Getting Bai Fu A Thigh To Hold On To

Prince Yun blushed as his gaze swept over to Bai Fu who was also blushing and looking down. Wu Shuyu took a good look at Prince Yun. He was the Seventh Prince and only seventeen years old. Wu Shuyu nodded her head in approval, he was very good looking. Not as good looking as her Jie'er but still good looking nonetheless.

After a moment's pause, Prince Yun gathered up his courage and said. "First Young Miss Bai is very beautiful." His words made Bai Fu's whole head start to steam as it turned completely red.

"Mmm! Good! Yun'er knows how to judge people well." Hearing what she wanted to hear Empress Zhiruo then turned to Bai Fu who still had here tomatoed colored head lowered staring at her legs. Seeing how cute Bai Fu was being caused Empress Zhiruo to want to tease her. "Fu girl what do you think of Yun'er?"

Hearing her name caused Bai Fu to look up. She looked at Prince Yun and her face started to turn purple! "P-P-P-P-P-Prince Y-Y-Yun is very handsome..." The last part of her sentence trailed off as she buried her head into Wu Shuyu's shoulder to hide her embarrassment.

Wu Shuyu let out a laugh as she watched all of Bai Fu's reactions. Just from how they looked at each other she knew that they seemed to like each other. She couldn't help but raise a thumbs up to Empress Zhiruo. 'This Empress really knows how to match people.' With the way things were going She leaned over and whispered into Empress Zhiruo's ear again. Empress Zhiruo smiled and nodded her head. Seeing this Wu Shuyu got up and walked over to Emperor Feng Yang and whispered into his ear.

Emperor Feng Yang's eyes opened wide and a big smile formed on his face as he yelled out "Good!" He stood up and clapped his hands getting everyone's' attention once again. "We would like to announce another happy union. Yun'er, Bai Fu come forward."

Bai Fu was shocked and did not want to go forward since she was too embarrassed to do so. But she knew since the Emperor had said so she had no choice! She got up and stumbly walked towards the Emperor when she was just about to turn and face him so that she could kneel she tripped over her own feet! She braced herself to fall to the ground but the pain she was waiting to receive did not come and instead, she found herself in a warm embrace as the smell of sandalwood entered her nose. She opened her eyes and looked up at the handsome face in front of her and before she realized what she was doing she was already pressing her lips on to the lips on that handsome face!

"Hehe... We know you are excited. But remember there is a time and place for these kinds of things." Emperor Feng Yang chuckled seeing the two.

Emperor Feng Yang's words brought the two back to their senses as they looked around the room. Both Prince Yun and Bai Fu blushed a deep shade of red! Wu Shuyu saw this and whistled loudly as she shouted: "Get a room!"

The rest of the guests all laughed. Well, except for the young ladies who were twisting their handkerchief in their hands. They wish that they were Bai Fu and were in her position! It seemed Prince Yun was a highly sought after husband material.

Seeing that Prince Yun did not want to let go of Bai Fu and Bai Fu did not push herself away. Emperor Feng Yang did not know whether to laugh or cry. He could only clear his throat and say: "Ahem… You two can just stay like that. It actually fits better. We will now happily announce the engagement of our son Yun'er and Prime Minister Bai's First Daughter Bai Fu. We hope that the two of you will have a happy life together. Just remember to not go too far until Fu girl is of marriageable age." Emperor Feng Yang gave Prince Yun a warning look that said: "That is Yu'er's friend do not do anything to piss her off."

Prince Yun gave a nod to show that he understood and helped Bai Fu to kneel before kneeling himself. The two both kowtowed saying: "This Son thanks Father Emperor for this grace!" "This lowly girl thanks His Majesty the Emperor for this grace!"

"Haha! Good! But Fu girl you are wrong! You are now our daughter in law which means you must address yourself as such and you must call us Father Emperor from now on!" Emperor Feng Yang reminded Bai Fu.

"This Daughter In Law understands!" Bai Fu said as she raised her head and gave a bright smile to Emperor Feng Yang.

"Mhm… That is good!" Emperor Feng Yang stopped to think for a moment then turned to Wu Shuyu. "Yu'er since you have so much space in Goddess Xiannu Palace now, how about letting Fu girl come live with you?"

"This Daughter sees no issue with that as long as Prime Minister Bai is fine with it." Wu Shuyu answered.

Hearing his name Prime Minister Bai who had been in a daze on how his unruly daughter was now engaged, quickly came back to his senses as he walked to the main aisle and kowtowed. "It is this Prime Minister's grace to have this Prime Minister's daughter live in Goddess Xiannu Palace."

"Then Father Emperor this daughter will call for Fu'er once I have finished renovating the Generals Manor." Wu Shuyu said.

"Good! We will do it as our Daughter says." Nodding his head in approval Emperor Feng Yang sat back down to let the banquet continue. Bai Fu smiled at Prince Yun and whispered into his ear before going back to sit down next to Wu Shuyu.

Prince Yun's face turned red at Bai Fu's words that she whispered to him. Her words still rang in his ear. "We should do that again sometime."


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