Wu Shuyu Has Tourettes!

The sun was setting when Wu Shuyu and Qin Ming were rounding the edge of the General's Manor's wall to sneak back into her courtyard. The clothes she had ordered would not be ready for two days so Wu Shuyu planned to use this time to try to break through to the sixth stage of Body Refinement. Wu Shuyu had Qin Ming give her a boost up so she could climb the wall before turning around and helping Qin Ming up. If this was Wu Shuyu before she started cultivating she would never have been able to pull Qin Ming up such a high wall by herself. But now she could do it with ease.

As both Wu Shuyu and Qin Ming were up on the courtyard wall Wu Shuyu could hear footsteps heading in their direction. So Wu Shuyu hurried Qin Ming up as they both jumped down and quickly made it to the window of Wu Shuyu's bedroom window before climbing through it.

A woman came walking into Wu Shuyu's courtyard with an air of arrogance as her beautiful hand-embroidered dress swayed in the wind. She looked around the courtyard and then snorted before yelling out: "Wu Shuyu get out here right now!"

Wu Shuyu had already changed into an old set of clothes with Qin Ming's help before slowly making her way outside with her head lowered to the ground. Ever so often her head would twitch uncontrollably. Seeing Wu Shuyu coming out dressed in old rags of clothes made the woman put on a mocking smile as if she was happy to see Wu Shuyu's plight.

"Wu Shuyu do you know what you have done to my poor Bai'er!?" This woman who was angrily shouting was none other than Concubine Xun, Wu Bai's mother.

With her head twitching every so slightly Wu Shuyu looked up with tears already starting to well up in her eyes. Her face was covered in dirt hiding her beautiful features. She slightly parted her lips as she said: "Con-Con-Con-Concubine Xun… Slut! Bitch! Whore!"

"Wha-What did you just call me!? Quickly someone beat this bitch to death!" Concubine Xun was raging mad! She had never thought that that the worthless piece of trash would actually call her such horrible names!

"It-It's no-not my fault! Y-Yu'er has a-an in-incurable di-disease… ca-called t-t-t-tourettes…Bitch! Slut!" Wu Shuyu's head twitches violently as she talked.

"Disease or not beat her to death!" Concubine Xun was so mad that she was having a hard time breathing. her face was red and veins were popping out of her forehead!

At Concubine Xun's words, two tough-looking grannies came forward and were about to hit Wu Shuyu when Wu Shuyu suddenly shouted out "D-Don't t-t-t-t-t-touch m-me i-it's con-contagious! Whore! Bitch! Slut!"

Wu Shuyu's words instantly made the two grannies stop their hand's mid-air as they took several steps back from Wu Shuyu. Seeing this Wu Shuyu smiled brightly within their heart. As she thought: 'You want to hit me? Not going to happen!' A flash of evil light flashed through Wu Shuyu's eyes as she suddenly went into a full sprint towards Concubine Xun! Concubine Xun was startled by Wu Shuyu's sudden actions and froze allowing Wu Shuyu time to tackle her to the ground! This was no ordinary tackle Wu Shuyu had actually body tackled Concubine Xun lifting her into the air before slamming Concubine Xun to the ground.

Concubine Xun let out a grunt of pain. She felt extremely dizzy because her head had bounced off the ground a few times after being slammed into it. Concubines Xun's two grannies were standing there with mouths wide open at what had just occurred! But that was not the end of it Wu Shuyu quickly mounted her self up on to Concubine Xun's chest pinning Concubine Xun's arms to the ground and started punching her in the face over and over! The already dizzy Concubine Xun started crying out in pain as her face started to swell. The entire time Wu Shuyu was yelling "Slut! Bitch! Whore!" With every punch that landed on Concubine Xun's head with a crazed look in her eyes.

After getting some fun, Wu Shuyu changed her facial expression to that of an innocent girl as she looked down at Concubine Xun. Tears welled up in her eyes as she shouted out "Oh no! I did it again! First, it was Second Sister then it was Concubine Xun! I am so sorry! Now even you will be infected by this disease!" Wu Shuyu quickly got off Concubine Xun and turned to her grannies. "You two what are you doing!? Quickly help Concubine Xun back to her courtyard!"

The two Grannies looked at Wu Shuyu with fear in their eyes. Wu Shuyu saw this and quickly walked over to them "Please hurry dear Concubine Xun is really hurt you need to help her!"

Wu Shuyu stretched out her hands to grab the two Grannies hands only for them to scream out: "Monster! She's possessed!" As they ran away at top speed leaving Concubine Xun in a battered mess on the ground.

Wu Shuyu sighed as she walked over to Concubine Xun grabbed her by the hair causing Concubine Xun to once again scream out in pain. "Shut Up! This is nothing compared to what Wu Shuyu had to go through!" Wu Shuyu gave a swift kick to the back Concubine Xun's neck causing her to pass out before continuing to drag her up the pathway.

Wu Shuyu did not want Concubine Xun to wake up near her courtyard. She was hoping that after being beaten so badly she would forget that she was ever there in the first place. If not and she came seeking revenge then Wu Shuyu would just beat her again! This time making sure she can't even speak! After finding a good spot far away from her courtyard Wu Shuyu dumped Concubine Xun on the side of the path like a piece of trash, dusted off her hands, and walked back to her courtyard with a smile on her face humming a tune as if nothing even happened.