
"You sure were persistent," Jade commented.

"He was being abused, Jade," KJ rolled his eyes. They were observing young Jiwon taking an early walk out of the village. "I had to do something!"

"It's weird to see you actually caring for a person," Jade replied. "You're usually so cold towards people. It's weird to see you helping someone."

KJ ignored his jibe and concentrated on his younger self. Jiwon was walking up the path towards the main city.

"Let's follow him," KJ ordered. Jade shrugged and tagged along, his tail swaying behind him.

Jiwon had a piece of paper in his hand with an address written on it. The place was not far from the village he was staying at; it was only twenty minutes away on a bus. He took the first bus which was en route towards the city.