Sunny Daze (2): Faceoff

Mirae arrived at the Police Station once again wearing her mask and sunglasses. She headed straight for the cell where Shun Oguri was held. Hyun Jung, Eli and Sunye were already there along with a few other police officers. A coroner was examining the body which was hanging from the ceiling.

"How did this happen?" Mirae demanded. "Wasn't he under protective custody?"

"He was," Hyun Jung replied. "But according to the guard, he stepped out for a minute to use the washroom. When he came back, Shun Oguri was hanging by the bars. He used his belt to strangle himself."

The coroner who was examining the body stood up. "He was hung by the belt," he concluded. "However, it seems that he was effectively paralyzed before he died."

"Paralyzed?" Eli questioned. "Someone drugged him?"

"No," the coroner replied. "He wasn't drugged. His vital point was hit."