Sunny Daze (1): I Will Find You

KJ stared at the box in disbelief. Nothing happened. Even after putting in the password, the box remained shut.

"The hell?" he exclaimed in frustration. He kept on inputting the date in different arrangements but the box remained shut tight. Did this SD give him the wrong information?

He kept on trying to unlock the box but failed every time. It just refused to open! Finally after two hours of trying, he gave up. It was frustrating that the clue to his parents' murders were right in front of him and he could not access it at all. Goo Soo Bin took the security of the box very seriously. It was well protected even from KJ himself.

He picked up his phone and dialed Mirae's number. She picked up on the third ring.

"Hello, KJ," she greeted from the other end.

"What happened with Shun Oguri?" he asked.