Sunny Daze (5): Call Me Jiwon

KJ was tapping his foot impatiently. He was at a private cafe's VIP room. The reporter had asked him to meet and the guy was late. KJ had been waiting for almost an hour and his patience was running thin.

People really had no consideration for someone else's time. He did not want to entertain reporters but as a celebrity, it was an unfortunate part of his job. Otherwise, reporters can destroy an idol's life in an instant. 

But after waiting for another half an hour, KJ decided to leave. He could not care less about someone who had him waiting. However, as soon as he got up, the door to the private room opened. A lanky man in his thirties walked in.

The man had unkempt hair and his eyes were droopy. There were dark circles under his eyes which made him look like a panda.

"I am so sorry, Mr. Kwon," he apologized."The traffic was really bad."

KJ raised an eyebrow. He had checked the traffic updates and the roads were clear. But he did not voice it out.