Present From The Emperor Part Two

When General Wu finally made it to the main hall his face turned black as he saw Wu Shuyu sitting in the main seat with Feng Jie sitting beside her peeling grapes and feeding them to her. General Wu clenched his fist as he knew he could not say anything to that waste of a daughter of his because if he did he would have to deal with Prince Jie! Forcing a smile on his face he knelt down onto the ground and bowed his head and greeted Feng Jie: "This General greets Prince Jie. Long live Prince Jie."

General Wu was still kneeling on the ground waiting for Prince Jie to allow him to stand up but a few minutes had passed and he still had not said anything. He lifted his head to take a peek at what was going on to find that he was still feeding the waste of a girl grapes!

"Yu'er you should eat more. You are so skinny, this King feels that the General's Manor does not even feed their own daughter." Feng Jie said in a dotting manner.


"It is only Jie'er that understands this Princess's hardships. This Princess is so poor that this Princess can barely feed herself. But Jie'er you should also eat some as well. We did not have breakfast this morning when we got up." Wiping the imaginary tears from her eyes Wu Shuyu peeled a grape for Feng Jie and popped it into his mouth.

"Mmmm… The grapes that Yu'er gives this King are always so sweet." Feng Jie happily chewed the grape in his mouth.

General Wu wanted to cough up a mouth full of blood seeing such a sickening scene in front of him. But what pissed him off the most was that he was still forced to stay kneeling! Feng Jie swept his cold gaze over General Wu after he finished eating the grape that Wu Shuyu hand fed him. He opened his mouth and said in a cold tone: "This King's Princess is sitting here next to him yet General Wu had yet to greet her? Is this how you treat this King's Princess?"

General Wu's face turned black. He now had to salute the damn waste girl as well!? Gritting his teeth to the point that they almost broke, he bowed his head once more as he said: "T-This G-General Greets Princess Xiannu… Lon-Long live Princess Xiannu..." At this time the rest of the Wu family arrived at the main hall and all witnessed such a scene. They were all rendered speechless at this sight.

Wu Shuyu gave a mocking smile as she arrogantly said: "You may rise!"

General Wu slowly got up from the ground he looked at the mocking smile on his waste of a daughter's face and glared at her. Wu Shuyu did not say anything because if she pushed her father too far he might lose his mind and kill everyone here. She knew Feng Jie was strong but she also knew that he was not as strong as her father just yet. But just because she did not start anything did not mean someone else would not. Wu Ying, Wu Shuyu's fourth sister who was at the third stage of body refinement, walked right over to Wu Shuyu and pointed her finger at her yelling: "Your nothing but a waste! Just because you have a little backing you think you are queen!? Your nothing but a slut who spread her legs for Prince Jie in order to get any kind of backing. Prince Jie is only with you to hide the fact that he's ga..."

*PA* *PA* *PA*

"AHHHH!" Three crisp slaps rang throughout the main hall startling everyone. Wu Shuyu had risen from her chair and slapped Wu Ying three times each slap harder than the last. The third slap sent Wu Ying flying across the room and into a wall. Wu Ying's face instantly turned into that of a pigs. The whole hall went silent.

'Wu Shuyu is a waste, how did she send Wu Ying who was in the third stage of body refinement flying across the room? The only way to do that was if Wu Shuyu had a higher cultivation than Wu Ying! But isn't Wu Shuyu a waste!?' This was the same thought that went through everyone's mind at this moment.

Wu Shuyu did not intend to show off her strength at this time but Wu Ying started to speak badly about her Jie'er! She would never allow it! Wu Shuyu looked coldly at Wu Ying who was in a daze. She slowly walked towards her while cracking her knuckles. "It seems this Princess has not had a chance to spar with anyone in a few days. Dear Fourth Sister, please spar with this Princess." Wu Shuyu was already standing before Wu Ying. She raised her foot and ruthlessly stomped down on Wu Ying's stomach. She would not show mercy to those that show no respect for her loved ones. Especially her Jie'er!

A clear cracking sound could be heard coming from inside Wu Ying's body causing Wu Ying to cry out in pain. The eyes she looked up at Wu Shuyu with, were full of fear. General Wu who was dumbfounded by what was going on quickly recovered and yelled out "Stop this instant you bastard! You are this heartless that you would go this far to harm your own sister!?"

"Heartless!? You sure tell some funny jokes, General Wu. Mo Qi!" Wu Shuyu was filled with rage. She came here this morning to watch a show. Now she would have to create a show of her own to finally make this stupid family realize she can not be messed with!

"Yes, Princess?" Mo Qi came out of nowhere and kneeled before Wu Shuyu.

"Break each of my Dear Fourth Sister's fingers slowly. My good for nothing father says I'm being heartless I will show him the true meaning of being heartless! "


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