Can Not Get Up Right Now

Night went and day came. Wu Shuyu woke up with a handsome face in front of her. Wu Shuyu was very happy that Feng Jie accepted her for who she was. It would make things a lot easier in the future when she started to do things that might seem weird to others. Only if Wu Shuyu knew that most of her actions now were already considered weird to some of those around her.

Wu Shuyu reached up and went to poke Feng Jie's cheek only to have him open his eyes and grab her hand. "Ah!" The suddenness of it all caused Wu Shuyu to scream out.

Feng Jie's lips curved upwards as she said in a seductive tone: "Yu'er are you trying to temp this King?" He then pinned Wu Shuyu down onto the bed.

Wu Shuyu picked up her pillow and pushed it into Feng Jie's face as she yelled "You wish! I already told you none of that until I have proper meat buns!"

"Young Miss are you okay!? I heard you scream!" Qin Ming came running into the room. When she entered the room and saw her Young Miss being pinned to the bed under Feng Jie. Qin Ming quickly pulled a sword from who knows where and yelled out: "Princess Jie even if you are a prince as the Young Miss's personal servant I will defend her purity even if it cost me my life!" After saying this she charged right towards Feng Jie waving the sword around wildly! You could tell she had no idea how to use a sword.

"Ming'er! Stop! It's not what you are thinking! Jie'er was just joking around with me!" Wu Shuyu quickly tossed the pillow in her hand at Qin Ming.

Feng Jie who was watching everything happening as if he was a by standard let out a light laugh. "Yu'er has very capable people next to her!" He was in fact very happy to see this reaction from Qin Ming. This meant that he would not need to fear Wu Shuyu being taken advantage of by some other man. Not that he would think Wu Shuyu would allow such a thing to happen. But it was always good to be on guard. Now that he thought about it he was very glad that his little thing had to cuddle someone in order to sleep. This meant she was basically never alone unless she was cultivating.

Qin Ming, who was hit with the pillow, stood there in a daze with the sword in her hand. "Then Young Miss the scream just now?"

"Jie'er woke up while I was poking his face and it scared me so I yelled out." Feeling a little embarrassed, Wu Shuyu's cheeks turned red. "Anyway, your Young Miss is still pure. But Ming'er what are you going to do in a year or so from now when I finally have meat buns and you hear me screaming out all kinds of OOoooo's~, Ahhh's~, do me harder, and oh yes fuck me Jie'er! Cause I will say this right now I have already inspected Jie'er package when we first met and it will be very pleasing when I finally get that thing shoved inside me! Are you still gonna come in waving a sword around at that time?" Wu Shuyu said all this with such a straight face that it left people amazed that she could spit out such immoral things as if it was a walk under a plum blossom tree.

Never mind Qin Ming, who's whole body turned red but even Feng Jie's face turned red from hearing the words coming out of Wu Shuyu's mouth. Qin Ming was left speechless and she did not know what to say! For some reason, the scene of her Young Miss doing such naughty things was playing over and over in her mind but the weird thing was that it was not Feng Jie causing her to do these things but her! All of a sudden Qin Ming's brain stopped functioning as smoke could be seen coming out of the top of it.

Seeing her broken maid caused Wu Shuyu to start laughing. "The two of you are very pure indeed." Wu Shuyu teased. "Alright! Jie'er put your robe on. This Princess needs to bathe and get changed."

Feng Jie who was also picturing such scenes in his head felt that leaving the bed at this time was a bad idea. He leaned over near Wu Shuyu's ear and whispered: "Can you just wait a few minutes this. T-This King… C-Can not get up right now."

Wu Shuyu looked over and Feng Jie with a questioning look before it dawned on her and she lifted the blanket to take a peek! "Hahahaha! Looks like I will need to sleep with Ming'er tonite. Otherwise, someone's little brother might get a little roguish!"

Feng Jie's face turned bright red! 'This damn girl just had to say something! Not only that, she even looked! How shameless can she be!?'

Wu Shuyu found Feng Jie's actions too cute so she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. She then whispered into his ear. "At least now I know your not gay!"

Feng Jie wanted to spit blood! 'Whoever said I was gay!?' His embarrassment and anger quickly made his little brother go back to normal so Feng Jie quickly got up out of bed. Put on his robe and stomped off. But before He left the room he made sure to say "On our wedding night this King will make sure you scream each and every one of those words over and over again!"

Wu Shuyu looked at the angry back storming out of the room and let out a laugh. "Who would have thought the great and mighty Princess Jie was so cute?"


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