
The CEO stood up. "Mr. Nae Sang must have informed you already," she said in a clear tone. "I am-"

"The founder of Abyss," KJ finished the sentence for her. "Come in."

He unlocked the door and ushered her in. She entered the house and took off her shoes at the entrance.

"Do you want a drink?" KJ asked.

"I don't drink," the CEO said.

"I'll pour myself a glass then," KJ said. He headed over to the bar in his living room and poured himself some scotch. The CEO sat on a couch, scanning the house. It was a very organized bachelor pad. The walls were colored in a mix of orange and off white while the furniture was arranged in neat rows. The CEO knew KJ had an OCD for cleaning; not even a speck of dust was spared. The place was meticulously clean. There was a large balcony attached to the living room, which was more like a mini roof. She could see it was a small lawn with exotic plants and a Jacuzzi.

"Your house is very clean," she commented, feeling impressed.

"I like everything organized," KJ said.

"Funny how you did not notice the camera in your room," she noted. "Given how particularly meticulous you are about your things."

KJ smirked. "You're right," he said. "I am particularly meticulous about my things. Nothing moves here without my knowledge."

He gave a mysterious smile. Intrigued by his behavior, the CEO leaned in closer. "You must know everything about me," KJ continued. "All about my background. Do you really think that I would not notice if someone broke into my house?"

"So you knew?" she stiffened. "You know who the mole is?"

"I do," KJ replied coolly. "It was the new guard hired by my building manager. Did not take me long enough to figure out that there was a camera in my air conditioner. After spending years in the limelight, one develops a sixth sense regarding cameras. Besides, the guy was too sloppy. He moved the chair in my bedroom to stand on it and install the camera. Unfortunately, he left it hastily in the wrong position. You see, my chair is always kept next to the dresser in a straight line. His placement was ten degrees off."

The CEO was impressed by his observation. "So where is the crook now?" she asked.

"Dead," KJ said calmly. "He killed himself when we cornered him."

"He wouldn't have been useful alive anyway," the CEO concluded. "If he was sloppy, then he was most likely a hired goon."

KJ nodded. Jade sprang on the CEO's lap.

"Anyways, Miss..." KJ trailed off. He realized he did not ask her name.

"What should I call you?" he asked.

"Call me whatever you want," she said. "I use fake names anyway."

KJ smiled mischievously. He was very curious about this woman. She was talking about taking out an entire underworld cartel as if describing the weather.

"Fine," he clapped his hands. "Honey."

The CEO frowned. Honey?

"So tell me, hun," he said sarcastically. "What's your reason for pledging a war against the Cartel?"

"That's none of your business," the CEO shot back. For some reason, it irritated her whenever he called her 'honey'.

KJ leaned back, sipping his drink. "You lost someone to them," he guessed. "Am I right?"

Her face was covered with a mask and sunglasses, so her expression was unreadable. But seeing how her body stiffened, he knew his guess was right.

"I won't ask anymore questions," he said. "But our goals are the same. To expose the Cartel. I have my reasons and you have yours. We should be working together."

"You speak as if you lost someone to them as well," the CEO remarked.

"I didn't lose anyone," KJ mused. "But I know someone who did. This is my chance to repent."

"Repent?" she repeated. "For what?"

KJ was quiet for a while. "Everything," he finally said.

The CEO was confused but did not probe further. Both of them had their own issues to deal with.

She got up.

"I should head back to my place," she told him. KJ also got up and bowed his head slightly.

"My men are watching the entire building," the CEO stated. "They're monitoring the CCTV and are also stationed at every entrances and exits. If you need me, just call me at this number."

She handed him a card.

"I highly doubt I'll need the extra protection," KJ laughed. "I have my own squad."

"Still, we gotta work together," the CEO said. "Anyways, good night."

She turned to leave but her foot was caught under the carpet and she stumbled forward. KJ barely managed to catch her by the waist but her sunglasses slipped off her face.

They were standing very close. As KJ held her small waist, the touch seemed very familiar to him. Startled by the fall, the CEO looked up and her eyes were locked into his.

This time, KJ froze in shock. Those green eyes were staring right into him.

"Mirae?" he whispered.

The CEO's eyes were wide with shock. She pushed him aside, quickly picked up her sunglasses and scurried out of the apartment.

She slammed the door shut behind her and leaned on it for support. Her breathing was heavy and panic set in. Her thoughts were in chaos and she needed to collect herself. Her hands were sweating and she ripped open her mask and glasses. Biting her fingernails, she walked to and fro to calm herself down.

After a while, she went to the bathroom and stared at the mirror. She was staring into the reflection of a pale, porcelain skinned girl in her late twenties. Slight dark circles were visible on her white face. She was not drop dead gorgeous but her face boasted of an earthly beauty. However, her most prominent features were her eyes. A pair of emerald green eyes with a hint of gold in them. These eyes attracted attention wherever she went.

He knows me, she thought. But how?

It has been almost ten years since someone called her by her real name. Mirae. Sometimes, even she herself forgets her name. After living in oblivion for so long, someone uttered her name. Someone, who was not supposed to even know of her existence.

Mirae racked her brain to figure out how he could have known her name. She recalled her parents worked for the old man Kwon. But that was it. She never met KJ nor anyone else from their family. After her parents died, her existence was completely hidden by the old man.

She did not even know how her parents died for a while. Grandpa Kwon financed her through high school but one day when he fell ill, he called for her. He wanted to tell her something and was waiting for someone else. But the person in question never arrived.

During Grandpa Kwon's funeral, his secretary Mr. Lee took her aside.

"Mirae," he said. "What I am about to say will shock you to the core. But child, please bear with me."

He then revealed her the earth shattering truth: her parents' death was not an accident. It was murder. They were killed by the Santa Maria Cartel because they had proof against the Cartel. With their deaths, the Cartel ensure no one could oppose them. Mr. Lee also suspected that the Cartel was responsible for Grandpa Kwon's death.

After narrating all this to her, Mr. Lee arranged for her to train with the military. As the last hope of Grandpa Kwon to protect Mirae was gone, she had to be told the truth and get training to protect herself. For the next three years, Mirae went through intense military training at the army. She was deployed on missions, where she also risked her life to fight many enemies.

In a span of three short years, Mirae became an expert marksman and trained in Krav Maga. She can take out foes bigger than her in both weight and number. After three years in the army, she quit to scout out for other people who were wronged by the Cartel. Her parents left her quite a lot of money which she inherited when she turned 21. She used the money to build Abyss' network and carefully added members to it.

Her employees range from high profile government workers and celebrities to middle class people with immense talent to contribute to this cause. Her network includes hackers from different countries as well, who track down every movement of the Cartel. Over the course of the next seven years, she has built an indomitable organization while remaining in complete secrecy. Everyone in Abyss was tied together with one mission: to destroy the Cartel. Her hard work began paying off when they began to capture a lot of the inner members of the Cartel.

But all that was now put on risk. How did KJ know her name? Or was he referring to someone else who had the same name as her? She must find out.

Back in KJ's apartment, Jade was furious.

"What the hell was that?" he demanded. "Why did you call her Mirae?"

"Her eyes," KJ paced back and forth. "I know those eyes. That girl is Mirae."

"Don't be ridiculous," the cat scoffed. "You haven't even seen her face. Besides, many people have green eyes."

"But her touch was also familiar," KJ insisted. "I was Mirae's husband for god's sake! I would know my wife's touch!"

"Now you're just being ridiculous," Jade shot back. "It's been almost ten years! You've been with many women. It is nearly impossible to recognize someone just by their 'touch'."

"I know what I saw!" KJ argued.

"So you're saying your sweet, clumsy and optimistic wife from another timeline, had turned into a dark and sadistic mercenary in this timeline?" Jade rolled his eyes.

"Something must have changed when I messed with time," KJ concluded.

"Of course!" Jade snapped. "You removed your relationship by changing the circumstances. You two never met and hence, never got married. Did you seriously think that only your future was affected that time? Even Mirae's future was changed. While you went off to chase your dream of being an idol, she was also led towards a different path for her future. But that still doesn't mean that CEO is Mirae. You may never even meet Mirae in this timeline."

"What are the possibilities thought?" KJ asked. "What are the possibilities of Mirae and I meeting again?"

Jade gave him a sympathetic look.

"KJ," he said softly. "It is almost impossible for you to run into her again. Even if you do, she won't have any idea that you were once her husband. She is living her life. Maybe..."

"Maybe what?" KJ demanded.

Jade sighed. "Maybe, she got married to someone else in this timeline," he said quietly. "Had his kids and is happy in her life. Do you really want to mess up her life?"

KJ felt as if someone had stabbed his heart. He never thought of that. Mirae probably had a very different life now. Imagining her living happily with someone else made him irrationally angry. But even if he felt jealous, he knew he did not deserve her. Even when they were married, he was aloof from her except for the times when they had sex. Otherwise, he steered clear of her, never bothering to check up on her nor did he take her out on a date. Sometimes, he thought that Mirae did the right thing by aborting their child. Which kid would like to be raised in a loveless home?

But now, he was sure. He realized how much he missed Mirae after losing her. He'd do anything to reverse time once again.

"You can't reverse time twice," Jade said, reading his mind. "You ended up summoning me when you desperately needed guidance. What has been done, cannot be undone. It will create more time paradox."

"Yeah yeah," KJ snapped. "I know. I've gotta live with it. But..."

"But what?" the cat raised his brows.

KJ was in deep thought. He was almost sure that CEO was Mirae. He does not know what happened to her all these years. But that girl was Mirae. All he needs is a proof.

"I know she is Mirae," he declared. "I'm gonna prove it."

"Even if she is Mirae," the cat said. "What are you gonna do? Marry her again?"

KJ gave him a hard look. "I don't deserve her," he lamented. "But I will make sure she gets back all the happiness she lost. Even if she finds that happiness with someone else, I'll gladly support her. The only thing I will never do is make her cry again."

"And if the Cartel dares to hurt her again," he threatened calmly. "I will annihilate their existence with my own bare hands."

The cat gaped at him. The Santa Maria Cartel's murderous intent was nothing in front of KJ's burning determination.