EXOTIC (X): Defying Fate

Jinhyun was troubled. He was still living at Dasom's house and both of them were watching the news at his living room.

"Our PA is the CEO of Abyss!" Dasom exclaimed. 

"We should have figured it out," Jinhyun said thoughtfully. "But she was protecting KJ, so we can't really blame her for hiding her identity."

"And she was dating Ash," Dasom said. "Look where that ended her up at…"

"We were with Ash for ten years!" Jinhyun snapped. "If we couldn't figure out his intentions, then what chance did she have? He was just too far ahead of us. Even the combination of our time together and her endless resources couldn't expose his truth to us…"

"So you're finally admitting that he is a liar?" Dasom asked in surprise.

Jinhyun hesitated. "I don't know what I believe anymore," he sighed. Dasom did not know how to reply to that. They simply sipped the drinks they were holding in silence.