The Emperor Falls Into A trap!

Wu Shuyu was about to start her cultivation when she heard loud chanting coming from outside. After coming back from the General's Manor Wu Shuyu and Feng Jie split up to go cultivate. But the noise outside was a little too much to allow for Wu Shuyu to cultivate in peace. Wu Shuyu walked towards the main hall of her Xiannu Palace where she met up with Feng Jie who also came out to see what was going on.

As they reached the main hall they heard loud footsteps along with chanting "Long Live Princess Xiannu!" Wu Shuyu looked over at Feng Jie in confusion "Something you did?"

Feng Jie shook his head. "No, but this King is sure it is something Father Emperor did."

"That old coot up to something again?" Wu Shuyu furrowed her brow. 'What is that old fox up to now!'

"Whatever it is this King is sure Father Emperor will be appearing. So Yu'er make sure you don't fall for his traps." Feng Jie had a feeling his Father Emperor was going to try to get something out of coming here. Feng Jie also had a feeling that his Father Emperor was going to leave with less than he came with.

At this time a maid came running in from outside. "Princess! The Emperor is here!"

Wu Shuyu quickly put her game face on as she knew she was about to meet the ruler of Cloud Country. Although he was Feng Jie's father he was an emperor after all. So without hesitation, Wu Shuyu sat down in the main seat. She would not allow the Emperor to one up her! So she had to sit at the higher position since this was her house! Feng Jie who saw this action let out a light laugh as he sat down next to her.

Outside the main hall, you could hear a loud booming voice sounding out. "Where is our daughter in law we want to meet her!"

Wu Shuyu facepalmed, was this really how an Emperor should act? Do Emperors randomly start yelling outside people's doors? Wu Shuyu watched as Emperor Feng Yang walked into the main hall. He looked around and caught sight of Feng Jie. Then his eyes moved to the beautiful young girl sitting next to him. He was truly stunned at the girl's beauty. Although she was still young, her skin was like smooth white jade, her long black hair and deep dark black eyes allowed one to get lost in them with just a look. There was also a hint of craftiness that could be seen in the depths of her eyes. If one was not careful they would lose everything to the girl in front of them. Emperor Feng Yang gave an approving nod. This girl was indeed a perfect match for his Jie'er.

"So you are the First Young Miss of the General's Manor, our daughter in law." Emperor Feng Yang sat in one of the seats below Wu Shuyu like it was the normal thing to do.

Seeing this Wu Shuyu raised an eyebrow. The Emperor actually sat below without a word? Giving a faint smile Wu Shuyu knew this old coot was up to something! "And you must be the one who tried to take what few silver this daughter in law owns. How can you do such a thing when this daughter in law is so poor? Are you really my father in law? This daughter in law does not even get to eat well! Look this daughter in law does not even have any meat buns because she has no money! But even my own father in law bullies me just as much as my own good for nothing father. Both wish for this lowly girl to be poor and hungry! How am I supposed to get my meat buns to grow without the proper nourishment!"

Emperor Feng Yang who just went to take a sip of his tea ended up spray it all over the place after Wu Shuyu's outburst. 'What the hell was the damn girl saying!? How do we go from exchanging pleasantries to us trying to rob a poor malnourished girl!? Is she not fully healthy and has lots of money? She might lack meat buns but she did not look hungry what so ever! Just one piece of a pillar from this palace was enough to feed her for a few years!'

Feng Jie had to cover his face to hide his laughter. 'It seems my Father Emperor has finally met his match!'

"Father Emperor are you truly going to take everything this daughter in law has? Are you really going to make this daughter In law go hungry for the days to come? How am I supposed to marry my Jie'er if I am stuck in bed due to not eating enough?" Wu Shuyu was keeping a close eye on the Emperor's expression. She saw how he was getting baffled with what was being said a fox like grin appeared on her face before quickly disappearing. 'Got him!'

"W-Who said we are taking our daughter in law's things!? It is more like we are giving our daughter in law things! What does our daughter in law want? Your Father Emperor will get you whatever it is." Emperor Feng Yang quickly answered not realizing he had fallen into her trap.

"Father Emperor is what you say true? You will give this daughter in law anything she wants?" Wu Shuyu looked up at Emperor Feng Yang with her big beautiful teary eyes. It was a look that made everyone want to protect and spoil her.

Seeing this look Emperor Feng Yang felt like his heart was about to burst as she quickly nodded his head. "Yes, of course, your Father Emperor will give you whatever it is that you want."

"Then… Daughter in law wants the General's Manor..."


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