Sunny Daze (9): A Dent in the Plan

"Riggs, something feels wrong," Mirae said. They saw on the monitor that Teppei went to the third floor and minutes later Hyun Jung also entered. But Hyun Jung did not emerge from that room for almost half an hour. 

"He's been in there for quite a while," Riggs frowned.

"Go and check," Mirae instructed. "See if they're still in there."

"Yes, CEO," he said and scurried off. Mirae returned her attention to the monitor. KJ and Ash had entered the club. They separated on the entrance. KJ went off towards the third floor while Ash ventured off to the isolated spot where they had planned to subdue Teppei.

She scanned the crowd to see if Somi was around but even she was nowhere to be seen. Everyone had agreed not to contact each other at all in case the Cartel members catch them. Mirae had no way to know what was going on.

Suddenly the screen turned black.

"What the-"