Third Sister Is Pregnant!

An evil smile formed on Wu Shuyu's face as she quickly turned her head to look at Wu Mei. Wu Shuyu quickly put on a look of pity and sorrow as crocodile tears streamed down her cheeks. She quickly ran and embraced Wu Mei hugging her tightly to the point that Wu Mei yelled out in pain. "Third Sister your okay! When I saw that dirty beggar drag you half-naked into the back alley that day! I was so scared! Although you lost your purity do not worry your First Sister will take care of you for the rest of your life!"

Just before Wu Mei could say anything Wu Shuyu quickly loosened the grip of her left arm and gave a quick jab to Wu Mei's stomach before placing her left arm back around Wu Mei. Wu Mei started wheezing as if she was going to puke. "Oh! No! Third sister is this morning sickness!? Don't tell me Third Sister is pregnant!? What to do!? What to do!?" Wu Shuyu was bouncing up and down squeezing her arms even tighter around Wu Mei

Of course, it was no longer morning it was actually afternoon. But Wu Shuyu was sure that the words "Third Sister is pregnant" would take precedence over anything else she said. People were bored in this era so things that could be used for gossip were more entertaining than the actual truth.

After catching her breath Wu Mei was struggling as much as she could to break the grasp Wu Shuyu had on her. But how could she free herself when Wu Shuyu was one stage above her? "Let go of me! Wu Shuyu! Who do you think you are!? Don't slander me! I'm not pregnant!"

"Don't worry Third Sister! No matter if the baby looks like that dirty old beggar who had a cleft lip. I will still love the baby since it will be my niece or nephew!" Wu Shuyu could hear see the crowd gathering watching the scene with great interest. They were standing in the shop's doorway that was open to a busy street. So there were many passersby who stopped to see the show. You could hear them gossiping amongst themselves.

"Did you hear that she lost her purity to a beggar on the side of the road."

"Yeah and now she's pregnant. Wait, isn't that the Third Young Miss from the General's Manor?"

"Yeah, your right!"

"I thought she was engaged to the crown prince?"

"Looks like that engagement will be canceled now..."

Wu Shuyu was laughing very loudly on the inside. This was just the start of the torture She planned to put this bitch through. WU Mei killed the old Wu Shuyu so Wu Shuyu planned to torture her very slowly. It would be to easy to just beat her up or kill her. But Wu Shuyu decided it was best to take her time and slowly torture her. Now Wu Shuyu probably should give Wu Mei her thanks for allowing her to be reborn. But the memories of the poor girl who was beaten and tortured every day was now a part of Wu Shuyu. If she did not get revenge Wu Shuyu would not feel right. So Wu Shuyu was currently enjoying the pale face her Dear Third Sister had on right now. Wu Mei looked like she had seen a ghost. You could tell she wanted to run away as soon as possible but how could Wu Shuyu let that happen.

"Third Sister you look so pale! Are you okay!? Oh! No! Is something wrong with the BABY!?" Wu Shuyu made sure to yell the baby portion out as loud as she could.

Wu Mei finally broke free of Wu Shuyu's embrace after much struggle as she stared at Wu Shuyu with eyes filled with murderous rage. She pointed a finger while shaking it saying: "You! You! Wu Shuyu you stop spouting nonsense!"

"Its okay Third Sister! It is not your fault that that beggar pounded you from behind while you screamed for more. I am sure it felt good Third Sister but you are still young and… and.. you are engaged at that!" Wu Shuyu put on her best innocent look as her cheeks blushed and she slightly looked away from Wu Mei as if Wu Shuyu was too embarrassed to look her. The surrounding people all stood there with their mouths open wide as they looked at Wu Mei.

"So she was yelling for more? Who would have thought the Third Young Miss was such a slut!"

"Yeah… Not only does she get r*ped by a beggar but in the end she actually liked it! No wonder she's pregnant! She Probably did not let the beggar pull out."

And now the crowd was saying even worse things. First, they felt pity now they felt that Wu Mei was just a slut. Yep, Wu Shuyu was feeling really good right now. Wu Mei's face was turning bright red from embarrassment, how could Wu Shuyu not feel good right now? She could mark this off as a win right?

"Wu Shuyu! You just wait!" Ahh! Wu Mei stormed off. Oh, she tripped! That must of hurt...

"Young miss..." Qin Ming at Wu Shuyu's side once again had a worried look on her face. It made Wu Shuyu feel a bit bad since she didn't warn the poor girl. Hopefully, Wu Shuyu hopped she would not worry the poor girl to death.

"Ming'er it is fine. What can she do to me?" Wu Shuyu said before she leaned over and whispered into Qin Ming's ear: "After I got rid of the poison I am now at the peak of the fifth stage of Body Refinement. So I am stronger than her what can she do to us?"

Wu Shuyu smiled and went back to looking at the fabrics to make her new clothes with, leaving a stupified Qin Ming with her mouth wide open. Wu Shuyu was really having a good day today!