The Shaman

Jiwon went back to the inn to look for Hyun Jung but he could not find him anywhere. He searched in the kitchen, the field, the yard and also at the washrooms, but there was no sign of Hyun Jung. He spotted Junghyung and his gang at a distance.

"Hey Junhyung!" he called out. The latter turned around to see Jiwon panting.

"What's up, Jiwon?" he inquired.

"Have you seen Hyun Jung anywhere?" Jiwon managed to breath out. "I can't find him."

"I'm not sure," Junhyung frowned. 

"I think I saw him heading towards the village's exit," one of the boys in Junhyung's gang piped up. "I saw him going out of the gates."

"When did you see him last?" Jiwon asked him.

"Around twenty minutes ago," he answered. "He-"

But Jiwon did not let him finish. He sprinted off towards the village exit.