Letting Them Know

Emperor Feng Yang was surprised at Wu Shuyu's request. He went into deep thought for a moment before asking: "Why do you want the General's Manor?"

Wu Shuyu smiled, she knew that Emperor Feng Yang would ask such a question. Her previous pitiful look disappeared as her face became cold as she answered: "To get what is due to me. Father Emperor, I am not sure if you know this. But since the day my mother died and my father found out I was a waste. He had treated me like a worthless object. My goal now is to take everything that is due to me and repay the entire General's Manor tenfold for the treatment that they have given me. I am lucky I was not sold off or r*ped by one of my brothers, one of the male guards, or even one of the lowly slaves these past few years. Although I say that, the beatings, the torture, and the lack of food were nothing to be considered as fun either. Every one of my brothers and sisters tortured me on a daily basis. Some even went to the extent of making it an all day event. My daily life was worse than that of a beggar on the side of the road. Even slaves would get treated better in this house than I would. To be honest they do get treated better.

"Father Emperor you do not know what it is like to not know when your next meal will be or when you will have to endure the torture of your own siblings just because they find it amusing to see me on the ground crying. If it was not for the only person by my side, Qin Ming, doing everything she could to allow me to survive I would have died of starvation before being beaten to death. Father Emperor, you do not know this but I have already died once..." Tears rolled down Wu Shuyu's eyes as she said this. She had dropped all formalities about herself. But the truth was that she truly had died once already.

After saying these words a look of determination shown on Wu Shuyu's face. " Jie'er, Father Emperor, everything I have just said was true. Now you must all be wondering why I have changed so much the past few days compared to how I was before. It is true that the owner of this body has died. That Wu Shuyu led a pitiful life. I died as well… I am not from this world…" Wu Shuyu looked up at Feng Jie. She did not want to keep this Feng Jie. She had already fallen for him deeply. If Feng Jie and her were going to be married she wanted to make sure this was all out in the open to allow Feng Jie and his family to know that she was not the same Wu Shuyu.

"Wait! What do you mean not from this world? We do not understand!" Emperor Feng Yang cut in. He was confused as to what Wu Shuyu was talking about.

"She means her soul passed through time and space and inhabited the late Wu Shuyu's body after the poor girl died. This also means she herself had died as well." A voice sounded out outside the main hall doors. The doors opened to reveal an old man with a long white beard. "Little Yu I thought I told you not to let anyone know about this matter!"

"Grandpa Gong!"Wu Shuyu was surprised to see Gong Bo."What are you here?"

"Can a Grandfather now visit a granddaughter when he wants? Now answer my question did I not tell you not to mention your origins to anyone else?" Gong Bo asked sternly.

"It's not that I was not listening to what you had said but I did not feel right not letting them know. Jie'er and I are to be married in a year and Father Emperor is his father. It was only right to say this now. If they decided to toss me away or execute me then that is my fate." Wu Shuyu lowered her head. She did not want to die again. It was just that she did not want to lie to Feng Jie or the Emperor.

"Nonsense! Who are we executing! You are Jie'er's Fiancee and our daughter in law!" Emperor Feng Yang yelled out. "Although you are a different person from the late Wu Shuyu. You are the one that Jie'er fell in love with and we can see that you are helping the late Wu Shuyu get revenge for her unjust death. That poor girl lived through much torture and pain. And to top it off you have all of her memories. So Yu'er you are truly living for a poor girl who had nothing. Yu'er everything you are doing now is allowing the late Wu Shuyu to rest in peace. We actually admire you." Emperor Feng Jie's eyes softened as he changed his form of address towards Wu Shuyu. To come from another world after her own death and then have to deal with such a harsh environment upon awakening. Emperor Feng Yang really felt admiration towards Wu Shuyu. Even though what she said could have caused her to be executed she actually came clean and told the truth about herself. This was a show of trust. Something that Emperor Feng Yang thought highly of.

Feng Jie who had been silent this entire time smiled and pulled Wu Shuyu into his embrace. "Father Emperor is correct! Yu'er is doing her best with her new life. This King did not fall for the late Wu Shuyu but the Wu Shuyu that this King sees in front of him. So Yu'er just act like you always have. This King will protect and support you all the way." Feng Jie already knew that Wu Shuyu was not the same as the late Wu Shuyu from the beginning. He had someone follow her after her little scene with the stage breaker stones swindling. The shadow guard who had followed her had heard everything that was said between her and Gong Bo. Feng Jie did not say anything to Wu Shuyu since she did not say anything to him. To Feng Jie, the one in front of him was his Wu Shuyu.

Wu Shuyu curled up into Feng Jie's embrace taking in his scent which calmed her emotions. Her nervousness that she felt as she revealed her true origins finally relaxed. "Then… Will Father Emperor agree to daughter in laws request and give me the General's Manor?"

"Of course! Why would we not give Yu'er what she wants! Whatever Yu'er wants Yu'er will get!" Emperor Feng Yang said dotingly.

"Little Yang I would not give her everything otherwise you will lose your position as Emperor" Gong Bo chimed in.

"Hehe... This daughter in law would never ask Father Emperor to give up his throne. Daughter in law is just happy being with Jie'er." Finally, a smile appeared on Wu Shuyu's face.

"Good! It seems Yu'er knows her limits well!" Emperor Feng Yang stopped for a second. "Also First Young Miss of The General's Manor Wu Shuyu."

Wu Shuyu was surprised at the change of tone in Emperor Fang Yang's voice. Even his way of addressing turned serious. She looked up at Feng Jie only to see a smile on his face. Seeing that Feng Jie was fine, Wu Shuyu relaxed a bit. What the Emperor was about to say was not going to be bad.

"From this day forward we grant you the title Imperial Daughter Xiannu. This title makes you part of the Imperial family. So you no longer have to call your self daughter in law in front of us. You can just say this daughter. The official announcement will be made at tomorrow's banquet." Emperor Feng Yang gave Wu Shuyu a smile. He had already heard everything about Wu Shuyu from Feng Jie. So he had already known about her origins. His actions earlier were to see if she would tell the truth or not. She did not fail his expectations.

Wu Shuyu got up out of Feng Jie's embrace and knelt down on to the floor and kowtowed to Emperor Feng Yang. "Daughter thanks Father Emperor for his grace." Wu Shuyu did not like kneeling in front of anyone but this man the Emperor deserved such respect.

"Quickly get up! Yu'er does not need to be kneeling to us." Emperor Feng Yang quickly helped Wu Shuyu up off the ground. "Now let's talk about how we can anger General Wu to death!"


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