Present From The Emperor Part Three

Wu Shuyu's eyes turned cold. From her memories, Wu Ying would torture the old Wu Shuyu by grinding her fingers into the ground very slowly. The old Wu Shuyu would cry out in pain begging for Wu Ying to stop but she never did. Wu Ying would instead laugh and mock the old Wu Shuyu. No matter how much the old Wu Shuyu struggled she was never able to getaway. Her hands afterward looked as if they had been put through a meat grinder. To hide the evidence of such torture Wu Ying would make sure to feed the old Wu Shuyu medical pills to heal her injuries. Sometimes Wu Ying would spend an entire day torturing the old Wu Shuyu by mangling her fingers and then healing them. She would then repeat this process over and over again.

Just the thought of the pain that her body's owner had to go through at the time made Wu Shuyu want to string Wu Ying up and torture the girl day and night as she peeled Wu Ying's skin off layer by layer. Only then would the revenge on Wu Ying be worth it. For now, this was just a prelude to what was to come in the future. Only when she had strength enough to deal with the entire Wu family, would she be able to give peace to the old Wu Shuyu.

Wu Ying's screams of pain filled the entire main hall. Wu Shuyu stood at the side with a smile on her face not even flinching at the sounds of her sister's cries of pain. General Wu could not take it anymore and released his spirit pressure throughout the room. "Stop this instant! You little bitch you dare harm my daughter!?"

Wu Shuyu clenched her teeth as she continued to stand tall. Sweat dripped from her forehead as the spirit pressure weighed down on her body. "General Wu you seem to have grown balls since the last time we met.. You dare threaten this King's Princess?" Feng Jie's eyes turned cold as he appeared in front of Wu Shuyu. He placed a hand on her shoulder instantly dispelling the spiritual pressure that was weighing down on her.

"Your highness Prince Jie! You saw what the wretched girl did! I told her to stop, yet she still continued!" General Wu was so mad his veins were popping out of his forehead almost to the point that they were going to explode!

"Why should this King's Princess listen to you? Why would you tell this King's Princess to stop what she is doing? This King's Princess's actions are always right! So what has this King's Princess done wrong? Is it not right for the first daughter of a family to discipline the other daughters? All this King sees is his Princess teaching her sister not to talk down to this King? To be honest this King's feels the punishment this King's Princess gave was to light." Feng Jie smiled brightly as he turned to Mo Qi. "Mo Qi, break each of her toes legs and arms as well. Make sure you break each section slowly."

Mo Qi smiled she had to admit that her Princess and Prince Jie were a perfect match. Both were never one to give light punishments to those who had offended them. "Yes! Your Highness!" After responding Mo Qi went about her job happily as she broke each finger slowly making sure to inflict as much pain as possible. Seeing that Mo Qi was doing her job diligently Feng Jie gave an approving nod and turned back to General Wu. "Now you were saying, General Wu? Now it was this King who gave the order. Do you still disapprove? Or would you like me to add more to your daughter's punishment?"

General Wu's face turned black then green he wanted to rip Feng Jie to pieces! But he could not because he would not survive the retaliation from the Emperor! Gritting his teeth General Wu said: "Your Highness, Prince Jie's punishment is perfectly reasonable already. I humbly thank your Highness."

"Mmmm! Good! Now let this King give you a warning. If this King sees you release your pressure on this King's Princess ever again... This King will make sure you lose everything!" Prince Jie's words were deep and cold. His gaze was sharp as he stared at General Wu.

General Wu gave a Humph before turning around. He was about to leave when he heard Feng Jie call out from behind him. "General Wu where do you think you are going? You still have a decree to receive."

General Wu balled up his fist in his sleeve as he turned back around. His face was contorted with anger. Feng Jie led Wu Shuyu back to the main seats and had her sit back down before proceeding to peel more grapes for her and then hand feeding them to her. Once the sweet taste of the grape filled her mouth Wu Shuyu's anger calmed down as she savored each grape. Eunuch He watched the show with much amusement. He found that it was always very interesting when coming to the General's Manor. Seeing that Feng Jie was ready Eunuch He walked over to Mo Qi who was immersed in breaking bones. "Miss Mo, can you please take this noisy thing outside? I can not give His Majesty's decree with her shouting and crying."

"Of course, let me just lift…."


Mo Qi who went to pick Wu Ying up by her hair, looked at her hand to see a big lock of hair in her hand. "Heh… I guess her hair was not as strong as I thought… Eunuch He do you think I can sell this?" Mo Qi had an innocent face on when she asked this question.


Wu Shuyu burst out laughing. The innocent look on Mo Qi's face was too priceless as she held the lock of hair in her hand. Wu Shuyu quickly caught her breath and answered in Eunuch He's place: "Mo Qi, you should throw that away you do not know where that has been. If there is some kind of disease in it and it passes on to you. You will have a hard time finding a husband in the future." Wu Shuyu said teasingly.

"Princess you tease me. But you are right, this hair feels dirty. I will get rid of it at once." Mo Qi then threw the hair into one of the braziers that were aligning the side of the main hall before grabbing the scruff of Wu Ying's dress. "Then, if you will excuse me." With a small bow, Mo Qi dragged Wu Ying out of the main hall.

"Ahem..." Clearing his throat Eunuch He looked around the room and gave a smile as if none of what had just happened actually happened. "General Wu of the General's Manor, come forward to receive an Imperial Decree!"