A Fateful Encounter

Ash was sitting at his usual table, with a drink in his hand. "Would you like another round, Mr. Park?" the bartender asked.

"Vodka on the rocks," Ash ordered. As he waited for his drink, he scanned around the club. As usual, it was very crowded. A group of youngsters were dancing on the dance floor. There were even a few underage girls, dancing scantily with older men. No doubt, some of them were ditching their extra classes and posing as older women.

A DJ was located on one of the high podiums, changing the tracks. "Y'all wanna groove to EXOTIC's brand new song, 'Animal'?" the DJ teased out loud.

The crowd cheered in return as the DJ turned on EXOTIC's newest song. Ash unconsciously shifted his cap down. He preferred to have his drinks quietly in the corner, without attracting any attention. The lower part of his face was covered with a scarf.

"How come you're always sitting here alone?" the bartender asked. He was an old man in his sixties, who always observes the guests. Talking to them and getting to know their lives was a regular occurrence in his job. Ash was one of his regular customers.

Ash smiled. "After years in fame," he said. "I prefer to be away from the spotlight in my spare time."

The old man smiled back. "The enjoyment of fame fades away after a while," he said wisely. "Here's your Vodka On the Rocks."

He handed over the drink to Ash, who thanked him. As he downed his drink, a portly, middle-aged woman took the seat next to him. Ash groaned inwardly.

"Ash my baby!" she placed a kiss on his lips. The bartender sighed and turned away. This was also a regular occurrence in his job.

The woman was dressed in fine garments. Her designer clothes were made exclusively for her and she flaunted a Gucci bag. Her heels were bright green in color and her hair was curled in an elegant manner. But beneath all that, the woman was not of any rich family. She was a pimp.

"What do you want?" Ash asked, even though he knew the answer.

"There are some customers," she replied. "They asked for you. There'll be an auction."

Ash snickered bitterly. This was the dark side of the career he chose. Celebrities being prostituted was an open secret. Only those with influential backgrounds like Jiwon's were spared from such shame. Unfortunately, even with all his current wealth, Ash could not back out. He was sent to work as a male escort ever since he was sixteen.

"I'm not doing it, Madam Lim," he said flatly. It was futile.

"Get off your high horse," Madam Lim snorted. "You know you can't refuse the boss. He has links to the Cartel. If he finds out that you've refused, he'll torture you and your precious little sister. Who knows, maybe he'll use your sister to replace you-"

She faltered under Ash's dangerous gaze. He would kill anyone who would threaten his sister.

"If you don't want Jea to face the same fate as you," Madam Lim said as she composed herself. "Then come to the private room on the fifth floor. Room number 519. They're waiting."

Ash gritted his teeth but did not protest further. He got up and followed Madam Lim to the fifth floor. What Ash did not notice at that time was that, a different set of eyes were following him. The girl put down her untouched drink and followed them upstairs.

As soon as he entered, he was hit by the nasty stench of alcohol. The women inside the room were from influential families. They were the wives of rich CEO's or even politicians. The women themselves owned many firms or held power. During the day time, they wore the disguise of dutiful, obedient and law abiding citizens. The nighttime showed their true colors.

The women were looking at him hungrily, waiting to get their hands on the drop dead gorgeous man standing in front of them. Some of them already had a taste of him and could not wait to get him again.

Ash felt like throwing up but his face was stoic. He was already used to such treatment. As a young boy, he stooped to selling his body to raise his sister. But once he got trapped in the underbelly of the entertainment business, he could not escape it. After he debuted with EXOTIC, he carefully guarded his secret and his members. If anyone tried to involve them in this darkness, he would take their place willingly.

"So ladies," Madam Lim clapped her hands. "Now that our star is here, let's start the bidding! Highest bidder will get to keep Ash by their side for an entire year!"

Ash froze at those words. One whole year?

"This wasn't part of the bargain!" Ash hissed at her. "I always said, not more than one night!"

"The boss needs the money to expand his business," Madam Lim shot back. "It's either you for a year or your sister. Choose."

Ash clenched his fists. He was by no means a weak man. He could beat the hell out of the guards outside and escape. But the mention of his sister forced him to stay put. He will never let those beasts harm her.

"20 million dollars!" one woman bid.

"25 million!"

"Do I hear 25 million?" Madam Lim cried. "25 million, going once. 25 million going-"

"35 million dollars!"

Ash closed his eyes. He prayed for all this to be over. One year was going to be torturous for him but he had to endure it.

When he opened his eyes, the bidding was up to fifty million dollars. These women sure knew how to throw their money away. They sickened him.

"50 million going one!" Madam Lim shouted. "50 million going twice! 50 million going th-"

Suddenly the door burst open. A lean and sturdy man in his sixties, entered the room. He headed towards Madam Lim, who looked at him in confusion.

"Our madam would like to bid on Mr. Park for 200 million dollars," the old man announced.

The whole room was stunned. 200 million dollars?

"Who is this madam of yours?" Madam Lim frowned.

"That is not important, is it?" the old man countered. "You only need the money, right?"

Madam Lim snorted before turning back to the other ladies. "Anyone bidding higher than 200 million dollars?" she challenged them. But there was no response. The women in the room may have a lot of money but spending 200 million dollars was out of the question. What if the government officials found out? Or worse, their husbands?

Seeing there were no other contenders, Madam Lim sighed.

"Sold!" she announced. "For 200 million dollars!"

Ash braced himself for his fate. For one year, he would be the new madam's boy toy. He smirked sarcastically. The great Visual of EXOTIC, he thought bitterly. Reduced to a male hoe.

"If you'll follow me, sir," the old man bowed to him. Ash was startled by his politeness.

"Please do not bow to me, sir," he said quietly, feeling embarrassed. The old man smiled a little before escorting him out of the room. The other women in the room lamented the loss of their prized jewel. Who was this mysterious woman who took away their possession?

The old man seemed to have read the dreadful thoughts in Ash's mind. "Let yourself be at ease," he advised Ash, as they exited the building. "Our madam is not going to do anything with you."

Ash was surprised. "What do you mean?" he frowned. "She's not..."

"She's not going to have sex with you nor will she ever do anything against your will," he sighed. "Our madam is very kind. She is waiting for you inside that car."

He pointed at a black Porsche which was parked at the backside of the building. If Ash was feeling nervous, he did not show it. The old man chuckled.

"I'll take you leave, sir," he bowed again before walking away. Ash acknowledged him and took a deep breath. He strutted towards the car and opened the door.

He expected to see a middle aged woman, ready to flaunt her wealth at him before taking him to a secret love nest.

What he did not expect was to stare into the most beautiful green eyes he had ever seen.