EXOTIC (XI): The Press Conference

The hall was buzzing with people. Representatives from the top media companies were seated there, waiting to get the scoop of the century. They already envisioned it. "The Nation's Idol turns Abuser" was running through their minds as they hungrily looked for juicy gossips. It did not matter to them what the truth was. They would make up their own version of the truth. All they needed was a scapegoat.

"Just look at them," Junki said in disgust as he peered from behind the curtain. "They're dying for the scoop."

"Did that girl agree to comply, sir?" one of his staff members asked.

"She did," he said. "Even signed the papers. I have them right here."

He held out the documents. "If she refuses to cooperate, we'll slam legal action on her."

The staff member gaped at him in awe. "Nice going sir!" he exclaimed.