Giving Away The General’s Manor

While everyone thought the good show was over Emperor Feng Yang once again stood up catching everyone's eye. Emperor Feng Yang stepped forward and smiled as he looked out over all the guests of the banquet. "We have gathered you all here today to announce a few things. Wu Shuyu please come forward."

Wu Shuyu slowly got up from her seat and stepped in front of Emperor Feng Yang. Emperor Feng Yang nodded his head and then said: "Wu Shuyu of the General's Manor. We thought long and hard and have decided to bestow upon you the title of Imperial Daughter as well as the entirety of the General's Manor. From this day forward the General's Manor will belon…."

"Wait! Your Majesty! The General's Manor belongs to me and my family. How can your Majesty just give it away like that?" General Wu cut in. His face turning from red to purple. He was having a very hard time controlling his anger.

"General Wu? When were we even speaking to you? You say you own the General's Manor? Then are you saying the General's Manor is a country of its own? Is it not on my country's land? Is it not in my capital city? General Wu your thought process does not make sense. You seem to be confused and muddle headed. I will look past the fact that you interrupted us. But let us warn you. If you do such a thing again we will castrate you." Emperor Feng Yang's words cut off anything General Wu from making any further arguments. General Wu felt a fishy sweet taste in his mouth as he wanted to cough up blood. All he could do was use his will power to push it back down. General Wu wanted desperately to refute Emperor Feng Yang but he could not. If he did he was sure the Emperor would hold true to his words and castrate him!

General Wu could only lower his head and sit back down. Seeing that General Wu had given up Emperor Feng Yang turned his attention back to Wu Shuyu and gave her a smile. "As we were saying. The General's Manor will be given to our new Imperial Daughter. It shall be renamed to Goddess Xiannu Palace and the old Xiannu Palace will be reconnected to the new Goddess Xiannu Palace. " Emperor Feng Yang gave a big grin to Wu Shuyu as if he had won some kind big prize.

Well, in fact, he kind of did as Wu Shuyu was frowning. 'What kind of fucking name is Goddess Xiannu Palace!? He's doing this on purpose just to piss me off!' Seeing that he was getting the reaction he wanted Emperor Feng Yang was very happy with himself.

"Along with titling Wu Shuyu with the title Imperial Daughter and gifting our daughter the General's Manor. We would also like to officially announce the engagement between Yu'er and our son Jie'er. We hope everyone will wish them a happy life together." This time Emperor Feng Yang gave Wu Shuyu a warm look as he said these words.

" This Daughter thanks Father Emperor for the Imperial Graces." Wu Shuyu said as she gave a deep bow. This entire time she did not kneel once. She would not give the damn old coot the satisfaction!

"Now lets us eat before we start the battle arena contest." Emperor Feng Yang waved his hand to bring out the main courses for everyone.

Wu Shuyu went back to sit down next to Empress Zhiruo and Bai Fu. Empress Zhiruo smiled happily when she saw Wu Shuyu walking over to her. "Yu'er you do not need to sit with us. You can sit with Jie'er if you would like."

"No, it's fine. This daughter will be cuddling with him later when this daughter goes to bed. For now, he can sit by his lonesome." Wu Shuyu said nonchalantly.

"Yu'er what is this cuddling you are talking about?" Empress Zhiruo was intrigued by this word that Wu Shuyu said.

Wu Shuyu leaned over and whispered into Empress Zhiruo's ear. Empress Zhiruo's eyes went wide as she said: "Yu'er, you and Jie'er have not done..."

"Nope! This Daughter has no meat buns and we are not married yet. So Jie'er has to keep it in his pants until this daughter has meat buns." Wu Shuyu said matter of factly.

"Good, good. He can wait a few more years. Yu'er is still young after all." Nodding her head in approval Empress Zhiruo did not say any more.

"Mother Empress are there any other good princes that get along with Jie'er that would match Fu'er?" Wu Shuyu did not forget about Bai Fu. She wanted Bai Fu to find a thick thigh to hang on to as well.

"Yu'er what are you saying!?" Bai Fu who was sitting at the side blushed hard as she heard Wu Shuyu question.

Empress Zhiruo let out a light laugh as she said: "If there was anyone who would match her good enough it would be Prince Yun. He is two years older than Fu girl but would match her personality very well. Mmm, yes we like this thought. Yun'er!"

Prince Yun who was sitting below heard everything that was going on and felt very embarrassed. He actually did like Bai Fu! Since she stood up and walked to the front he had been watching her out of the corner of his eye. And what was best was she was his favorite brother's fiance's friend! Trying to hide the silly grin on his face Prince Yun stood up and turned to face Empress Zhiruo. "Yes Mother Empress?"

"We want to know what do you think of Fu girl here?" Empress Zhiruo was very straight forward with her words.


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