The New School

Jade let out a sigh of relief when KJ opened his eyes. 

"What happened?" he asked as he struggled to get up. Even in his astral form, his body felt pain. It was surreal. But after changing time and living with a talking cat for a decade, nothing seemed impossible to him anymore.

"Your physical body went into cardiac arrest," Jade informed him. "And also, your spirit energy depleted after you found out the truth about your parents' death."

KJ froze. His expression went from pained to anger and betrayal in seconds.  "I can't believe grandfather hid that from me," he said quietly.

"KJ, the old man was protecting you," Jade consoled him. "Coz he was worried that you would do something stupid if you found out!"

"He still owed me the truth," KJ said in a bitter tone. Jade did not argue back because even he felt that KJ was right. His grandfather owed him the truth and deprived him of it.

"Where are we going next?" KJ asked. 

"December 1999," Jade replied. "The start of your training."

"What? No!" KJ protested.

"Why not?" Jade asked.

"Because…" KJ let out a shiver. The very thought of 'her' made him cower. If she was still around, he was sure she would beat him out of his coma.

"Nope!" KJ refused. "Not my training period. I refuse."

"Oh come on!" Jade begged. "We need to revisit your past to increase your willpower! Your spirit is still unsteady!"

"Going back to my training days will only make me want to choke myself," KJ shuddered. 

"Stop cowering, you scaredy cat," Jade chuckled. "We haven't got time. Let's just go."

Having no choice, KJ reluctantly agreed. He still dreaded meeting 'her'. 

"How scared are you of this person?" Jade teased him. "She sounds interesting."

"Let's just say, she was a teacher from hell," KJ commented. "You'll see."

"Ready then?" Jade asked. KJ nodded. 

The familiar darkness engulfed them once again before they landed in front of a large academy building. 

"Can we hide somewhere?" KJ requested.

"Relax," Jade assured him. "No one can see us."

"No, I still want to hide," KJ said. "I have a feeling 'she' will sense us."

Jade rolled his eyes. How scared is he of this mysterious woman? "Just watch, you moron!" Jade scolded him. KJ pursed his lips in fear. He kept an eye out just in case. 

They watched a limousine stopping in front of the academy's gate. Secretary Lee got out to open the door. A scared Jiwon came out of the car.

"Why do I have to come here?" he asked Secretary Lee. "I want to go back home."

The child was crying. He was homesick and is missing his grandfather. The old man did not accompany Jiwon, because he was afraid that he would cry in front of the child. 

"Grandfather already explained to you," Secretary Lee said in a gentle but firm tone. "You have to train so that you can protect yourself. This school not only has a very extensive learning program but you will also be able to learn mixed martial arts and other attack techniques. The Headmaster of the Academy agreed to take you under her wing. She is the best in this field."

Jiwon pouted. Can a woman really teach him how to fight?

Secretary Lee escorted him inside towards the reception desk. Upon entering the school, Jiwon marveled at it in wonder. 

The Academy of Alternate Development is a highly prestigious private boarding school. It was not a school for elite class; it welcomed students from all social classes. However, the school was infamous for its selection process. In fact, the students did not go through any admission tests here. 

The school chose its students. They are selected based on high academic merits, behavior and outstanding potentials. Many upper class parents try to bribe their way in, but the academy is known for its anti-corruption stance. Only the best of the best would be chosen without exceptions. Heading the school was its iron lady, Sung Sohee.

The academy's main office building was almost as big as Jiwon's mansion, but it was just one building. The whole school stretched across the mountain's valleys. Classes were held in different buildings. The students have to walk miles to reach their classes. This was designed to make the children physically active from a young age. 

There were numerous buildings for extracurricular activities as well. The intense creative programs include music, art, mountain climbing, sports and even IT development. The students were encouraged to pursue their passion in different fields. The school was designed to make them genuinely enjoy learning.

"Why was I chosen for this school?" Jiwon questioned Secretary Lee. "I mean… I'm not that good in studies nor am I that outstanding. People here are…"

He glanced at the students around him. They were engrossed in their books or busy making notes. None of them threw him a second glance.

"They're all such nerds," he whispered. "I don't even like to study!"

Secretary Lee smiled. "You were chosen for your incredible talent in music," he replied. "This school does not take in requests, but since your grandfather is close with the Headmaster of this school, she agreed to at least see your demo performance. After judging your performance, she agreed to take you in for the school's Contemporary Music department."

"I thought I was here to be trained?" Jiwon frowned.

"You will be trained alongside your studies," Secretary Lee informed him. "During the day, you will study music and at night, you will be trained in various forms of martial arts."

"B-but that would mean I won't be able to play anymore!" Jiwon whined. "So much work!"

"You have to do it," Secretary Lee said sternly. "Your grandfather has ordered it. No arguments," he added when Jiwon opened his mouth.

Jiwon bit his tongue. Secretary Lee processed his documents and Jiwon was assigned a room. After the processes were complete, Secretary Lee led Jiwon to his room. 

It was a spacious room overseeing the beautiful mountains. It was large enough for two beds and also had two bathrooms. There were two desks stacked beside each other in a corner while a bunk bed big enough for two people was lined along the wall. There was even a cosy chimney.

"I believe you will be sharing the room with another person," Secretary Lee commented. "Be good to him. Don't fight."

Jiwon nodded.

"Well then Jiwon I'll be off," Secretary Lee said. "Take care of yourself."

He squeezed the young boy's hand.

"Will grandpa visit me?" Jiwon asked. "When will he come?"

"He will visit you every weekend," Secretary Lee assured him. "Take care of yourself, my child."

With that, Secretary Lee walked out of the room, leaving Jiwon to this strange environment. 

Sighing, Jiwon started to unpack his bags. He was strangely obsessed about arranging his things on his own. He would not even let the servants at his house organize his room; he had to do it himself. As he was folding his clothes, the door opened once again. 

Standing at the entrance was a tall woman with short brown hair. She seemed to be in her early thirties and was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. But her most striking features were her green eyes. Those eyes looked familiar but Jiwon could not recall where he saw them.

The woman was scrutinizing him. "You must be Kwon Jiwon," she said with a smile, stretching out her hand. "I'm Sung Sohee, this school's Headmaster. Your grandfather is an old acquaintance."

Stunned by the appearance of the woman, Jiwon reached out to take her hand. As soon as their hands met, she twisted his arm and tackled him to the ground.

"Too weak!" she scolded him holding him down as he struggled.