The Crown Prince Is Gay!

Wu Shuyu lovingly put her hands around Wu Ya like a loving and caring sister. This scene caused the rest of Wu Shuyu's sisters to all grit their teeth. The ones who had shouted out trying to make Wu Shuyu look bad all wanted to spit blood! They wanted to rip Wu Shuyu to pieces with all her " this Princess this and this Princess that" talk! She was just throwing her title right into their faces!

What was worse was that they were just bad mouthing her in a loud voice but instead of retaliating she acted like a loving older sister as she hugged Wu Ya! The young ladies at the other tables were all giggling and pointing over at their table! They had just lost a lot of face!

Wu Bai glared at Wu Shuyu before a mocking smile formed on her face as she said: "First Sister I heard that every night you are sleeping with someone. Doing such things is very immoral First Sister. Maybe we should have your chastity checked here at this banquet? This way those rumors will be completely taken care of. That way no one will question if you are just a slut who opens her legs for any man or are actually pure."

"Oh? Is there such a rumor? It's fine, it is true after all. This Princess does sleep with this Princess's maid at night. She is very cuddly. Just like Wu Ya here. You see Ming'er and this Princess have only had each other to take care of for so many years. This Princess used to get frightened at night and Ming'er would share the bed with this Princess and let this Princess hold her hand so that this Princess would not be scared anymore. It turned into a habit and now this Princess can not sleep without someone at this Princess's side. Ming'er is such a good girl that she willingly puts up with this Princess's selfish request and still accompanies this Princess at night. Thanks to her this Princess is able to get a good night's sleep. If this is an immoral act then this Princess can only go without sleep from now on. But since this Princess only had Ming'er to watch over this Princess as this Princess grew up. How was this Princess supposed to know that such things were immoral? This Princess barely got to eat any food, never mind any teachings from the General's Manor. This Princess hopes Second Sister will not blame this Princess." Wu Shuyu said blinking her beautiful eyes innocently.

The onlookers who were watching the show from the side felt bad for Wu Shuyu and glared at Wu Bai for trying to create trouble for such a pure child. Not only was she treated harshly from a young age, she also does not hold any grudge against her sister. She was even willing to share a chair with her youngest sister even though some of her sisters were trying to make things hard for her. If cuddling with her maid at night in order to sleep soundly is an immoral deed. Then the whole world is immoral! This was the consensus of all those watching the show from the side.

"You! You! Wu Shuyu you slut..." Wu Bai was interrupted when Eunuch He voice sounded out.

"His Majesty the Emperor has arrived! Her Majesty The Empress has arrived! The Crown Princess has arrived." Eunuch He looked over the ground and smiled. His gaze met Wu Shuyu's who was still sitting in her seat munching on fruit while everyone else knelt. He gave her a nod before walking towards the main seats.

Wu Bai and Wu Shuyu's other sisters all hated the fact that Wu Shuyu did not need to kneel! Why was it that this waste got so many benefits while they got none! Wu Shuyu looked over the crowd to see everyone kneeling besides her and Feng Jie who was looking over at her. He gave her a smile and Wu Shuyu made a face at him causing Feng Jie to laugh.

Emperor Feng Yang came in right at the moment Wu Shuyu was making faces at Feng Jie and gave a smile. Empress Zhiruo who was standing next to Emperor Feng Yang also saw this scene and found it to be very amusing. She had heard much about this girl from Emperor Feng Yang and had been wanting to meet her. Just one look she could already tell that Wu Shyu was a perfect match for Feng Jie. She gave an approving nod as she walked towards the main seats with Emperor Feng Jie.

Behind them walking in at a leisurely pace was the Crown Prince Yijun. He walked in acting like he owned the place. All the young ladies at the banquet slightly raised their heads to take a peek at the Crown Prince. The Crown Prince smiled as he looked around the room. But his face sank when he spotted Wu Shuyu making cute faces at Feng Jie. He roared out "Who dares stand before the Emperor allows you to!? Is this not a show of disrespect to the Imperial throne!?"

Wu Shuyu turned her head and looked the Crown Prince up and down and spoke lightly saying: "Who is this gay boy?"

Emperor Feng Yang who was just about to sit down almost lost his balance and fell. If not for the Empress's quick actions he really would have fallen! "You! You dare call this King gay!?" The Crown Prince shouted.

"Why else would you be walking around with a stick up your ass if you are not gay?"


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