KJ the Third Wheel

Ash was woken up by the alarm. Groggily, he reached out towards the bedside table to turn it off. A pair of soft hands were hugging him tightly. He opened his eyes to see Mirae, still in deep sleep. Her legs were entangled around his waist and she was resting peacefully on his chest.

He was gently stroking her hair. "Wake up, little perv," he poked her. "It's morning."

"Five more minutes," she mumbled, hugging him closer.

"We have to go to the studio," he reminded her.

"Five more minutes."

Ash sighed. He kept on stroking her hair. Even in casual clothes, she looked ravishing. It took him all his willpower to refuse her advances last night. But seeing how distraught she was, he could not bring himself to get intimate with her.

"Wake up, Mirae," he nudged her. But she was still sound asleep. An idea propped to his mind. He slowly slid his hand under her shirt.

Mirae vaguely felt something gently massaging her breasts. Her nubs hardened under the soft touches. She smelt a familiar musky scent as she felt soft bites down her neck. Slowly, she opened her eyes only to bore into Ash's grey ones. He was giving her a mischievous grin.

"Are you awake yet?" he asked, pinching her breast.

"No," she said softly. "Why don't you wake me up properly?"

His hands now rubbed her faster. Soon, he put his mouth over one of her breasts and began to suck on it. Mirae felt goosebumps up her flesh as he bit into it. His hand was rubbing her clit. He teased her opening, feeling it getting wetter.

"Mmmm..." Mirae was making those sexy noises. Ash slipped his finger into her and began moving it in and out of her. She spread her legs and thoroughly enjoyed his magical fingers.

Ash crashed on to her mouth, sucking her tongue with a fierce passion. Mirae pulled him closer, desperate to taste him more. She moaned into his mouth as he slid another finger into her.

"I'd love to wake up like this everyday," Mirae breathed as they broke the kiss. Ash smiled and was about to dive in for another kiss when the doorbell rang.

Both of them scurried up.

"Who could that be?" Ash asked.

"Let me check," Mirae cautioned him.

"Siri!" she called. "Show me the front door camera's image."

A small TV automatically descended from the ceiling. It showed the image of KJ, standing in front of her house.

"What's he doing here this early?" Mirae wondered out loud.

"You should go and check," Ash advised her.

"No, no, let's ignore him and continue with our work," Mirae pleaded.

"Just go and check!"

Reluctantly, Mirae got out of the bed. She put on her mask, sunglasses and a jacket before opening the door.

"What do you want?" she demanded.

"Won't you invite me in?" KJ frowned as he tried to enter the house. But Mirae held out a leg and blocked his way.

"Just say what you need to, right here," she ordered.

Judging by her hostility, he guessed she still had not forgiven him for using Ash as a spy.

"I just wanted to tell you that Mrs. Hong will be at T-Net today," KJ informed her. "Ash also has a schedule there. He will get the perfect opportunity to get closer to that woman. I can't seem to reach him. But please keep your men nearby, just in case he needs help."

"I will," she snapped. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have some urgent business."

"You're treating me as if I ruined a romantic moment for you," KJ snorted. At that time, he had no idea how true his words were.

"Buzz off," she threatened him, slamming the door on his face.

KJ stood there, stunned. Did she just close the door on him? On the nation's heartthrob?

"Looks like someone got rejected," Jade commented as KJ entered the house.

"She slammed the bloody door on my face!" he bellowed. "My own wife!"

"She's not your wife," Jade groaned. "Get your facts right."

"Ugh, whatever," KJ snapped. "She got so worked up over the fact that I'm using Ash as a spy. I mean, they barely even know each other."

"Maybe she's a fan," Jade suggested. "After all, Ash is quite popular too."

KJ snorted. "Ash isn't Mirae's type," he said. "Mirae was always a cheery and optimistic person. Ash is too...quiet and reserved. There's no way they'd click. In fact, Mirae would get bored of him after a few minutes."

"Well, opposites can attract," Jade reminded him. "And we don't even know if that chick is Mirae. Besides, from what you told me about your wife, she was very calm and dedicated. That CEO chick is feisty and arrogant."

"She is Mirae," KJ said in a determined tone. "I can tell."

"Whatever keeps you satisfied," the cat said. He stretched his paws and strutted away. KJ was in deep thought. Why did the CEO of Abyss get so hyped up over KJ's plan? Her behavior was very suspicious...

Deciding to confront the CEO about this later on, KJ readied himself for work. He showered and put of a casual t-shirt and jeans before heading off to his parking lot.

Upon nearing his car, something caught his attention. Ash's car was still there.

Ash left last night after having a drink with me, KJ thought. Why is his car still here?

Taking out his phone, he dialed Ash's number. He picked up on the third ring.

"Yes, Jiwon?" Ash answered.

"Where are you now?" KJ asked in a casual tone.

"I'm about to head to the studio. Why?"

"Your car is still here," KJ informed him. "How come you didn't take it back home?"

"I felt a little dizzy after drinking with you," Ash replied. "So I left it there. I'll pick it up at the evening."

KJ frowned. During the ten years he'd known Ash, the latter never got drunk. The guy had an amazing willpower when it came to drinking.

"Okay," KJ said uncertainly. He tried to shrug off the feeling of dread rising within him. Was Ash hiding something from them?

"What did the third wheel say?" Mirae asked as she hugged Ash from behind.

"He saw my car parked at the basement downstairs," he replied.

They were at the kitchen, where Ash was preparing the food while Mirae continued her efforts to seduce him, only to fail miserably.

"I'm starting to think you only like me for my body," Ash jabbed her playfully.

Mirae stuck out her tongue at him. If it wasn't for the third wheel, KJ, she would have had her way with Ash in the morning. But after the unwanted interruption, Ash cited that he's gonna get late for work.

Ash noticed Mirae pouting behind him.

"Are you sure you want to do what KJ asked you?" Mirae mumbled, holding him tightly. She told him about what KJ said in the morning.

"Hmm," Ash replied. "I will."

He pulled her to face him. Her eyes were watery again but she fought hard to hold back her tears. He kissed her on the lips.

"I will be fine," he assured her.

"But I won't be," she said, her voice getting heavier. "I can't see you suffer like this."

Ash, wiped off the tears which were now falling down her cheeks.

"Mirae, you may not like KJ much," Ash said. "But I trust him. He won't let me suffer. I know it."

"He threw you under the bus!" Mirae protested. "And-"

Ash interrupted her with a deep kiss. "Trust him," Ash repeated with firm assurance. "He won't let me be in any danger. I know my friend. He may seem like a cold person outside, but he protects his loved ones. He knows what to do."

Mirae did not look assured. KJ might be one of the kingpins of the underworld, but it was hard for her to rely on him.

She leaned over and pulled him for a kiss. It was a desperate kiss, urging him to stay with her a little longer. Ash dug into her mouth, crushing their lips with a fierce intensity. Keeping their mouths glued together, he picked her up and placed her on the counter, wrapping her waist around him. His hands wandered off down to her naked clit, rubbing her opening. Mirae moaned into his mouth.

Before they could go any further, Ash broke off their intense session.

"We're going to be late for work," he winked at her. Mirae smacked him on the shoulder.

"Let's continue!" she demanded like a child.

"Get ready for work Jung Mirae," he ordered sternly. Grumbling in annoyance, Mirae got off the counter and went to her bedroom to change.

Blaming the whole ordeal on KJ, Mirae was half in mind to throw the guy off into the ocean.