
KJ entered the studio, only to see the others were already there. Dasom and Jinhyun were practicing their instruments. Ash was engrossed in some paperwork.

He looked around, but there was no sign of Mirae. It was almost 9 am and she still was not at the studio. There were a million questions he wanted to ask her. Moreover, if his hunch was right and she really was the CEO of Abyss, her strange behavior was more of a mystery. Why was she so hostile towards him?

His eyes wandered to Ash, who was busy writing lyrics. Ash's behavior did not seem out of the ordinary, but a nagging feeling lingered in KJ's mind. He felt Ash was somehow more...relaxed. There was no other word to describe his recent behavior. Dasom and Jinhyun did not notice the change in Ash but KJ was observant of it.

He strode over towards him.

"Your car is still at my place," KJ commented.

"Hmm," Ash responded absentmindedly.

"When are you planning to take it out?"

"Tonight probably," the latter answered.

"How come you got drunk last night?" KJ asked. "That too after one drink?"

"I don't know," Ash mumbled, scribbling out some lines and edited them.

"This song isn't good enough KJ," he said. "It's too melodramatic."

KJ frowned, looking at the paper. Ash crossed out some of the cheesy lines from their new song and red marked the changes. Although KJ suspected that Ash changed the subject deliberately, he stayed quiet. Instead, he focused on their new song.

"It's been a while since we met," KJ read the lyrics out loud. "Your face looks good. You've gotten prettier, but you were always beautiful in my eyes."

He pondered over the new lines. The previous line stated "We've met after so long. I feel you've turned more beautiful but you were always so beautiful to me my love."

He went over the lines again. "The new lines do seem more refined," KJ agreed after going through the notes. "Dasom! Jinhyun! We're gonna correct the chorus here."

"Not again!" Dasom complained. "We've sung it so many times."

"Stop complaining," Jinhyun snapped. "It's been weeks and we still haven't finished the album! We gotta give it our all."

Impressed by Jinhyun's sudden passion, KJ let him sing first. As they were recording, the studio door opened. KJ, Ash and Dason turned to see Mirae entering the room, with four coffee cups in her hands.

Seeing her, KJ's temper flared up.

"Do you have any consideration for our time?" KJ scolded her. Mirae was taken aback.

"Sir, I-"

"You're an hour late!" KJ shouted at her. "This isn't the behavior of a professional person!"

His attitude irked her. She really hated KJ's arrogance and behavior towards others. Mirea took a deep breath, controlling her temper.

"Sir," she started to explain. "I'm not-"

"Stop giving excuses," he snapped. "I hate latecomers."

"KJ, she isn't-" Ash began but KJ held up his hand. Mirae looked shocked and was at a loss for words.

"She has to learn that we're all on a tight schedule here!" KJ turned on him. "You can't make excuses for her!"

"I'm not making excuses for her," Ash replied coolly. "In fact, she came on time."

KJ frowned. "What? She just arrived now," he pointed out.

"No," Dasom piped up. "She arrived before you. We just sent her to pick up some coffee for us. She even brought you a cup."

KJ noticed the coffee cups in her hands. Mirae was looking down, feeling embarrassed and infuriated.

"What's going on?" Jinhyun called from the recording room. "I feel like I'm the only one working on the song now!"

"Just a minute," Dasom answered through the mic. "Keep singing."

He then turned to KJ. "KJ, you should apologize to Ms. Mirae," he suggested.

"I agree," Ash nodded. "You just shouted at an innocent person. Apologize now, KJ."

His last words came out more like a threat, which took KJ by surprise. Even Mirae was taken aback by Ash's decisive tone.

"It's alright," Mirae said, a bit red in the face. "It was a misunderstanding."

"Nonetheless," Ash said. "He should apologize. Won't you KJ?"

"I-I'm sorry," KJ gritted through his teeth. For a moment, he thought he saw a hint of anger in Ash's eyes but it quickly disappeared in a blink. Mirae did not buy his insincere apology either, but given that she was undercover, she kept her mouth shut and smiled.

"It's alright, sir," she said in a low voice. Her voice quivered a little in anger. It took her all of her willpower to suppress it.

"Can we focus on the song?" Dasom butted in, not noticing Ash and Mirae's deadly looks.

"Yeah, let's finish up here," KJ said. "You!"

He pointed at Mirae.

"Yes sir?"

"You'll accompany me to ANC TV station today," he ordered. "I have a shooting there. And Ash will head over to T-Net. He has to meet some execs today."

He nodded at Ash, who understood which 'exec' he had to meet. This exchange did not go unnoticed by Mirae.

Ash nodded back and they returned to the song.

After an hour, Mirae was ready to accompany KJ to ANC TV. She was standing next to their micro-bus, waiting for him. After a few minutes, he strutted out of the building, sporting a flaming red jacket and neon green pants. While his choice of clothes would be considered unusual, somehow KJ managed to pull it off. Mirae had to admit, he was very handsome. The tag of Nation's Ideal Boyfriend suited him as per his looks.

Too bad his personality was terrible, Mirae thought, shaking her head.

KJ stopped in front of her.

"Can you drive?" he asked coldly.


"Thought so," he stated, misreading her hesitation. "You don't know how to drive."

I drive a fucking Porsche you arrogant moron! Mirae screamed internally.

KJ got onto the driver's seat. Mirae took the passenger seat next to him and buckled her seat belt for, inwardly cursing KJ. Not only did he ruin her morning, he had the balls to unnecessarily shout at her as well.

Once seated, he revved up the car and they drove off towards their destination. They rode in silence. Mirae fidgeted in her seat. It was not the first time she was alone with KJ but without her mask, she felt uncomfortable around him.

KJ noticed her nervousness. She was now subconsciously biting her nail. He smirked. As he observed her, he reminisced the times when she used to bite he nails in nervousness. Once, she was so nervous about a potential job interview, she bit into her nails hard enough to make them bleed.

These memories were all KJ had of their past.

A past which Mirae has no idea about. A non-existent past.

"Why are you staring at me, sir?" her voice broke him out of his reverie.

"Are you nervous?" he asked, in an indifferent tone.

"A little," she admitted.

"Don't be," he said. "I won't bite you."

No, Mirae thought, glaring at him. You'll do worse. Ruin my love life.

She was still sulking over his unwanted intrusion that morning. KJ frowned at her expression which looked as if she would like nothing but to throw him off a cliff.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" KJ demanded.

"How, sir?" Mirae asked, feigning an innocent tone. "I'm not giving you any look."

She smiled sweetly at him but KJ saw through her ruse. He knew she was inwardly cursing him. But why?

If Mirae really was the CEO of Abyss, then she must be pissed at him because of his idea to use Ash as bait. But as far as he knew, those two did not know each other before they met at the hotel. However, the CEO was the one who informed him about Ash's involvement with the Cartel. Does that mean, she knew him beforehand?

"Where did you say you lived again?" KJ asked, trying to hold a conversation with her.

"I didn't," Mirae replied. She did not elaborate further.

"Where do you live?"

"You can check my CV for that."

Her answer frustrated him. "Ms. Mirae," he started. "You're my assistant. Don't you think I have the right to know where my assistant lives?"

"I am EXOTIC's assistant," Mirae corrected him. "If the others did not ask me about my address, then why are you so interested? I don't usually tell people where I live. After all, you never know who might turn up on my doorstep unannounced."

KJ narrowed his eyes. Was she referring to his visit to the CEO's house that morning? If Mirae was really the CEO, then that must mean he interrupted something that morning. But what? He must find out.

"Ms. Mirae-"

"Sir, if you don't mind, I'd like to take a short nap," she cut him off. "You see, I have not slept for the past two nights."

"Why?" KJ asked curiously.

"The first night, I was too happy to sleep," Mirae revealed. "The second night, I had troubling nightmares because of some asshole."

Before he could open his mouth, she closed her eyes and turned her head the other way, ignoring him for the rest of the ride.

Bitch! KJ cursed inwardly.