Drawing Wheel

Hana sat on the floor of her room.

[System, introduce the drawing wheel.]

A 5 colored wheel appeared before her, just like the prize wheels seen at carnivals.

[Host can use the drawing wheel to draw new cards. Drawn cards are randomized in type and anime. Host has a 30% permanent luck bonus and will gain 2 cards per draw]

"30% luck?"

[Because Host has inherited the system from previous user, your 15% is combined with her 15%. Your luck percentage increases the chances of drawing a card you need, a card from the same anime of your current cards, or a rare card. Host may use cards to increase luck during draws. System suggests using the Luck Draw card to temporarily raise your luck bonus to 40%.]

Hana nodded. "I would like to use Luck Draw and all my draws."

[Affirmative . . . drawing your cards]

Within her card storage, the luck draw card vanished. The wheel began spinning, merry anime music playing. Ding!

[Host has drawn the following:

Gale Force Reading Glasses x1

Luck Draw x1

Package Draw x1

Opera Cake x1

Shikai Release x1

Evolution x1

Thank you for using the drawing wheel!]

Yes! Hana's eyes zoomed in on the Shikai Release. "Stack Shikai Release onto Hyorinmaru!"

The two cards shone and combined. A new card appeared


Name: Hyorinmaru [Shikai]

Type: Weapon

Anime: Bleach

Note: May you rule the heavens with your ice


Hana laughed, hugging the sword. She finally could use the powers of one of her favorite characters!

She turned to the other cards. "Gale Force Reading Glasses?"


Name: Gale Force Reading Glasses

Type: Special

Anime: Fairytail

Note: This is the 120x version


Hana wracked her brain. "These are . . . the glasses of Levy McGarden! The one that let's her read faster. But is 120x a good version?"

She put on the red glasses and walked over to the computer. Pulling up a text, she started reading. Information immediately flooded her brain. Her eyes moved along the words at supersonic speed, absorbing all the words in seconds.

She finished the 10 page document in less than a minute! Hana held the glasses in awe. "This is a treasure!" If she had used this item in her old world, how many light novels would she had been able to read! Hana's heart cried from the possibilities.

Hana put aside the glasses. "Now, let's use the Evolution card." She glanced between Chimchar and Blackie. Chimchar was one of her main attackers, while Blackie's illusion was a crucial support. However, Chimchar could evolve to Infernape, which she predicted would be a powerhouse. And she really preferred the Blackie's cute form over Zoroark's.

"Stack Evolution and Chimchar." She decided.

She had gotten a luck draw to replace the one she used and something called a package draw.


Name: Package Draw

Type: Special

Anime: None

Note: Draws 5 cards from the same anime (randomized)


"Oh, this will be useful! Too bad it's randomized."

Hana decided to put these aside for now. "Wait a minute, I got 6 cards? Don't I only have 2 draws?"

[When Host reached level 2, she obtained another draw. Thus you used 3 draws resulting in 6 cards.]

"I gained a level? Open my status window."

Name: Hana Zhao

Level: 2

Cards in Storage: 12

Draws Available: 0

"How did I gain a level?" Hana muttered.

[Every world has a different way of earning EXP points for leveling. System has deemed killing dungeon monsters as the way to increase EXP points. As host later unlocks missions, host can earn EXP by completing missions.]

"Shouldn't you show me by EXP numbers at least?"

[Once host reaches a sufficient level, the system will upgrade to include more specifics]

Hana clucked her tongue. "Useless."

[Indeed, the Host is useless. Please work harder.]

Hana decided to ignore the black-hearted system. She turned to the last card.


Name: Opera Cake

Type: Special

Anime: Yumeiro Patissiere

Note: Have a delicious treat to endure the long nights!


Hana frowned. She didn't know this anime. From the card stats, it seems like she had drawn a food? A cake actually, looking at the picture. Must be a food anime. She summoned it.

A gorgeous chocolate opera cake appeared in a shower of sparkles. It's layers were perfectly distinct and the decorations on top shiny. The rich aroma of cacao and coffee permeated the air.

Hana gulped. It looked so perfect! The sweet scent was practically begging her to eat it. But she didn't want to ruin this perfect masterpiece of a cake.

"System, what will happen when I eat it?"

[You will be happy of course. You're practically drooling little glutton.]

Hana's eye twitched. "I meant what will happen to the card. Will it disappear?"

[According to the system guidelines for food related cards, once the card is used, the card will return in a dormant state to the storage. You may reuse the card after the 24 hour cool down period]

"So I have an endless supply of this cake?"

[You can say that]

Hana spirited the cake into the kitchen. Cutting a slice for herself, she quickly took a bite. She melted. It was sooo good!! Anime food was the best. The bitter coffee and sweet chocolate danced in her mouth. The soft cream, the moist sponge, Hana's fork pace increased.

"Sister . . . "

Rina was standing behind her, deadpan look in her eyes as she watched her sister gorge herself on cake.

Hana choked. "Rina, you're back!" She awkwardly put down the fork.

"We were released early today for exam study . . . "

Hana pulled her to the counter. "Try some cake! It's really good!" She pushed the rest of the cake to her sister.

Rina's eyes were shiny as they fell on the beautiful cake. Even with a chunk missing, it was still amazing. However, her face showed reluctance. "Expensive . . . "

Hana patted her head. "This was made with you sister's ability. Absolutely free."

Rina looked shocked. "Free?"

Hana nodded. "Yup, so eat to your heart's content." Hana watched as Rina dug into the cake. Her cheeks were stuffed cutely like a chipmunk.

Hana patted her head. This sister of hers was so cute. She had a rather withdrawn personality, but was mature and smart. So much like that person. Hana smiled. Don't worry, I'll protect you just like I wanted with her.

"Rina, I know how to use my abilities. From now, let you big sister support you yeah? I will take care of the money problem and you. You just do what you want from now on."

A tiny smile bloomed on Rina's face. "Okay."

"I'm a Hunter now. Remember your big sister is strong. If anyone bullies you, tell me and I'll take care of them."

Rina's personality was slightly worrying. In this world where power was emphasized, she probably suffered greatly. Hana didn't know what her ability was, but the label of being an F - ranked would hinder Rina's future.

Hana summed Blackie. "In the future, we'll have more companion's like Blackie. I'll have one follow you to protect you alright?"

Rina nodded. She gently picked up the dark Pokemon, stroking its fur. Blackie made a sound of contentment, and curled asleep in her arms. What a lazy thing, sleeping all the time. Was it a Snorlax in disguise?

Hana thoughtfully looked at the duo.

"System, is there anyway to give others my cards?"

