Sunny Daze (8): Hello, Old Friend

Teppei walked towards the third floor of the club. He passed through the dancing crowd and headed straight for the stairs. As he walked towards his destination, he bumped into a masked figure.

"Sorry," he said.

His voice made the masked person freeze. Teppei did not notice it but kept on walking.


Somi was rooted to her spot. That voice. She felt her body go cold. It was that voice! She did not see the man properly since she was distracted by her phone but the voice made her halt in her steps.

It's him, she thought, panicking. She knew it was him. 

She turned around to see where the man went. He was probably heading for the stairs. Does that mean the man came here as a member of the Cartel? 

I must tell Mirae! She thought. But her feet would not move. Her hands were trembling and she felt cold inside. Her body was too paralyzed with fear; it would not budge.

Move! She willed herself. Move!