It Was A Scam

A fierce ice dragon erupted into existence. It's body coiled around her like a deadly shield, fearsome red eyes narrowed at the enemy.

Well . . . . that was what should have happened.

Hana blanked when no ice dragon appeared. Eh, did she say it wrong? "Sit upon the frozen heavens, Hyorinmaru!" Hana yelled the release command from subbed version.

Cricket. Cricket.

Her Pokemon sweatdropped. Their owner was so weird. Even the giant monster paused in confusion.

Hana waved the blade angrily. "Hey system, this is a defective product!! You tricked me!" Complaints! This was a complete scam!!!!

[Host cannot blame the system. System detects no stacking on card Hyorinmaru. It is Host's fault for not asking about clarification of the system. So blame your self.]

The system heartlessly replied. Hana's face turned black. "Explain yourself."

The system was happy to inform the host 'helpfully'.

[Some cards in the system require stacking to reach its full capabilities. One example is the Eevee card you had previously. After you stacked it with the Evolution card, the card improved and became Glaceon. Stacking is a great way to improve your cards. So please work hard host.]

Hana wanted to punch the system. "So I would to stack something onto Hyorinmaru to unlock it's shikai?"

[According to the card database, the required card is the Shikai Release under the special category from the anime Bleach. Host currently does not have the card.]

"System, I want to trade one of my cards for that card."

[Host has yet to unlock the 'Trading Room' feature. If you wish to obtain new cards, please use the system Drawing Wheel. Host currently has 2 draws available. Each draw grants two cards. Would the Host like to use a draw?]

"Hell no!" The system was trying to trick her again! Drawing a card likely meant it was random. What if she wasted a draw? She only had two!

At that moment, the giant Rosalian apparently got tired of her antics because it's thorny tentacles shot towards her.

"Damn it." Hana threw herself to the side. She deflected the thorny vines, drawing a green and red burst of liquid.

"Glaceon, Double Team, then Blizzard on the pool! Blackie, use Night Daze on the Rosalian. Chimchar, retreat for now."

The Rosalian curled up as the icy wind and snow assaulted it. The top of the pool started to freeze, locking away the vines' agility. It moved around in a daze as the dark type move it it.

"Glaceon, Ice Fang. Blackie, hide us with Illusion. Chimchar, Flame Wheel on its eyes!"

As the multiple of attacks hide the monster, Hana rushed forward, weaving through the vines. The Rosalian screech as its eyes were seared away by the blistering flames. It wiggled around desperately, but was unable to find the target especially with its sight gone.

Hana struck the place between the head and the stem. She cursed. Her swordsmanship was slightly awkward from lack of use. She knew she shouldn't have gave up on it.

The blade danced in an arc as she continued slashing and dodging, leaving deep wounds on the body. She hissed as a thorny vine grazed her, cutting it away.

Hana ran on the vines with astonishing balance and precision. She leapt forward and slashing straight through the body. Landing on solid ground, Hana glanced back at the dying body.

Blood from the pool was slowly draining as the monster's vines absorbed the blood. It was healing itself.

"Incinerate it." The Rosalian was engulfed in flames, slowly burning away into a blackened corpse. Admist the remains, a single shiny gem laid. Hana reached over and grasped the core.

It was like a ruby, deep red and slightly opaque. Hana pocketed it. She picked at her clothes, noting she was covered in blood. Her Pokemon had patches of red on them as well.

Hana scratched her neck. There was no water in the dungeon as far as she knew. "Ehehe Glaceon, do you know any water type moves?"

After a brief shower under Rain Dance, Hana left the dungeon, again in her male disguise.

"Eh?" The teen at the dungeon entrance stood up in shock. "You're done already?"

Hana gave him a assenting look. The teen gaped. "It's only been 30 minutes! You solo cleared it in 30 minutes! Impossible!"

This great master was amazing. And he look around his age. The teen wept bitterly inside. What had he been doing all his life?

"I'm done. Just cancel the rest of my time." Hana didn't want to do another run. This dungeon was far too messy.

She left quickly and put on a change of clothes. Dropping the illusion, she went to the Hunter Association branch to exchange her monster core.

At the exchange area, the attendant was frowning at the core Hana turned in. "Sorry, miss, the machine isn't recognizing the core. Please wait for an appraiser to come identify it."

Minutes later, a middle aged man walked over. "Where is the core?" The attendant handed over the red gem. The man's eyes were in shock. What core was this? He had never seen it before. He turned to the attendant sharply. "Did you measure it's magical energy concentration?"

The attendant nodded. "The result was 90%. But I didn't recognize the attribute."

The man was shocked. "An advance grade unknown!" He quickly brought over the core to a machine. "Blood Attribute!! It's actually blood attribute!!" His eyes widened.

He gave Hana a fervent gaze. "Young lady, were did you get this core?"

Hana blinked. "From my . . . friend. He got it in the Bloody Garden dungeon and entrusted me to exchange it for credits."

The man was shocked. "Blood Garden is a D — ranked dungeon! This core is from there?!" He took a deep breath.

"This is a newly discovered core with a rare attribute. I'll give you 3,000 credits for it, how 'bout it?"

"5,000." Hana countered. She knew that a core with a blood attribute was rare, but only for research. Not many people had abilities relating to blood so the market for the core wasn't as big.


Hana smiled as she walked out of the place. She did one dungeon run and cut her debt by almost a third. Such as nice job.

Now, she had a system to question.