Sunny Daze (4): Let's do this

"Aren't you being too hard on yourself?" Ash commented. Mirae broke out of her daze. They were at her apartment, having dinner. Ash had noticed that Mirae was barely touching her food. 

"Huh?" she asked. 

"You're being too hard on yourself," Ash repeated. "You're not even feeling that well for the past couple of days. And now you're undertaking the operation at Sunny Daze. Why are you pushing yourself?" 

"I have to," Mirae replied. "If something goes wrong and we can't catch Teppei, we'll fall behind again! He's our key to catching Ziko."

"But does Ziko even know who the main head of the Cartel is?" Ash asked. "From what I know about them, even the leaders themselves never saw the President's face." 

"But it'll be a blow to the Cartel," Mirae said. "Ziko holds a lot of their secrets. If we can catch him, most of their activities will be exposed." 

Ash nodded. "But I don't think you should go there in this state," he said.