Present From The Emperor Part One

After the meal, Feng Jie and Wu Shuyu went for a stroll around the man-made island. Wu Shuyu intertwined her fingers with Feng Jie's as they walked along the lit-up path. The night sky was clear allowing the stars and moon and shine down. Wu Shuyu had not had such a good night since she was reborn into this world. She decided from here on out she would live this life to the fullest and she would do so by Feng Jie's side. In this world when one fell in love as long as it was not unrequited, then that love would last a lifetime. Of course, there was always an exception to this. Like her good for nothing father. He had such a great woman but still brought in concubines all because her body's mother did not give birth quick enough. Although this was an age of Confucianism, even though this world was very different from Earth it still had some of the same ideals. Mainly because needing to carry on the family line was considered very important. This was especially true for royalty.

Wu Shuyu looked up at Feng Jie her lips parted as she said: "You know Jie'er if you ever get any concubines, I will kill them..."

Feng Jie raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Un! I know! So Yu'er, do not worry this King will not and does not want to have anyone else but Yu'er. And if for some reason someone forces their daughter into this King's palace then Yu'er may do as she wishes. This King will support Yu'er no matter what."

"Humph! You Better!" Although she said this with an angry tone her lips were curled upwards into a smile.

The two walked the entire man-made island together before deciding it was time to leave. There was a good show to be watched in the morning and Wu Shuyu wanted to make sure she was fully awake to watch the good show.

When they got back Feng Jie and Wu Shuyu separated so that the two of them could get ready for bed. Feng Jie had made sure that he had his own room within Xiannu Palace so that he could bathe and get changed. It was still too soon for the two of them to be seeing each other naked and from what Wu Shuyu has told Feng Jie many times he knew that until she had meat buns he would not be doing anything with her besides sleeping next to her anytime soon.

The next morning Wu Shuyu and Feng Jie got fully dressed up to go to the main hall of the General's Manor. Wu Shuyu walked out of her room to see Feng Jie patiently waiting for her. "Jie'er what do you think?" Wu Shuyu spun around allowing her pink and white hanfu dress to flutter about.

"Mmmm… Looks very good. Anything that Yu'er wears will always look good just because it is on Yu'er." Feng Jie nodded his head as to agree with himself.

"Tch! No fun! You're already acting like we have been married for many years when our wedding day has yet to come." Wu Shuyu stuck out her tongue and grabbed Feng Jie's hand dragging him along with her. Feng Jie let out a laugh as they made their way towards the main hall of the General's Manor.

Wu Shuyu's palace was no longer connected directly with the General's Manor. The Emperor had gifted her courtyard along with all the land around it in order to build the palace she now lives in. So when they went to the General's Manor they had to enter through the front gate. When they arrived they just so happened to meet up with Eunuch He who was here to pass down an Imperial Decree.

"This lowly one greets the Prince and Princess." Eunuch He greeted Feng Jie and Wu Shuyu with a slight bow.

"Good Morning Eunuch He! " Wu Shuyu greeted Eunuch He but what caught Wu Shuyu's eye was the two men standing behind Eunuch He. Although these two men were very handsome, Wu Shuyu could tell right away from their mannerisms and how they carried themselves that they were one hundred percent gay! Wu Shuyu already had thoughts racing through her head on what was going on. Doing her best to hold back her laughter she leaned up against Feng Jie pushing her face into Feng Jie's arm.

The corner of Feng Jie's lips curled up as he knew his little thing already had an idea of what was going to happen. But an idea was nothing more than an idea. The show that was about to happen was the real treat. He was sure his little thing would fully enjoy it. Feng Jie dotingly patted Wu Shuyu on the head as he said: "Come Yu'er, the show has yet to start."

Nodding her head Wu Shuyu quickly recomposed herself. Once she was perfectly fine again, Feng Jie and her walked into the General's Manor with Eunuch He. The guards of the General's Manor ran ahead in order to notify the General Wu of the arrivals of the waste girl, Prince Jie, and Eunuch He. When General Wu who was laying on his stomach due to the pain in his ass heard this news he immediately frowned. Nothing good has happened when interacting with his waste of a daughter lately. But now there were two more demons entering his General's Manor on top of the damn waste girl! General Wu really wanted to know in which past life he had offended these three people to end up having so many bad things happen to his General's Manor as of late! But he could not refuse to go out and greet them either! Gritting his teeth he quickly got dressed and headed towards the main hall.


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