Ming’er’s Twenty Four Hour Love

"Ming'er how do I look?" Wu Shuyu stood in front of her mirror looking at herself.

"Young Miss looks as beautiful as ever. White fits you very well." Qin Ming whose cheeks were blushed praised Wu Shuyu.

"Mmm! Ming'er is good with her words. Come on let's go. I am sure Jie'er is waiting."


"Ming'er did you just click your tongue?" Wu Shuyu looked at Qin Ming who was smiling back at her.

"No, I think you are hearing things Young Miss." 'One day I will get the Young Miss to look at me!' ever since yesterday when she had those images of her Young Miss in her head doing naughty things. A whole new world opened up for Qin Ming that she never realized until that moment. And since then she decided she would do whatever she could to make sure that her Young Miss does not notice her feelings! She knew that her Young Miss was not interested in girls in that way. So all she could do was make do with letting her Young Miss hug her at night and staring at her naked body when she got changed and bathed! The only issue was that fiance of hers… He kept taking up the cuddling job! That should be her job! Qin Ming had opened up a new world alright a closet case stalker...

"Oh? I guess so..." Shaking her head Wu Shuyu headed out to the main hall. After exiting her bedroom door she stooped for a second and turned to Qin Ming. "Ming'er do you know if I slept weird last night? I kept having weird dreams that I was a dog and that my stomach and head were being rubbed."

Qin Ming broke out into a cold sweat as she avoided eye contact with Wu Shuyu saying: "I have no idea Young Miss after you fell asleep I went right to sleep myself."

"Oh..." Not thinking anything of it Wu Shuyu continued walking to the main hall.

Qin Ming secretly let out a sigh of relief… 'There is no way I can let the young miss know that I was rubbing her stomach and head for half the night...'

Wu Shuyu and Qin Ming entered the main hall where Feng Jie was waiting he looked over at the two walking his way and noticed that Qin Ming seemed to be giving him a menacing look! Feng Jie thought he was seeing things so he rubbed his eyes but when he looked again Qin Ming was her normal smiling self! 'I must be seeing things...'

"Jie'er!" Wu Shuyu ran up to Feng Jie and tossed her arms around him.

"Yu'er is as beautiful as always. Father emperor has already set up everything for the tournament today. Are you okay fighting in this?" He looked down at the pure white hanfu Wu Shuyu was wearing.

"Un! I wore this because the more blood that splatters on it when I beat my dear brothers and sisters to the brink of death. The more imposing I will seem." Wu Shuyu gave a bright smile showing her white pearly teeth to Feng Jie as she said this while pulling out the sides of her hanfu with her fingers.

"Mmmm… Indeed it will. Make sure you get a bit of blood splattered on to your face as well. It would add more to the effect." Feng Jie advised.

"Ok! I will do as Jie'er says. Come let's go Father Emperor is waiting for us to show. We are the stars of tonight's show after all." Wu Shuyu excitedly pulled Feng Jie by his hand.

Feng Jie was a little confused at Wu Shuyu's words. 'Stars of tonight's show? What did this mean?' Shaking his head and just letting it slide he had an assumption of what it meant by the way WU Shuyu was acting.

Qin Ming followed along trying to hide her unhappy face as she saw her Young Miss holding Feng Jie's hand so happily. "Sigh… Why did my first love have to be my Young Miss? This kind of love will never blossom... " Qin Ming muttered to herself as she followed along behind them. After realizing her situation Qin Ming decided she would give up on this love and find herself a new one in the future! She would find a man or woman that will love her for her! After making her decision to move on Qin Ming finally returned back to her normal self. She would now only love her Young Miss as a family member! What Qin Ming did not know was that there was a female shadow guard who had seen what Qin Ming did last night from the window. That same female shadow guard also looked at Qin Ming with a loving gaze.

The carriage took fifteen minutes to reach the Imperial Palace. There was a long line of carriages by the main gate to enter the palace. Feng Jie and Wu Shuyu, of course, did not need to wait in such a long line so their carriage passed everyone else and pulled up near the main gate. They still had to get out of their carriage at the main gate since they would not be able to enter with it at this time. Due to the number of people coming to the Imperial Palace, carriages were banned from entering. Even if it was a prince.

Feng Jie was the first to get off the carriage where he then turned around and helped Wu Shuyu off. As soon as Wu Shuyu became visible a shrill scream was heard as a girl with a gaudy pink dress came charing over yelling. "Wu Shuyu you slut you dare steal my man!"


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