as he felt that this family is big, but not on a level to know the real extent of this world. Or maybe, this lady Lenora is ignorant of the terror of this world. A big house and family like this, that can have its own stance in a huge city like Glory city, its very clear that they are not simple and ignorant as Lenora seems.

Jay was very sure, that in this house, mutants exists.

He can't be wrong.

'Interesting, I hope my stay here will be fun as I anticipate.'

Jay thought with a slight smile.