Sung Sohee

Jiwon was struggling under the weight of the older woman. She showed no mercy when she pinned him down. 

"You're still too weak," she scolded him. "First lesson: never let your guard down around strangers!" 

"Let me go, lady!" Jiwon shouted at her. His protest was met by a smack on the head. 

"Second lesson: when an enemy attacks you, don't bother negotiating," she ordered, letting go of the kid. "Attack their weak point." 

Jiwon was still writhing in pain. His hand was not broken but the lady's grip was strong enough to leave a sprain. Angrily, he got up and rushed to attack her but she used her hand to hold him by the head. No matter how much Jiwon tried, he could not even reach her. 

"You have a lot of anger issues," Sohee commented. "Our journey will be a long one."

She flicked him backwards. Once again, Jiwon fell on the ground. 

"We'll start your training tomorrow," she instructed him. "Meet me at the field behind building number 7. Be there at 6 AM. Sharp." 

"It's too early!" Jiwon protested. Sohee looked at him sternly. Holding up his chin, she repeated, "6 AM. Sharp. No arguments." 

She let him go and turned towards the door. 

"If you don't arrive on time, I'll make you clean all the toilets for a week," she announced as she walked away. "Adios, kid!" 

Jiwon watched the woman's retreating back. His school life is about to become very miserable. 

He was getting off the floor when the door opened again. A sprawny, black haired kid of his own age entered the room. 

Jiwon studied him. The kid was almost his height and was wearing big, round glasses. He looks like a total nerd, Jiwon thought. 

The dorky kid was also observing Jiwon. The latter looked like he was mocking him. Typical rich kid, the nerd concluded.

Judging by their expressions, they do not like each other. "I'm your new roommate," the nerdy looking boy declared. "My name is Hyun Jung." 

"Kwon Jiwon," Jiwon replied, not bothering to extend his hand. "I've already taken the lower bunk." 

Hyun Jung's eyes narrowed. He wanted to take the lower bunk but the rich brat beat him to it. 

"Fine," he said curtly. For some reason, he had an inkling that he would not get along with his roommate.

Jiwon was having the same thoughts. He never got along with studious people. They bored him. Making a mental note to stay away from Hyun Jung, Jiwon went into one of the bathrooms to freshen up.

By the time he came out, it was already dinner time. Hyun Jung was already gone, so Jiwon was left on his own to look for the cafe.

As he walked through the halls, he could hear people whispering. 

"Isn't he the one who got in through a recommendation?" he heard one student asking another one. 

"So he bought his way in?" "He must be damn rich! This school doesn't take recommendations easily." 

"Whatever happened to 'talent over power'?"

"Money talks." 

Jiwon heard the students' gossip at every step.

He was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Instead of going to the cafeteria, he decided to go back to his room.

As he lay on his bed, he wondered why his grandfather sent him here. Was he really preparing Jiwon to be his heir? 

Thinking about his grandfather made him sadder. He wanted to call the old man but cell phones were not allowed inside the school. Students can call their parents only through the main office.

Sighing heavily, Jiwon decided to call it a day. He was exhausted anyway. Soon, he drifted off into a deep sleep. 


A splash of cold water woke him up from his slumber. 

"What? What?" Jiwon awoke with a fright, looking around. He was completely drenched with water.

Towering above him, was Teacher Sohee. 

"I thought I said 6 AM sharp," she reminded him sternly. "It's 6:01."

"Huh?" Jiwon gaped his mouth. He checked his watch. It was 6:01.

The commotion woke up Hyun Jung. "What's happening?" Hyun Jung asked sleepily. He was surprised to see the Headmaster in their room. Immediately, he sprung down the bed and bowed in respect.

"Good morning, ma'am," he greeted. Sohee acknowledged him before turning to Jiwon.

"Get ready and come down within five minutes. Otherwise I will make you scrub out the toilets for two weeks!" "

You said one week last time!" Jiwon protested.

"Talk back again and I will make you scrub the toilets for the rest of your life!" Sohee shot back. "And make sure you're wearing your PE clothes."

Yelping in fright, Jiwon shut his mouth and darted towards the bathroom to get ready. Within three minutes, he freshened up and came out.

"Follow me," Sohee ordered. Jiwon reluctantly followed her out.

She led him all the way to a wide valley, which was used as a sporting ground. The field was large, almost as big as a street in Seoul.

"Run ten laps around this field," Sohee ordered him.

"Around this area?" Jiwon exclaimed. "Ten laps? It's too big!"

Sohee bent down and stared at him straight in the eyes.

"Ten laps or I will make you wash the dishes here till you graduate."

Jiwon gulped. This woman was a nightmare.

Cursing his grandfather in his head, Jiwon began to run around the field.

The area was so big, that it took him fifteen minutes to finish one lap alone. By the time he was on his second lap, he was panting heavily.

He paused to rest but Sohee's sharp voice pierced through.

"Stop procrastinating and run!" she shouted at him. "Don't stop till I blow on this whistle!"

Scared, Jiwon kept on running. Finally after an hour and a half, he was at his limit. Thankfully, Sohee blew the whistle.

"Tch, too slow," she commented as Jiwon huffed and puffed his way towards her.

He was sweating profusely and had no energy left.

"Breakfast will start at 8 AM," Sohee said. "Go and freshen up. I want to see you at the table. If you miss breakfast like you skipped out on dinner yesterday, you will be scrubbing the entire school's floor from tomorrow."

Surprised by her keen observation, all Jiwon could do was look down and say a meek, "Yes, ma'am."