We Were Just Kidding

Wu Shuyu rushed off towards the kitchen followed by Qin Ming. Qin Ming had a worried look on her face. 'When did the Young Miss learn to cook!?' As far as Qin Ming was concerned Wu Shuyu has never even stepped foot into a kitchen, never mind actually cook! Qin Ming did not hear the full conversation between the four when they were talking about Wu Shuyu's origins. As a maid, she was not allowed to go near the emperor and could only stand outside the room while waiting to be called on. "Young Miss are you sure about this!?"

"Huh? Ming'er just trust your Young Miss!" Wu Shuyu could see the look of uncertainty on Qin Ming's face she couldn't help but laugh. She used to cook for herself all the time in her previous life how hard it could be.

Wu Shuyu entered the kitchen and looked around. She was looking for the stove but the more she looked the more she didn't see it. "Hmmm? Where's the stove?" Wu Shuyu blanked out. She really did not see a stove anywhere.

Qin Ming who was standing behind Wu Shuyu was unsure if she should say anything about the fact that this was not the kitchen... " Young Miss..."

"Minger! Where is the stove!?" Wu Shuyu turned to Qin Ming giving her a questioning look.

"Young Miss this is the prep room the kitchen is next door..."

Wu Shuyu's face heated up as her cheeks turned bright red. 'No wonder I didn't see a stove!' Trying to hide her embarrassment Wu Shuyu muttered, "Ming'er you should have said something sooner!" Before running off like a rabbit to the next room. Qin Ming laughed, shook her head and followed after Wu Shuyu.

Wu Shuyu burst into the kitchen catching the attention of all the cooks. "Princess!" That all bowed.

"Continue what you are doing! This Princess just came to use a stove. Is there one free?" Wu Shuyu asked.

All the cooks looked at each other and each one of them had the same thought. 'Can the Princess even cook?'

Wu Shuyu's face turned black. 'Why the hell do all these people keep giving me the same look!?' Not getting any answer from any of the cooks Wu Shuyu once again asked: "Is there a stove this Princess can use?"

"Ahem... Yes! Princess right down there." One of the cooks came back to his senses and pointed to an unlit stove.

Wu Shuyu bowed and said: "Thank you." Before heading over to the stove.

When she stood in front of it she felt even more confused! "What the hell is this!? This is a stove?"

A large fire pit at the bottom with a few small holes on the top. Just looking at the stove caused all of Wu Shuyu's excitement to drain. She really wanted to know how she was supposed to use this stupid stove! Wu Shuyu looked over at Qin Ming with pleading eyes. "Ming'er~"

Qin Ming laughed as she went to go get some wood. She brought it over and said: "Young Miss you do it like this."

Wu Shuyu watched intently as Qin Ming showed her how to set the wood and then light it. After it was going a decent sized flame shot up out of the small holes on the top of the stove. Qin Ming then used a pair of tongs to slide some covers over the holes so that only one was open to the flame. "Do you understand now Young Miss?"

"Un! Thank you, Ming'er! Now I need the ingredients." Wu Shuyu looked around the kitchen. Since she was feeding two men she wanted to make sure there was enough food for the both of them so she made sure to gather enough for the two of them and her and Qin Ming.

Wu Shuyu went right to work and started cooking once she had everything she needed. While Wu Shuyu was cooking Feng Jie and Emperor Feng Yang were sitting in the other room talking. "Jie'er, does Yu'er know how to cook?"

"This son has no idea..." How was he supposed to know? He had only known her for a short while! But during this short while, she had not stepped into the kitchen even once and before that, she was almost starved to death! As far as he knew she had never cooked a day in her life! But when thinking about it, her soul was not from this world so just maybe...

"Father Emperor before you take a bite make sure you wrap your stomach in spiritual qi. Just in case..." Feng Jie could only leave these words.

"Un! We will do as Jie'er says. No matter what it looks like we must sacrifice our self on behalf of Yu'er's feelings." At this time the two were talking as if the dish that Wu Shuyu was going to feed them was going to be some kind of poisonous dish.

Two hours later Wu Shuyu came back into the room pushing a cart with a bunch of dishes on them. Her face still had a bit of black soot on it. On the cart were baozi, rou jia mo, and di san xian. Though she had to alter some of the recipes due to not having time to prepare certain things. For example, she ended up hammering the meat to the point that the cooks and Qin Ming stared at her in shock as she used a wooden mallet to smash the meat. She did not have time to stew the meat for rou jia mo so she had to resort to drastic measures. After the meat was tenderized she then doused it with spices while it cooked.

Wu Shuyu placed each dish onto the table and before sitting down. "Minger you too! Come eat!" Ming'er who was still in a trance after learning so much about her young miss today walked forward slowly before sitting down. She was too dazed to realize that she just sat down at the same table as the Emperor. She raised her chopsticks and took a bite of the si san xian. Once it was in her mouth her eyes lit up and her hand did not stop moving as she kept shoving the food into her mouth.

Seeing this both Emperor Feng Yang and Feng Jie also did the same. Once the food entered their mouths their eyes went wide as Emperor Feng Yang yelled out "Good! Jie'er we have decided we will make Yu'er our Empress!"

*Pfft!* *Pfft!* *Pfft!*

Three sprays of food went flying across the table all over the food. Feng Jie, Wu Shuyu, and Qin Ming all stared at Emperor Feng Yang wide eyed. Emperor Feng Yang looked at the now wasted food except for the dish he had raised into the air in the nick of time. He frowned and said: "What are you all doing! Such good food has gone to waste! Why would you spit all over it!"

"Father Emperor! If you do not want us to spit then please do not say such remarks! Especially about your this son's fiancee!" Feng Jie roared! His father just said he wanted to take his wife!

"Hmm? Jie'er did you not realize that we were just kidding?" Only thought on everyone's mind at this time was 'Who kids about that kind of stuff!?'