The Wu Sisters

Wu Shuyu and Feng Jie had no idea that Wu Mei was even around and that she had willingly gone with a group of men for another round of back alley fucking. Of course, they also did not know that Zou Min, now shared the same fate as Wu Mei creating yet another enemy for Wu Shuyu.

The two walked leisurely into a large garden where the banquet was being held. The main banquet area had many kinds of flora and fauna. The flowers that were in bloom added a lot of color to the area giving off a nice relaxing feel to the banquet hall. In the middle of the garden, a large battle arena was erected with many shielding arrays to keep spectators safe. Around the battle arena, were places for people to sit and watch the happenings in the arena itself. Wu Shuyu was amazed at the efficiency that the Emperor had when getting such a thing set up quickly. She could guess that it was more of the people he assigned to do the task than himself.

"Normally males and females would need to be split up and need to sit with their respected family members or by themselves. Yu'er you only need to sit with them until Father Emperor announces our engagement. It is a custom that has been passed down through the ages. Once Father Emperor has announced our engagement and gives you your new title, you can come sit with this King." Feng Jie explained.

"Okay, then this Princess will see Jie'er in a bit." Wu Shuyu smiled as she gave Feng Jie a hug and ran off to find her so called family.

Feng Jie curled his lips upwards as he watched Wu Shuyu run off like a rabbit. The smile he saw on her face caused Feng Jie to shake his head. He knew that his little thing was going to stir up all kinds of trouble.

Wu Shuyu calmly made her way through the higher ranking officials. She spotted a table surrounded by a bunch of young ladies. Besides Wu Mei and Wu Ying, the rest of her sisters were all here. Even Wu Bai and Wu Xiang. There was her fifth sister Wu Lan, her seventh sister Wu Rong, her Eighth sister Wu Xuefeng, and her ninth sister Wu Ya.

As Wu Shuyu approached, Wu Bai gave a provoking smile as she said in a loud voice: "Oh! If it isn't First Sister if we knew you would be coming we would have saved you a seat, unfortunately, there is no more space for you at this table. We had thought that you were going to be out and about with some man." Wu Bai had no qualms with talking down to Wu Shuyu while at the banquet. Only because she if Wu Shuyu made a scene she would instantly be dealt with.

Wu Shuyu did not mind the words that Wu Bai said. She only smiled as she walked over to the table. "Second Sister really cares. It is fine that there are no seats because Sixth Sister will have no issues letting this Princess sit with her right Six Sister? This Princess means we are all sisters after all so sharing a seat with This Princess is fine right?"

Wu Shuyu's gaze fell on to Wu Xiang. Wu Xiang heard her name being called by Wu Shuyu and her whole body trembled. She still had a large fear of Wu Shuyu ever since that day so she dared not say no. "O-f c-crouse not. How could I let my First Sister stand."

Wu Lan, Wu Rong, Wu Xuefeng, and Wu Ya were all dumbstruck. It was Wu Rong that first came out of her stupor as she yelled out. "You're actually going to let that slut sit at our table!? She is nothing but a waste!"

"Yeah Sixth Sister, did you eat something bad this morning. Why is it that you are submitting to this waste!?" Wu Lan asked.

Wu Xuefeng and Wu Ya stayed quiet. They were the youngest out of the nine girls and were only ten and nine years old. They were already afraid of Wu Shuyu after her display of power when she beat Wu Ying. So they did not dare say anything. Wu Xiang did not say a word she was not stupid. The last time she tried to do something to Wu Shuyu, her face was whipped and she now had to act as a human toilet for one hour a day and walk around the capital with her crotch wet with her own piss. She dared not say anything against Wu Shuyu anymore!

Wu Shuyu looked at her sisters in front of her. Her gaze landed on Wu Xuefeng and Wu Ya. These two sisters used to have their maids beat the old Wu Shuyu. So young yet so vicious. But now after a few displays of strength, they are quiet as mice. It is too bad that they will still need to be taught a stick lesson…

"Hmm… It would probably be better to sit with Ninth Sister since she is the smallest. If this Princess sat with Sixth Sister it would feel too cramped. You won't mind right Ninth Sister?" Wu Shuyu smiled as she firmly placed her hand onto Wu Ya's shoulder. This caused a shiver to run down Wu Ya's spine as she remembered the beating that Wu Ying took just the other day.

"P-Please First Sister. Ya'er would love to sit with you!" Wu Ya was not dumb. She knew she could not refuse Wu Shuyu's request. She could only act as if she was happy to sit with Wu Shuyu. She slowly got out of her seat and allowed Wu Shuyu to sit down.

"Such a well behaved young sister. Come sit on this Princess's lap." Wu Shuyu smiled as she parted her legs to make room for Wu Ya. Wu Ya lowered her head and sat in the spot between Wu Shuyu's legs.


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